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>>>THROTTLE DECISSIONS<<< FREE Avalanche Safety Training Course

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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Throttle Decisions” Revs Up Avalanche Safety for Snowmobilers
New video series aimed at encouraging mountain sledders to get avalanche training


Nov 28, 2013, Revelstoke, BC: In the high-octane world of mountain snowmobiling, it takes a lot to get the attention of riders. Images of gravity-defying climbs, steep descents and massive jumps are common, as snowmobiles get increasingly powerful and nimble. These machines allow anyone, no matter their experience, to access complex alpine terrain. High in the mountains, lives depend on riders being aware of avalanche danger, skilled in safe travel techniques, and trained to handle an effective rescue.

The Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) has released a new video series made for and by mountain snowmobilers that highlights the need for avalanche education. Throttle Decisions features spectacular footage shot in some of Western Canada’s best mountains riding areas, with production values that reflect the quality of other action videos from this fast-paced sport.

With strong messages from trained and experienced riders, the series takes the viewer through eight chapters that loosely follow the curriculum of a two-day Avalanche Skills Training course. Each chapter touches on essential points from the training, with a strong central message that Avalanche Skills Training is required before heading into avalanche terrain.

“We’re very pleased with Throttle Decisions and look forward to getting it in the hands of riders,” said CAC Executive Director Gilles Valade. “The videos are engaging, informative and exciting to watch. And just as importantly, they showcase the depth of skill and training in the snowmobiling community.”

For more information
Mary Clayton, Communications Director
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Throttle Decisions: Outreach Component.

Throttle Decisions is a fast-paced video series aimed at encouraging mountain sledders to become better trained in avalanche safety. Its eight short components move through the AST course, tackling topics such as terrain, companion rescue, mountain weather and how to read the avalanche bulletin.

Filmmaker Francois Desrosiers of FD Productions shot video in 2012-13 with a host of riders across BC, capturing not only some great action but also some straight-shooting commentary from avalanche experts, brand-name riders and even some avalanche survivors.

The series is anchored by CAC Forecaster Joe Lammers, a man equally at home on sled and skis.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/79814896" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" width="500"></iframe>
Throttle Decisions: Outreach Component from Canadian Avalanche Centre on Vimeo.


SnoWest Badge Maker
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Feb 14, 2013
Sault Ste Marie, MI
This is awesome information even for the guys that normally ride flatland. Just because you're a flatlander doesn't mean that someday you won't be out west riding with our SnoWest brothers and sisters. Know before you go!!!


Hanging in there
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Jan 6, 2009
somewhere in South East Idaho
As a past member of back country search and rescue i endorse this 200% it can't be emphasized or practiced enough~ watching this and practicing it WILL help save you and probably some of your groups lives when you are out in the back country~


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I am going to shoot out a notice about this course to all 80,000 SnoWest members later on tonight.

This one is just a NO-BRAINER.

Great education and its 100% FREE!


Steering Wheel Holder
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Mar 22, 2005
Larkspur, CO
Looks like it should be some good info.
Hopefully the ones that really need it take the time to watch them.
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