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It's the biggest show in the West and you wont want to miss it,!! Buy , Sell, Meet and Greet, Seminars, We need a huge Turn out this year to keep the show going, Snowmobile Numbers have been going down the last few years, Lets make a big push this year and increase attendance, It's the "official" start of the Snowmobile season ! Go to WWW.WSSA.US for more info, All in all its still a great show and the best place to buy gear, sleds, trips, trailers , sled decks and used parts, You also might win a brand new Marlon Pro Sled deck as a give away along with other great prices


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Aug 16, 2013
central 509
It's the biggest show in the West and you wont want to miss it,!! Buy , Sell, Meet and Greet, Seminars, We need a huge Turn out this year to keep the show going, Snowmobile Numbers have been going down the last few years, Lets make a big push this year and increase attendance, It's the "official" start of the Snowmobile season ! Go to WWW.WSSA.US for more info, All in all its still a great show and the best place to buy gear, sleds, trips, trailers , sled decks and used parts, You also might win a brand new Marlon Pro Sled deck as a give away along with other great prices

Something tells me if this would be put on any other time besides hunting season you would probably double the attendance but here we are another year we have to choose between this and hunting season. Maybe I go next year if I don't have to choose cause you guys will never be picked over hunting season. Quite certain this gets brought up every year but obviously falls on deaf ears.:juggle:
Dec 25, 2011
index wa
If we want the snow show to continue then a major change up needs to take place.

I was there this year and noticing a huge drop off on vendors and attendance.

Hardly no representation of the snow bike community other than timbersled which is now just another lineup for Polaris which any local dealer can sell. This was just one observation of lack of vendors


1.) As already stated (numerous times) change the date to something NOT during hunting season. If the venue is prohibitive then change the venue.

2.) Change the profile of the show !! Ask yourself

I found nothing there that could not be acquired at your local dealer or better priced online.

Ask or find vendors that are willing to price items so you can not afford to miss the show.

3.) Finally, make this a real snow show by including all snow sports and yes including cross country skiers and snow shoeing.
Broadening the net will attract more money for the WSSA for this show alone.
Putting multiple sports under one roof may help combat the US vs. THEM mentality regarding the use of our forests. Also attracts more people to the sport. Most people that go to the show now are already enthusiasts and are only aware of the show if they are, limiting the potential of this show.

Hope someone that can make a difference can see the potential of these suggestions. We can't expect different results if we don't change the way it's done.
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Sep 9, 2013
I saw Dan there......

People go to the show for:

1) Shopping
2) Networking
3) Information

The internet has hurt the snow show in all three areas..........Sad, but sign of the times....

Never been, thought about going this year but clicked on the website and didn't see any advertising to get me there. Found a bunch of downloads with a bunch of rules that made my head spin.

If it was me and I wanted to get people there I would have some vendors advertise some specials.

The seminars page was blank. I guess there were none?

Improve the website. The internet I'm sure has hurt but it could also be used to help and it's not.


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Dec 13, 2007
kittitas county fairgrounds would be a much better venue location. just sayin
Oct 27, 2012
Every year I give it one more try and every year it disappoints even more.

Lots of clothing and thats about it. I was hoping to see suspension setups, turbo kits etc.

Next year I'm going to try for one of the out of town shows.
Jun 23, 2004
Black Diamond, WA
Haven't made it the last 2 years, but have been to plenty of snow shows here, and other locations dating back....
Agree, the Internet has taken some of the attraction away, because a person can literally view every mod, component, sled, gear etc sitting on their couch. More fun to see in person though.
but being an enthusiast, the fun of taking the wife and kids to the show has waned.
Less deals. That's where we used to get deals on gear. Last time we went, there were no good gear deals. Used it to try on sizes for the kids only.
Less displays of parts, mods, machines.
Jack sh_t for snowbike coverage. That part is the most pathetic. I've been snowbike ing for a while and most all sledders I know seem at least interested.
Lack of advertisement. Unless you are on snowest, already know about the snow show or accidentally drove by the fairgrounds on that weekend, you'd never know it existed. How does that attract new people to the sport? Sportsman shows get some TV ads. Why not the snow show?

Hope they continue and get better. Still enjoy going, but....
Oct 27, 2018
princeton bc
WSSA snow show 2018

Have to agree with Bellvue e55, been coming down from B.C. for 5 years. Have seen steady decline in attendance. There needs to be more aftermarket "goodies" you know, the stuff sledders are lusting for, turbo stuff, powder jacks, otg goggles, yes some people wear glasses. Sled wraps, racks, reeds, snow eliminator running boards, etc. You know what I mean. That stuff sells if its right there where you can touch it. It was a must for me in past but sadly I feel this was the last visit for me, truly sad. Maybe Boisie, any one been to that venue?


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DANG , A lot of questions here

Well where do we start, 1rst, thing, there really is not a Place any where on the West side of the Cascades that can host an event of this size, The fair grounds have something going EVERY weekend once the fair is over, We cant plan the show around hunting season, We've tried, we have to book out 2 years in advance, You also have to take into concideration, there are many shows thru out the West, Colorado, Boise, Salt lake city , Spokane and a few in Canada, we have to have a weekend where the vendors dont have to make a choice which show to go to. Attendance has been pretty much the exact same for the past 5 years or so, Most of the vendors do very well at the show, We poll them, They wouldnt keep coming back if they didnt sell a lot of stuff, It really is the start of the snowmobiling season in Washington, If you cant find a deal there , you didnt look hard enough. In the past we've spent up to $40,000 in advertising and gained very little, (TV, RADIO, NEWS PAPER ECT )
It's not a "cheep sport" any longer, Not a lot of younger people getting into it. I know there are always complainers who just dont know the multitude of factors that go into putting on something this big, All in all, I still think its a great show. I guess it depends on what you are looking for, The Internet has been tuff on a lot of business's , shows and expo's ect,
Just my thoughts,
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