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Snowmobilier in WY?


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Nov 27, 2007
Right side of Washington
Not saying anyone on this forum posted the video that generated this petition, but certainly not something we want people thinking snowmobiliers are associated (and for the record, I could care less about coyotes or for that matter wolves)

Anyway, I subscribe to several liberal leaning forums as I always want to hear what the other side is saying... https://www.change.org/ I did not find the video they mention below...

This popped up

"This Wyoming coyote is one of thousands who are being persecuted by human killers in the state, who practice ‘Yote Whackin'. It includes coyote killing contests and snowmobiles. This coyote is plastered in the snow under a snowmobile after just being chased until she/he could no longer escape. The hunter arranged his camera on the snowmobile to film himself running over the coyote several times before grabbing the coyote by the tail and swinging the animal to beat her/his head against the snowmobile, again and again, until the job is done when he tosses the coyote, as he smiles into the camera.

The photo and video above “ … offer brutal glimpses at reality, and they speak not only truth on the ground but to the fact such behavior is condoned by political and social leaders in Wyoming, who let them happen without comment.” (Todd Wilkinson).

Coyotes in WY and other western states have no protection at all … everything goes. We also have anecdotal evidence that hunters in Montana enjoy chasing and running over coyotes with their recreational vehicles.

No animal deserves this type of the suffering and cruel death.

No animal deserves to be treated with such aggression, brutality and violence.

Please take immediate action and contact WY’s officials to prohibit predator killing contests and killing coyotes with vehicles – now!

Please sign this petition to demand that the state of Wyoming immediately provide protection for predators and prohibit atrocious behavior such as coyote/predator killing contests, and chasing and running over coyotes (or any wild animal) with any vehicle, including aircrafts, ATVs, ORVs, cars and snowmobiles.

You can also write your own letter denouncing this unhinged cruelty, or you can personalize the letter below, and send it to the officials listed below. We must stop the pathological torture of our wildlife."
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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
I guess IMO it doesn't matter who the people in the video are or where the video was taken, you're a f*cking moron if you think thats cool. Period, end of story.

The sad part is, there are a lot of people out here that condone that type of behavior. I wager they typically have IQ's less than 100 as well.

Yeah we have enough of an uphill battle keeping riding areas open without complete and total morons pulling that type of horse sh*t.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
also notice they target "prohibit predator killing contests" probably a strike against Coyote Derby Contests...

Its absolutely blasphemous for someone like me to dare question the age-old stupidity of 'prarie doggin' or 'yote whackin' in the State I live in, especially the town I live in, but I really don't care .... Its pretty low-brow.

I can 100% relate to shooting problem coyotes that are messing with household pets, livestock, etc. I'd shoot them in a heartbeat as well in that case.

But I have a real issue with this type of behavior depicted in the OP because its really psychopathic and serves no purpose at all.


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Nov 26, 2007
Bend, OR
I'm all for guns, hunting and cold beers, but that video makes me wanna puke. No wonder the greenies are willing to spend 100's of 1000's of dollars to shut us down and would love to ban guns and probably outlaw camo. I'd like to chase that hillbilly through an open field and clip him in the legs at about 45mph...what a fk'n dip****. Rant over...


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Oct 17, 2010
Northern IL.
That’s no snowmobiler in that video!
No helmet and a bouncing gun aimed at the back of his head!
F’ing Asshat!
I find that a very disturbing video!!!..!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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May 7, 2008
Atascadero Ca

The ignorant people that post this stuff, should be the ones getting run over.You can't fix stupid.Talk about getting people aggravated, even ethical hunters would not stand for this.

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
Its absolutely blasphemous for someone like me to dare question the age-old stupidity of 'prarie doggin' or 'yote whackin' in the State I live in, especially the town I live in, but I really don't care .... Its pretty low-brow.

I can 100% relate to shooting problem coyotes that are messing with household pets, livestock, etc. I'd shoot them in a heartbeat as well in that case.

But I have a real issue with this type of behavior depicted in the OP because its really psychopathic and serves no purpose at all.

You live in WY and you are against shooting prairie dogs? Really? If you are a rancher and you NEED to control the prairie dog population how does he do that?

The coyote/sled video is brutal. Not sure why anyone would post that? Posting ANY video of hunting these days can get you targeted by the anti hunting crowd which is completely over the top. Killing is killing and most people theses days are pretty shocked by it. Unless it’s a person then they line up at the theater and pay to see it. Or cable it into their homes and gather the family around the tv and make a night of it.


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Feb 17, 2008
That's the problem everyone jumps on the band wagon of look at this it's bad. Maybe it's a rancher that's lost calves,sheep, or some other form of income. This video could have been also taken by a group to get people to rally behind there cause. Every seen a coyote kill its victims. Man vs wild settlers took control of the environment so we could live here. If you want it all back move to Europe and give it back to the Indians.

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
I’m a dog lover. I thought coyotes were basically dogs until dug into it more. They aren’t dogs lol, more like evil cats in the way they kill. And I love my barn cats, my little team of serial killers keeping the rodents and birds under control.

But I get that vids like this shouldn’t be posted online. Not good for anyone.


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Feb 17, 2008
With coyote population increasing here they are killing the farm cats. I used to have a herd of cats in and around 20 for rodent control I'm down to 3. Neighbors are having same problem we are snaring them at an amazing rate never thought we had this many in a area. Very rarely do we see a deer with a set of twins and deer population is spiraling down. Cycles up and down part of nature.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
You live in WY and you are against shooting prairie dogs? Really? If you are a rancher and you NEED to control the prairie dog population how does he do that?

Yep, and I give zero f*cks about calling BS on the entire practice too. Jumping on the "let's feel sorry for the ranchers" bandwagon doesn't hold any water here. The amount of people who participate in recreational "prarie doggin" who actually own ranches compared to folks who exterminate them for commercial purposes is probably about 1:10,000, so please save the "poor ranchers" horse shi* for someone who actually buys that crap :)

The coyote/sled video is brutal. Not sure why anyone would post that? Posting ANY video of hunting these days can get you targeted by the anti hunting crowd which is completely over the top. Killing is killing and most people theses days are pretty shocked by it. Unless it’s a person then they line up at the theater and pay to see it. Or cable it into their homes and gather the family around the tv and make a night of it.

That video is completely aberrant and has nothing to do with hunting whatsoever, don't even compare the two. There is no rational purpose for that act, let alone posting a video of it in a sick attempt to garner praise from other idiots.

That's the problem everyone jumps on the band wagon of look at this it's bad. Maybe it's a rancher that's lost calves,sheep, or some other form of income. This video could have been also taken by a group to get people to rally behind there cause. Every seen a coyote kill its victims. Man vs wild settlers took control of the environment so we could live here. If you want it all back move to Europe and give it back to the Indians.

There is no bandwagon on this, its common f*cking sense. Seriously, you talk about bandwagons, you're the one on a bandwagon with the "poor rancher" garbage. Ranching has ZERO to do with this act or video, PERIOD. Stop trying to associate ranching with wonton destruction of animal life for the pleasure of complete morons.

I’m a dog lover. I thought coyotes were basically dogs until dug into it more. They aren’t dogs lol, more like evil cats in the way they kill. And I love my barn cats, my little team of serial killers keeping the rodents and birds under control.

But I get that vids like this shouldn’t be posted online. Not good for anyone.

I don't think I've ever seen a coyote brag online about how it killed a cute little bunny rabbit slowly whilst his buddy video taped it. You show me one that does that, I'll shut up.


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Feb 17, 2008
All the ranchers i know think it great to have hunters come out and hammer any varmit that causes them problems. Hell in sd the spread poison out to eradicate dogs. My view from being a landowner with a business. It's legal in some states to do this. Government hunts with planes and any means that is necessary on predators. Happy trails.


Well-known member
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Mar 2, 2009
All the ranchers i know think it great to have hunters come out and hammer any varmit that causes them problems. Hell in sd the spread poison out to eradicate dogs. My view from being a landowner with a business. It's legal in some states to do this. Government hunts with planes and any means that is necessary on predators. Happy trails.

You folks from ND have a different way of hunting. Flipping a dog twice and slamming it down on skis! I don’t consider that hunting. Also landowners in Wyoming don’t take to individuals like this on their land. They shoot coyotes with a gun and drop them in 1-2 shots, not chasing them down on sleds in a inhuman fashion. Seems to me a couple individuals found some BLM land and don’t respect nature.

This video is sick and wrong.
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