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Where do you get your news?

What are your main sources for news?


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  • Donald Trump

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  • Washington Post

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  • Wall Street Journal

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  • Left Wing pundits/radio etc

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I read this article today & I thought folks on here might enjoy it. There's often a tossing back and forth of Fox News Vs MSNBC etc.

So what is the main source you go to for your news?

Maybe another good poll would be how much you trust that source.


Here's a sample from the article. The article is pretty long, but well worth the read.

If you’re trying to get the truth, this can be frustrating. But if you’re there to enjoy the entertainment, it can be a lot of fun—and quite informational in the process. It’s enjoyable to see two sports teams fight each other for victory. If you’re too emotionally tied to one team, the game won’t be nearly as fun unless they crush the other side (which means that most of the time you’ll be disappointed). It’s fun to see opposing racehorses push each other around the final turn. But if you’re emotionally connected to one winner, most races lose their joy. It’s fun to watch dueling news reports unfold and reveal which was right. Of course, this only works if you let it. It won’t be fun if you agitate about who is right versus wrong, or who is ruining our country versus bravely sharing the real news. If you get caught in that mousetrap, it’s painful, and confusing.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Primarily "Other" based on your categories.

I don't watch anything (news related) but the occasional late night comedy, or something specifically related to something I'm interested in.

I read the Economist, and I read a few different news aggregation sites.
The Hill, Drudge Report, Slate, etc.

I do generally listen to the Up First podcast by NPR, but not religiously.

I also check various sub-reddits on Reddit, for slanted news in either direction.

Check the biases of whatever you're reading, and read accordingly.
This is one decent way to check:
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