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A shout out to POLARIS

Mar 15, 2018
I stumbled across video today of a guy whose new matrix had the primary clutch come off. Turned out, it was the same guy who awhile ago had his lower QD2 sprocket fail after forgetting to put the side panel back on. In this case, the head of the clutch bolt sheared off. VERY odd indeed. Anyways, POLARIS warranted the bolt AND replaced the entire primary clutch because there was a couple nicks in. it from the incident AND they ha warranted the QD@ sprocket as well as the belt (just in case) , no questions asked. ANY piece of machinery can fail (Heck, it was a grade 8 bolt that the head popped off). What matters ia how the manufacturer treats a customer when there is a failure and it sounds like Polaris stepped up and did the right thing, no hassle. Good on Polaris.


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Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
I saw the same videos yesterday. Manufacturing quality control during the coof has really dropped as employees are stretched thin and over worked to try and keep up with production. You could see in that video the corrosion within the bolt that caused that weak spot. Not Polaris's fault so much as the supplier that made that bolt.
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