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SNOWEST FORUMS: Premium Memberships now available.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I might be done posting on here! I think if you where to ask for a donation, would be better! Even if it is a $.99 a month..... People would be more aped to pay it.
not trying to defend the paying, as there is still time to wait and see, but .99 cents a month is 11.88 dollars a year. The three year subscription price is 10 bucks a year. Your method is actually paying MORE per year.:face-icon-small-coo

They tried to ask for donations, and they didn't get any(hardly) any money.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
if this is a profit site..a business...is snowest then liable for any fraudulant deals...money sent..no parts recieved etc..you know all of the buyer beware stuff that goes on..haverson and his turbo,s etc...will snowest have to reimbuse possibly as they are the venue for hosting the schemes...??


Canada Moderator
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Calgary Alberta
can a mod auction off his free pass go coupon he didnt use?if yes,im interested:)

Oh for sure but I am a business man and with my profit formula I think you would be better off buying from them.I work on a 125% mark up system,it has worked well over the years.


Jan 2, 2010
I was only on here because it had a "riding area" section that was active. I have met several people and don't want to lose friends, but I think I will just go back to DooTalk myself.....whenever I lose my privileges here????


Nov 5, 2008
you are all in fantasy land if you think that those type of tech threads will still be here after the site goes pay.


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
if this is a profit site..a business...is snowest then liable for any fraudulant deals...money sent..no parts recieved etc..you know all of the buyer beware stuff that goes on..haverson and his turbo,s etc...will snowest have to reimbuse possibly as they are the venue for hosting the schemes...??

This is pretty much what I said back when this first came out a couple months ago. Not so much the liability for transactions between second parties, BUT ANYTIME you charge for a product or service, people can and will "TRY" to hold you accountable for anything under the sun. You cannot sue someone unless you've been injured monetarily. By charging a subscription, this opens this site up completely. Being that this is nothing but a sue-happy culture, you can bet there will be consequences that the genius' haven't considered. Attorneys cost alot of money when fighting frivelous BS lawsuits.

christopher...until the charge is actually $9.95 for a year subscription and not the actual $14.95 and not discounted unless you spend $30.00, could you stop purposely trying to mislead people about the cost?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Why would you want to pay to have a Premium Membership and then go out of your way to break the rules enough times to get yourself banned????

I wouldn't I still got a promise to big D, but it seems sometimes guys just have some fun on a late night and then Ban Hammer strikes down.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Ruffy, christopher...until the charge is actually $9.95 for a year subscription and not the actual $14.95 and not discounted unless you spend $30.00, could you stop purposely trying to mislead people about the cost?
Dang misleading numbers... ha ha.. I would think the guy with the argument to charge 1 buck a day was misleading...

How is it misleading? I stated it was the three year subscription price per month. So I can only use the 14.95 a year cost and that is it? Interesting, as it doesn't seem like many people paid for only one year anyways...

I guess when you go to the grocery store, and see a buy one get one free deal, you compare prices of goods without taking the deal into account? Seems... odd.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
good point. once this is paid are we stil going to be allowed to point out flaws in sponsors products? Or flaws in dealing siwth a paying member, or will they be allowed to whine and have posts deleted if it shows them in a negative light.

I personally would like to see that sort of thing left alone and decide for myself if a person is a chit head or not


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Dang misleading numbers... ha ha.. I would think the guy with the argument to charge 1 buck a day was misleading...

How is it misleading? I stated it was the three year subscription price per month. So I can only use the 14.95 a year cost and that is it? Interesting, as it doesn't seem like many people paid for only one year anyways...

I guess when you go to the grocery store, and see a buy one get one free deal, you compare prices of goods without taking the deal into account? Seems... odd.

Sorry Ruffy...you are correct, didn't mean to lump you into that. post edited


Trail Coordinator
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
if this is a profit site..a business...is snowest then liable for any fraudulant deals...money sent..no parts recieved etc..you know all of the buyer beware stuff that goes on..haverson and his turbo,s etc...will snowest have to reimbuse possibly as they are the venue for hosting the schemes...??

Wouldn't you still consider this a profit site right now since they sell advertising? Do you hold Snowest responsible now for a bad deal?

The only way you could even think about holding a hosting site responsible is if they posted the ad. Which they don't since the members post their own ads here. What would the fact of you paying or not to look at those ads have to do with anything?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Members: 42,115, Active Members: 16,652

9.95 A YEAR or 14.95.....whatever it is.

you do the math. the econemy is down. snowest probably took a hit too so this is a way to really boost there yearly income.

its gonna be alot of money to "them" if people pay.


Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
christopher...until the charge is actually $9.95 for a year subscription and not the actual $14.95 and not discounted unless you spend $30.00, could you stop purposely trying to mislead people about the cost?

The question that everyone at the office has is this, Why are you still here?

Your not contributing anything positive to this discussion, and yet you persist in trying to create a problem where there is none.

Current PAID Subscribers are now

1 Year = 17% paid $14.95
2 Year =
3% paid $24.95
3 Year =
80% paid $29.95

Those are real living breathing members of SnoWestOnline that have paid real money and got exactly what was advertised.

365 days x 3 years = 1,095 days.

$29.95 / 1,095 days = 0.027 cents per day.

or you could say that they actually paid

$9.98 per year

There is absolutely NOTHING misleading about that.
It is a statement of fact that every single member of SnoWestOnline that bought and paid for that subscription paid that rate.

They paid it, and they are covered for the next 1,095 days!

While it came as a total surprise to me, that vast overwhelming majority of members are buying the 3 year option because they see that it is a smoking deal!

Hmm, I wonder if that is why SnoWest Magazine and SledHeads offers the very same subscription option??

With that said.
I am now inviting you to stop trying to stir the pot and cause trouble by fanning the flames of controversy.

We have been through all of this 3 months ago.




Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
I paid for 3 years of snowest mag and havent recieved a copy in months....

Not the first, or second time I've had to call harris publishing to remind them to send it to me....

I 'm not going to pay for a FORUM and exspect more......

Better make the changes quick cause I'm going to use it till I can't.....

Sad, sad, sad........

Maybe Im getting yours. I havent paid for it in 2 years and I still get one every month.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2000
Lolo, MT

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't "controversy" been the driving force in some of history's most important decisions???????????

I'm all for makin a buck or two, but I think you have crossed the greed line. Does your advertising not cover operating cost?
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