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HELP Boondocker Pump Gas T-BO 8



Well-known member
09 M8 62.
Sled runs great, pulls boost, but all of a sudden bogs out, and dies on me. It happens after a short WOT but has happened while running in the 7k's as well. I'm thinking the wastegate isn't bleeding off. I am also experiencing it almost killing itself when I blip the throttle off idle, it settles down to 700 rpm then back up in the 1400 idle range.
When it dies, I need to crack the throttle, and pull 10+ before it will start again, it will run fine, then all of a sudden bog out and die (tried to save the motor by pumping throttle).

Anyone experience this??? I'll call Boondocker Mon morning but looking to get opinions.
Do you have a fuel pressure guage? I had a similar problem and found it to be wiring wasn't grounded and drawing down the volts to a point that the fuel pump wouldn't work properly. Or maybe a bad fuel pump.

Just some ideas :)
there is a line running from the charge side of the turbo into the gas tank and connects to the regulator. when boosting it pushes the regulator in forcing full f/p. I have seen problems with it not working right and causing a sled to die.
My first thought was line from the back of the fuel pump to the charge, except I thought that it might be a creating a vacuum and cutting fuel. I didn't understand what this line was for, thanks for explaining.

I checked all grounds, and am good there.

I can't check fuel pressure until Mon.

Watch for an update!!
Let me know what you find out. Had same problem on idle this last weekend. First time this has happened to me out of 800 miles. Start it, barley idle, try to nurse throttle, kill, 20+ pulls, 15 minutes to catch my breath, then it would finally start. I tried leaning the low side numbers out, thought I was getting some where, then it would do the same thing two hours later. ??????
the one I messed with had zip ties(little ones) holding the line on that goes from the added grommet on the tank to the F/P regulator(the line inside the tank), the boost pressure blew it off after a few rides. Also the fuel line they used was not adequate and was getting soft and would prob blow the line apart or get a hole in it at some point. this one softened up the line and the Zip tie and fell off I was able to get a larger zip tie on it to finish out the day. It was the dealers sled and he was riding it but one of his guys did the install and used all of bd's parts and specs, he was a little pi$$ed and fixed it himself right away, but now the problem is that the turbo is breaking the oil tank and leaking oil everywhere.
the one I messed with had zip ties(little ones) holding the line on that goes from the added grommet on the tank to the F/P regulator(the line inside the tank), the boost pressure blew it off after a few rides. Also the fuel line they used was not adequate and was getting soft and would prob blow the line apart or get a hole in it at some point. this one softened up the line and the Zip tie and fell off I was able to get a larger zip tie on it to finish out the day. It was the dealers sled and he was riding it but one of his guys did the install and used all of bd's parts and specs, he was a little pi$$ed and fixed it himself right away, but now the problem is that the turbo is breaking the oil tank and leaking oil everywhere.

Who was the installing dealer. I have one know in my shop that was installed in Oregon. It bogs right off idle (thinking busted reed). The charge tube is coated with oil/fuel, melted wires, zip ties on the fuel lines, the exhaust hole through the tunnel looks like it was cut with a plasma cutter by somebody who has the shakes. Just not a very clean install.
I'll have BD on the phone in an hr.
The one that bogs off idle has 700 miles, 09 153. The 162 is a fresh build on a new sled and I've put 12 miles with the bog problem since the get go.
Boondocker tech support was a little frustrating to deal with, they said it sounds like too much fuel. They want the parameters back to 0's and to back off on the pressure.
I'll check fuel pressure this afternoon.

Make sure the exhaust donuts are in good shape with no exposed wire. Turbo's are critical in that they have to maintain a seal.

Make sure the exhaust donuts are in good shape with no exposed wire. Turbo's are critical in that they have to maintain a seal.

I didn't have time to mess with it today. I'll check everything tomorrow, hopefully riding it tomorrow afternoon.
A dealer in WY it was a clean install, but should have thrown out some of the bd stuff and used real parts. when the line blew off it started running fuel into the intake and die, then a lot of pulls with throttle pinned it would fire and run until you got on it and then let of the throttle and it would suck gas into the intake again.
Got her. The line previously talked about was blown apart. Ran it 30 miles today at 6# without a hickup.
thanks for the help.

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