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Global Cooling is upon us !!!!

As usual our high-paid, overindulged so called "scientists" have gotten it all wrong and ignored the real facts of God's creation. We think we as the human race are so influential in our actions that we can actually change the climate with our pathetic little CO2 output.
FACT: In one day an erupting volcano spews more C02 and toxic acids into the atmosphere than ALL of our pollution from IC engines since they came into existence.
FACT: Make sure your sled is in good running condition, youre gonna need it!
As usual our high-paid, overindulged so called "scientists" have gotten it all wrong and ignored the real facts of God's creation. We think we as the human race are so influential in our actions that we can actually change the climate with our pathetic little CO2 output.
FACT: In one day an erupting volcano spews more C02 and toxic acids into the atmosphere than ALL of our pollution from IC engines since they came into existence.
FACT: Make sure your sled is in good running condition, youre gonna need it!

no, that is incorrect..

Seattle times article..

I do believe that Sulfur emissions are greater from natural sources though, but our CO2 output seems to be much much higher. Now, if CO2 actually does anything, that is for another debate.
CO2" redirects here. For the postal district, see CO postcode area.

Carbon dioxide

IUPAC name
Other names Carbonic acid gas; carbonic anhydride; dry ice (solid)
CAS number [124-38-9]
PubChem 280
EC number 204-696-9
UN number 1013
Solid (dry ice): 1845
Mixtures with Ethylene oxide: 1952,3300
RTECS number FF6400000
ChemSpider ID 274
Molecular formula CO2
Molar mass 44.010 g/mol
Appearance colorless, odorless gas
Density 1.562 g/mL (solid at 1 atm and −78.5 °C)
0.770 g/mL (liquid at 56 atm and 20 °C)
1.977 g/L (gas at 1 atm and 0 °C)
849.6 g/L (supercritical fluid at 150 atm and 30 °C
Melting point
−78.5 °C (194.7 K, −109.3 °F) subl.

Boiling point
−56.56 °C (216.6 K, −69.9 °F) (at 5.185 bar)

Solubility in water 1.45 g/L at 25 °C, 100 kPa
Acidity (pKa) 6.35, 10.33
Refractive index (nD) 1.1120
Viscosity 0.07 cP at −78 °C
Dipole moment zero
Molecular shape linear
Related compounds
Other anions Carbon disulfide
Other cations Silicon dioxide
Germanium dioxide
Tin dioxide
Lead dioxide
Related carbon oxides Carbon monoxide
Carbon suboxide
Dicarbon monoxide
Carbon trioxide
Related compounds Carbonic acid
Carbonyl sulfide
Supplementary data page
Structure and
properties n, εr, etc.
data Phase behaviour
Solid, liquid, gas
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
Infobox references
Carbon dioxide (chemical formula: CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state.
Carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars which may either be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose, proteins and the wide variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development. It is produced during respiration by plants, and by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend on living and decaying plants for food, either directly or indirectly. It is, therefore, a major component of the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is generated as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels or the burning of vegetable matter, among other chemical processes. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from volcanoes and other geothermal processes such as hot springs and geysers and by the dissolution of carbonates in crustal rocks.
As of March 2009, carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is at a concentration of 387 ppm by volume.[1] Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide fluctuate slightly with the change of the seasons, driven primarily by seasonal plant growth in the Northern Hemisphere. Concentrations of carbon dioxide fall during the northern spring and summer as plants consume the gas, and rise during the northern autumn and winter as plants go dormant, die and decay. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas as it transmits visible light but absorbs strongly in the infrared and near-infrared.

its C02 carbon dioxide ...............not Carbon monoxide but the left wing dip****s wants the general population to believe that it is a harmful gas and that we are to blame ......

oh and one more note ....the plants and trees are what gives us oxygen to breath ....pull yer head outa your azz
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its C02 carbon dioxide ...............not Carbon monoxide but the left wing dip****s wants the general population to believe that it is a harmful gas and that we are to blame ......

oh and one more note ....the plants and trees are what gives us oxygen to breath ....pull yer head outa your azz

everything in moderation... ;) I need water to survive, but too much and I drown...

I remember hearing a study about the increase of CO2 on plant life. It was stating that the plants and trees (still a plant) were growing much faster and fuller due to the increased levels. So that is why my tomato plants are growing so dang fast!! :D

Anyone that thinks they know what the earth is going to do in the future is just ignorant. We have no clue at all. We humans know very little about anything at all.. to think we can understand a system that is the world and the universe, is well, too much.
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Representative James Sensenbrenner from Minnesota is pissed at what he calls "The Cow Fart Tax." He had Megyn Kelly busting up this morning for the most mentions of the word "fart" in Fox history. He's on the committee that is ridiculously trying to pass a huge tax on each cow ($175 per dairy cow per year, $80 per beef cow and $20 per pig), which means prices on dairy products and beef and pork will all shoot through the roof.

Greenies believe that carbon emissions are directly linked to greenhouse effect. Now UN "scientists" think gassy cows contribute to "global warming." (18% of all greenhouse gas emissions). See William Lajeunesse in the "burp tent" with the cows. ROTFLMBO http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m/22462010/more-grass-less-gas.htm#q=sensenbrenner+cows

The truth is "We are a carbon based species. We consume carbon and we emit carbon. Without sufficient carbon in our diets we will all die. Yet our government wants to ban carbon (CO2) as a pollutant dangerous to our health."
Representative James Sensenbrenner from Minnesota is pissed at what he calls "The Cow Fart Tax." He had Megyn Kelly busting up this morning for the most mentions of the word "fart" in Fox history. He's on the committee that is ridiculously trying to pass a huge tax on each cow ($175 per dairy cow per year, $80 per beef cow and $20 per pig), which means prices on dairy products and beef and pork will all shoot through the roof.

Greenies believe that carbon emissions are directly linked to greenhouse effect. Now UN "scientists" think gassy cows contribute to "global warming." (18% of all greenhouse gas emissions). See William Lajeunesse in the "burp tent" with the cows. ROTFLMBO http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m/22462010/more-grass-less-gas.htm#q=sensenbrenner+cows

The truth is "We are a carbon based species. We consume carbon and we emit carbon. Without sufficient carbon in our diets we will all die. Yet our government wants to ban carbon (CO2) as a pollutant dangerous to our health."

Those are interesting studies. What I think is going on are discoveries as to what is exactly in the carbon cycle. Finding sinks and sources as to where it goes, what it is transformed into, and then re transformed again. This is all just more pieces to the puzzle. When you hear "contribute to global warming" you should think, have a part in the carbon cycle. The rest is just to create an emotional response ... oooohhhhh global warming bad, therefore cows bad... blah.
everything in moderation... ;) I need water to survive, but too much and I drown...

I remember hearing a study about the increase of CO2 on plant life. It was stating that the plants and trees (still a plant) were growing much faster and fuller due to the increased levels. So that is why my tomato plants are growing so dang fast!! :D

Anyone that thinks they know what the earth is going to do in the future is just ignorant. We have no clue at all. We humans know very little about anything at all.. to think we can understand a system that is the world and the universe, is well, too much.

I'm glad we agree on this Ruffy!

So, I guess we agree on cap and trade also based on your above statement that your buddy Obama's pushing.

Just to re-cap, Ruffy says Obama is ignorant for trying to institute a tax plan based on the belief that man made CO2 is causing global warming.

I'm glad we argee on a few things today RR. E
Just to re-cap, Ruffy says Obama is ignorant for trying to institute a tax plan based on the belief that man made CO2 is causing global warming.

I'm glad we argee on a few things today RR. E

Kind of.. but... you had to know it was coming..

The sources of emissions of C02 are similar to if not the same as the sources for other pollutants.

I am in favor of instituting a tax plan based on pollution... though not sure I like this method.

I like the idea of taxing the pollution at the source, easier book keeping. Pollution has costs in society, the economic structure needs to take these costs into account, IMO
Kind of.. but... you had to know it was coming..

The sources of emissions of C02 are similar to if not the same as the sources for other pollutants.

I am in favor of instituting a tax plan based on pollution... though not sure I like this method.

I like the idea of taxing the pollution at the source, easier book keeping. Pollution has costs in society, the economic structure needs to take these costs into account, IMO

What kind of tax?
How much tax?
What is the results in jobs and wages as a result of the above tax?

These are always questions that need to but are never asked.
What kind of tax?
How much tax?
What is the results in jobs and wages as a result of the above tax?

These are always questions that need to but are never asked.

Those questions are always asked... apparently not many ask you....;)

A usage tax, what comes out of the ground gets taxed right at the source. I would guess a flat tax. Tax oil, tax coal, tax natural gas, tax all the others fossil fuel sources and anything else that is deemed necessary.

How much? Just enough.

Results - Resources shift from pollution heavy to those that pollute less.
This goes on the premise that you remove all renewable energy and energy efficiency credits or incentives. Nobody is able to pick a winning technology, the government isn't capable either. So pick the losers and tax them. Let the markets and individual figure out the alternatives.
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Those questions are always asked... apparently not many ask you....;)

A usage tax, what comes out of the ground gets taxed right at the source. I would guess a flat tax. Tax oil, tax coal, tax natural gas, tax all the others fossil fuel sources and anything else that is deemed necessary.

How much? Just enough.

Results - Resources shift from pollution heavy to those that pollute less.
This goes on the premise that you remove all renewable energy and energy efficiency credits or incentives. Nobody is able to pick a winning technology, the government isn't capable either. So pick the losers and tax them. Let the markets and individual figure out the alternatives.

They tax, you pay more.
Until politicians get it thru their heads and the enviros are forced to back off, nothing will change.

We need to drill our own oil, get our own natural gas, grow and cut our own trees, WHILE LOOKING FOR BETTER WAYS.
You don't do that by taxing, all taxing does it make it harder for companies to survive and it promotes abuses by those seeking to destroy the industries being taxed.

Define: Just Enough.
What is Just Enough.
Every time you turn around washington is changing the definition of Just Enough.

So tell me, what is Just enough.
And no, those question arn't asked and arn't asnwered.
They just see the bottom line on how much money they get to take in and spend and not the end result. It has been proven over and over that the higher the taxation gets, the worse the situation gets.
They tax, you pay more.
Until politicians get it thru their heads and the enviros are forced to back off, nothing will change.

We need to drill our own oil, get our own natural gas, grow and cut our own trees, WHILE LOOKING FOR BETTER WAYS.
You don't do that by taxing, all taxing does it make it harder for companies to survive and it promotes abuses by those seeking to destroy the industries being taxed.

Define: Just Enough.
What is Just Enough.
Every time you turn around washington is changing the definition of Just Enough.

So tell me, what is Just enough.
And no, those question arn't asked and arn't asnwered.
They just see the bottom line on how much money they get to take in and spend and not the end result. It has been proven over and over that the higher the taxation gets, the worse the situation gets.

Wrong? I never said I wouldn't pay more... Of course I would. Gas would be more expensive, electricity from coal would be more expensive, but it would make other new technologies more competitive by incorporating more of the total cost of using fossil fuels.

Just enough is the amount required to create a gradual shift in resources without creating an overwhelming tax increase with limited alternatives. Yah, how likely is that going to happen?
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Wrong? I never said I wouldn't pay more... Of course I would. Gas would be more expensive, electricity from coal would be more expensive, but it would make other new technologies more competitive by incorporating more of the total cost of using fossil fuels.

Just enough is the amount required to create a gradual shift in resources without creating an overwhelming tax increase with limited alternatives. Yah, how likely is that going to happen?

Thank you.
You just answered the unanswered question.

"but it would make other new technologies more competitive by incorporating more of the total cost of using fossil fuels."
That is to say, it would make the cheap source SO expensive as to make the outragious seem cheap. That is the problem with the system.
It stymies any NEW research by sucking up all the extra cash into paying taxes.
You can't FORCE new technology. Either it works and is accepted or it doesn't and is rejected because of cost or faulty product.

That is the problem with big government. They think they know everything and they don't. You can't FORCE people to drive less or to use less without also putting such a heavy cost burden on them that they can't do anything else either. Like save money, buy new technology or invest.

The only thing taxation does is give the fed a reason to spend money and tax more. There is no such thing as too much tax to a politician. Just ask Obama.
Thank you.
You just answered the unanswered question.

"but it would make other new technologies more competitive by incorporating more of the total cost of using fossil fuels."
That is to say, it would make the cheap source SO expensive as to make the outragious seem cheap. That is the problem with the system.
It stymies any NEW research by sucking up all the extra cash into paying taxes.
You can't FORCE new technology. Either it works and is accepted or it doesn't and is rejected because of cost or faulty product.

That is the problem with big government. They think they know everything and they don't. You can't FORCE people to drive less or to use less without also putting such a heavy cost burden on them that they can't do anything else either. Like save money, buy new technology or invest.

The only thing taxation does is give the fed a reason to spend money and tax more. There is no such thing as too much tax to a politician. Just ask Obama.

And while the cost of energy goes up the production goes down ... Why ??
Global competition.
China is building a coal powered power plant every week. China's environmental controls are about as restrictive as the USA 100 years ago.

Remember in economics minimum input maximum output.

So how are going top get the rest of the world to go along with this "consumption tax" ... you are not going to get the world to go along.
That is to say, it would make the cheap source SO expensive as to make the outragious seem cheap. That is the problem with the system.
It stymies any NEW research by sucking up all the extra cash into paying taxes.
You can't FORCE new technology. Either it works and is accepted or it doesn't and is rejected because of cost or faulty product.

The cheap source is only cheap because it doesn't take into account all the other effects of using that source of fuel. They are not considered or taken into account in the price. You say they are cheap, I say they defer the costs to a later point in time. It doesn't styme research, especially if the money gathered is given right back into research. Since alternatives are to be p referenced, you open up new markets for goods and services that were not their to begin with.

That is the problem with big government. They think they know everything and they don't. You can't FORCE people to drive less or to use less without also putting such a heavy cost burden on them that they can't do anything else either. Like save money, buy new technology or invest.

That is why the don't choose the winners, just choose the losers. The market and individuals choose the winners, the way it should be. You don't force them, they have a choice. You are talking about quickly making changes. I am not, you slowly make changes / shifts. Easier on the economy and allows for business to more easily prosper.

Watch out for big bad govt, be scared, very scared.... :beer;
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