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Cooke City, Beartooth riding area comment period open

For those of you who do not live in Wyoming or Montana, but come riding in the Cooke City area, this concerns you!

Hello outdoor enthusiasts,

I know you have seen information from me in the past several months on the WPLI process. It is time now for comments on the High Lakes WSA. The comment period ends FEBUARY 1st!This is almost everything we ride on the north side of the highway in the Beartooths. If we lose this area, it will cut our riding in half, and stick everyone in half the area. Think about that for a minute. I for one do not like riding a tracked up mountain, so I would like to have every single acre open that we can. If you are not familiar with this process, stop and see me at Roger’s Sport Center, and I will be glad to explain it to you. We need your support on this, if we are going to secure this riding area permanently. Let’s put this to bed once and for all!
The link to the commissioners page is http://www.parkcounty.us/commissioners/wpli.html. The link to the High Lakes Proposal is http://www.parkcounty.us/commissione...highlakes.html . Please go to the site, and comment on this important issue. During the comment period for the McCullough Peaks, we were vastly outnumbered, with only 25% of the comments coming from the motorized community! Please do not let this happen again. Take a few minutes and comment.

Thanks for your support!


Dustin Rosencranse
Cody Country Snowmobile Association
Po Box 1745
Cody Wy 82414



Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Snowest brothers and sisters we need your help. Please send your comments and stop this debate once and for all.
All of our riding areas across this nation, are in jeopardy. We need to band together and stop these actions. The anti motorized group has nothing but time on their side. They know they will wear us down and win. Look what they have done to the timber, fishing and mining industries. How about our western heritage of hunting?
Let’s stop them everywhere we can.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2007
Red Lodge, MT
Can someone elaborate on this a little. I was under the impression WSA meant it was wilderness, but in the proposal they are allowing some motorized use, including snowmobiles? I guess I'm confused by this proposal. I moved to red lodge about a year ago and if this area became wilderness it would truly suck, so I want to help, I just want to sound intelligent when I send some comments.



Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Can someone elaborate on this a little. I was under the impression WSA meant it was wilderness, but in the proposal they are allowing some motorized use, including snowmobiles? I guess I'm confused by this proposal. I moved to red lodge about a year ago and if this area became wilderness it would truly suck, so I want to help, I just want to sound intelligent when I send some comments.


It is a Wilderness Study Area and there are provisions to allow for certain activities. High Lakes has been in the WSA for a long time.
The activists have hit this area with everything over the years to shut it down to motorized winter use. From utilizing the fake Lynx hair traps, Wolverine, the non disclosed release of fox, and a study of a “rare” rodent across from Little Bear Lake. Now they want either the High Lakes Area(Beartooth) or McCollough Peaks turned into wilderness. Both high motorized use areas.
Dustin can answer more questions, he has been to the meetings. The motorized community has failed to show up.
The WSA is a wilderness study area, that was supposed to be evaluated within a 10 year period. Congress failed to do so. The WPLI process was started so we could finalize the management of these areas. We need to be involved so we can be a part of the decision on how this area will be managed going forward. In your comments, please include that you want no new wilderness, that you ride this area, and that you want something to ensure that you will be able to continue to recreate there for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for your interest and help!
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