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Lied to Again.

Jan 18, 2010
I know this is not a Cat post and will be removed but, I think that we all need to know more about the Forest and Jobs Bill. What Your Congressman that are Patting themselves on the back for keeping Mt Jefferson access open, don't mention is that there are thousands of acres of land in Montana that are going to wilderness, the Beavehead Deerlodge National Forest being hit the hardest. We are all losing thouands of acres where no snowmobiling will be allowed. Why doesn't Congressman Crapo Mention the truth about this....Our Elected People only let us know what will make them look good and forget to mention the things they don't want us to know....Check this Bill out...it is only another Wilderness Bill in Disguise. And Snow West you should check things like this out before you Praise how Great this is...This is a Disaster for all Sledders and Multiple Use People.


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Nov 29, 2010
Cody WY
Oh they want to please the people all right. Just the wrong ones. It's just the loud mouth cry babies that think designating wilderness is the best thing in the world. Like we don't have enough already. It's a feather in the politicians hat to vote for wilderness areas. It makes it look like their great environmentalists.
I know this is not a Cat post and will be removed but, I think that we all need to know more about the Forest and Jobs Bill. What Your Congressman that are Patting themselves on the back for keeping Mt Jefferson access open, don't mention is that there are thousands of acres of land in Montana that are going to wilderness, the Beavehead Deerlodge National Forest being hit the hardest. We are all losing thouands of acres where no snowmobiling will be allowed. Why doesn't Congressman Crapo Mention the truth about this....Our Elected People only let us know what will make them look good and forget to mention the things they don't want us to know....Check this Bill out...it is only another Wilderness Bill in Disguise. And Snow West you should check things like this out before you Praise how Great this is...This is a Disaster for all Sledders and Multiple Use People.

I agree that this bill is nothing more than a wilderness bill, and although it has been around for years, I am curious about your Snow West comment. I don't get on here as much as I use to, but can you link me to this info?

"And Snow West you should check things like this out before you Praise how Great this is..."


OK, I found it here: http://www.snowest.com/2013/12/senate-committee-passes-bill-protecting/

Looks like SW copied this article, didn’t bother to check the info out, and I might add failed to quote the source of the info: http://politicalnews.me/?id=26299

Pretty lame article, as this is a very terrible bill for snowmobilers.
Last edited:
Jul 8, 2008
Butte, MT
Thank You!!!

This is a great thread and should be tagged permanently to all of the forums as this bill is all about Wilderness and Senator Tester lining his pockets. 1,000's of acres are in Jeopardy in the Wise River area in Montana and it kills me how uneducated some of the folks around here are. It's as if they don't think it could pass or that it somehow won't apply to them...Tester came to Butte and we were in the audience where he told everyone he would talk about his bill but would not be addressing any questions. His staffers were slime balls! When looking at the maps they had posted showing all of the wilderness they wouldn't give you a straight answer. So much for a ground up approach. Just sickening! The forest industry thinks this is a great bill...boulogne the first tree you try to cut down will result in a lawsuit from the enviros! And then after the supposed forrest harvest that land will permanently become wilderness. The best part about it, Senator Tester clearly isn't going to be using the wilderness I bet he can't walk across the street without needing to take a rest! He claimed this is for Montana by Montana - but the latest commercial shows a guy from Libby talking about how great this bill is. Hello, Libby is so far from where this bill hits home it is just plain stupid!!


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2008
helena mt
This is a great thread and should be tagged permanently to all of the forums as this bill is all about Wilderness and Senator Tester lining his pockets. 1,000's of acres are in Jeopardy in the Wise River area in Montana and it kills me how uneducated some of the folks around here are. It's as if they don't think it could pass or that it somehow won't apply to them...Tester came to Butte and we were in the audience where he told everyone he would talk about his bill but would not be addressing any questions. His staffers were slime balls! When looking at the maps they had posted showing all of the wilderness they wouldn't give you a straight answer. So much for a ground up approach. Just sickening! The forest industry thinks this is a great bill...boulogne the first tree you try to cut down will result in a lawsuit from the enviros! And then after the supposed forrest harvest that land will permanently become wilderness. The best part about it, Senator Tester clearly isn't going to be using the wilderness I bet he can't walk across the street without needing to take a rest! He claimed this is for Montana by Montana - but the latest commercial shows a guy from Libby talking about how great this bill is. Hello, Libby is so far from where this bill hits home it is just plain stupid!!

Best post I may have ever seen on snowest!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jan 18, 2010
wilderness figures in Tester scam.

Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forest. 577,000 Acres plus 66,000 BLM Kootenai National Forest 29,500 Acres Lolo National Forest 83,000 Acres That's 755,500 acres of New Wilderness, why don't our Congressmen mention that in this Bill. This is not a victory for Snowmobilers .


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Oct 3, 2008
KEVINM7 Please take the time to attach this post as permanent. Thanks
Jul 8, 2008
Butte, MT
I fully agree that we need to get this posted to a permanent position. I would love to see Snowest dig into this issue and ask questions to our elected officials both at the local and state levels where they sit on this issue and why knowone is talking about the negative side to this bill. I can't believe the people of Montana keep re-electing this joker it is clear that he is in it for his special interest groups!!
Aug 18, 2008
Butte, Mt
Yea what he said!

Sledman05 is 100% correct in his assessment of our great senator Tester and his staff at the meeting for there wilderness bill. They had no intention of discussing it or hearing anyone's opinion of it. It was simply a dog and pony show so that they could claim it was a bill agreed upon by all parties. The biggest misunderstanding with this bill is in the title itself. This bill does almost nothing for recreation and regardless of there claims will do little for the harvesting of national forest. The environmental groups will simply tie the logging up in court as they always do until a point in time where the lands automatically turn to wilderness. Our senator has no intention of letting go of his unpopular bill. One of the only reasons this bill has not been passed is due to our do nothing congress. He has been very persistent in attaching it to other important pieces of legislation such as budget bills. Forum users from other states need to let your congressman feel about your position on this bill because our Montana delegates are not listening!


Lifetime Membership
Dec 26, 2009
Sierra Village Ca.

Yep, You and Sledman05 are correct!!! We have fighting the same thing here in California! Seems it doesn't matter what we do as Rec. Forest users or Loggers they just don't here us . I guess pockets aren't deep enough, I have personally have talked to our Congressman and other types here and they do and say the same thing. Not quite sure where there HEADS are at but they to pull them out of there A*& and the F(*k up . Here in the Sierras we can't go more than a Truck length off of ANY Forest Service Road to cut Firewood to heat our Houses without getting a $150 fine per offence, Then 5 years probation!! FREE COUNTRY!!! Ya Right!!:frusty:
Here in the Sierras we can't go more than a Truck length off of ANY Forest Service Road to cut Firewood to heat our Houses without getting a $150 fine per offence, Then 5 years probation!! FREE COUNTRY!!! Ya Right!!:frusty:

I feel you bro, here in the Siskiyou's we either have to know someone with property or fork out for cutting permits....let alone find trails to ride that are not swamped with other riders trying to take advantage of not getting a fine (granted there is even snow).

Sponsor: skidoooutlet
Jan 18, 2010
Why Snowest

Why Snowest have you not checked out this bill. you are supported by snowmobiliers, and would not be here without us, but you ignore the real issues of this and do not reply. Very sad when you avoid real issues that will affect all of us and only comment on what makes your congressman look good.
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