• Don't miss out on all the fun! Register on our forums to post and have added features! Membership levels include a FREE membership tier.

why new forum?

Because they said so that we have to have a new forum fomat and pay. . .
and whuts up with 10 charachters or more message? no more TTT!

There is no 10 limit that I am aware of??????

Minimum Characters Per Post
If this number is set to a value greater than 0, users must enter at least that number of characters in each new post.

ok i can understand paying but taking away our signitures and avatars is unfair really. christopher you should let free mebers have that!!!!! please respond christopher telling me why you took away avatars and signitures.
ok i can understand paying but taking away our signitures and avatars is unfair really. christopher you should let free mebers have that!!!!! please respond christopher telling me why you took away avatars and signitures.

That's easy. As the saying goes, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? If they gave you everything, what exactly would the "Premium" membership include?
Premium Features
