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SnoWest Mag: 2019 M 8000 Mountain Cat Alpha One

Nov 26, 2007
another point of view..:face-icon-small-hap...i for one appreciate what has been presented so far, i like a glossy mag that i can peruse without being connected...i also shop for outdoor clothes in a brick and mortar so i can feel the quality (or not)..in order to make available information as quickly as possible, some forms of it are probably going to come first, other information later...not so uncommon with most breaking news events....did we know 100% of the facts when the florida school shooting occurred ? or was it a bit here and a bit there ? the full story probably won't be out for weeks yet....and so it is with the introduction of new sleds, about the same each year, pics first, then tech data, then pricing, then maybe hands on evaluations, and then maybe a real test ride for me....i can have a little patience and savor the moments as they come, rather that stuffing the whole creampuff in my face at once...:face-icon-small-win


Nov 16, 2009
To start, I didn't say SW should do away with the magazine. However, there is no question they are getting handed their lunch. Traffic and readership is down to every asset they own, except maybe their FB page.

People may still go and buy stuff in person. People may still want the print version of a newspaper. The internet didn't "kill" either of these things. However, it did erode those businesses to an incredible degree.

Snowmobiling is a bit old school. In a number of ways, this is awesome. The people are superb and always down to lend a hand. On the flip side, people in snowmobile culture are more hesitant to adopt new things at times. Or so it seems - at least in internet-land.

There is not a complete real-time source of news, information, content in the space. Nobody is doing unbiased gear reviews that are articulate and to the point. Nobody "telling the story of the sport" (as we know it). To be really brutally honest, I'm not sure the audience is the type to care about this sort of thing. Any piece of content I've developed that aims to do this hasn't done particularly well, which often bums me out. We'd rather have a subjective argument (chevy is better than ford) than an objective discussion (I like this idea because of _____ or I don't because of _____)

To add, the problem is the sport is small and content changing at such a dizzying pace I think everyone has said "screw it".

That said with the right team and right approach, it could be good for the sport and a lot more fun for the people that love to nerd out on this stuff (all of us).

Change is scary. But it is inevitable.
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Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Just spoke to Ryan Harris at SnoWest magazine.

Yes, there is a full review of the sled they rode in the next issue.

Our SnoWest Premium Members will get the digital edition of the magazine next week here on the forums.

Printed edition for subscribers should be out on or about March 13th


Nov 16, 2009
Just spoke to Ryan Harris at SnoWest magazine.

Yes, there is a full review of the sled they rode in the next issue.

Our SnoWest Premium Members will get the digital edition of the magazine next week here on the forums.

Printed edition for subscribers should be out on or about March 13th


I still would suggest you guys ditch that model all together. I know, it won't happen overnight, and I'm not trying to be harsh, just trying to help.

Prediction: Premium Memberships will dwindle. Yes, the hardcore members of this forum will continue to subscribe but it won't grow. It will in fact retract. Is that a model worth pursuing?

Start using your home page as the magazine. Each article and bit of content can be a post. Start attracting more money in advertising based around this idea. Give up the pay to play model on the readership side where people spend maybe 15 minutes flipping through the 'zine and never return to it again. New model would have people checking the home page every day, looking at high quality content.

Forum traffic is the lowest of the low. Its hard to monetize. Home page magazine based content the exact opposite.

So much fertile ground here.
Premium Features