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Paid Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 31, 2006
Kremmling, Colorado
I can't beleive you would say that after some happenings... In my opinion TO is a good ball player isn't the stupid guy he used to be. He knows how to keep his mouth shut and play some ball. What is wrong with that?

I'm not really gonna go and shoot him. But he is an AZZhat and he can't keep his yap shut. Remember a few weeks ago and his comment about getting the popcorn out? And then today he stages some in the endzone!

Come on! the guy is a cocky d!ck! I agree that he is good, but that doesn't stop him from being an A$$


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 2, 2003
Colorado Springs
You can feel smug know that your team is struggling to fight off a second string qb. DOH!

For the record, my team is the Donkeys (and thats another discussion:eek: ).... I just happen to like dallas as well. And apparently, they ain't strugglin to bad:D
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