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Salmon la Sac No Grooming


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 4, 2007
Road had brutal whoops all last weekend and no grooming. The Salmon la Sac page on the WA Snopark site says they couldn't groom due to dangerous road conditions, but the road was open and the lots were packed with sledders. Anybody know what the issue was/is and whether they will be grooming this week?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 22, 2008
Olympia, Washington
Same with Evergreen, Cold Creek, etc....

It says "Awaiting more snow and road closures" back in mid December.

Obviously no one holds these groomers accountable for updates after the groomers collect their contract money.

Not sure why they even have a grooming website...same thing, year after year. Frustrating.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 5, 2007
Kennewick WA
Same with Evergreen, Cold Creek, etc....

It says "Awaiting more snow and road closures" back in mid December.

Obviously no one holds these groomers accountable for updates after the groomers collect their contract money.

Not sure why they even have a grooming website...same thing, year after year. Frustrating.
Same with Ahtanum, groomer made it 2 miles up the road Saturday and broke down. So no grooming again, this is the same **** year after year, no grooming but getting paid. I am so tempted anymore to quit buying tabs, seems we basically get nothing for our money anyway. I guess it's not much different than anything else in Washington though, pay an assload in fees and taxes with nothing to show for it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dayton, WA
Same thing happens here every year where people say the groomers get paid but don't do any grooming. Doesn't make it true nor is it true. A big storm came through over the weekend and brought snow which we love but that doesn't make conditions for grooming till it has a chance to settle a little. Where I was at it was three feet of new snow that erased all trace of a beautiful Friday grooming and SnoPark snow removal.

I look at the Gold Creek page at State Parks and it has the entire winter grooming schedule posted there for Keechelus Ridge which to me looks like the Gold Creek area. I guess when it is on the offical page and some say it isn't there that is frustrating.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 4, 2007
Nice! Did you hear if they got the stuck car off the road too? I thought that might have something to do with it. Would be a legendary tow fee!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 22, 2008
Olympia, Washington
I look at the Gold Creek page at State Parks and it has the entire winter grooming schedule posted there for Keechelus Ridge which to me looks like the Gold Creek area. I guess when it is on the offical page and some say it isn't there that is frustrating.

Fully aware its on the schedule...point is, just because it's planned out and on the schedule that doesn't always mean its happening.

Many groomers never leave any reports that it actually ever got accomplished according to said schedule.

There are many that do (Look at Lake Wenatchee and Fish Lake for an example...always a wonderful job).

That....is what is frustrating.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 4, 2007
Just circling back to say thanks to the groomer operator for buffing the road so nicely the past few weeks. I'd also ask him (if he ever checks this site) or anybody that knows him if theres anything we can do to help get that SUV off the groomer. I was there the day they got it stuck, a month or two ago, and now it is buried in about 4' of snow. Some sledders have been using it as a jump, which I suspect is going to do heavy damage to the roof. I would be willing to help dig it out if the groomer or somebody with a cat could tow it. Shouldn't be to difficult after a melt freeze, before the groomer quits for the season.


Forum Expert
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Aug 28, 2013
Snohomish, WA
At first I didn't care that car was going to get hammered but come to find out it was an older woman that has dementia and thought she was going for a drive. She was found in her car just idling and lost. I saw the sled tracks over it last Monday and hopefully the car doesn't get destroyed. Everyone pass it on to anyone else that it wasn't someone being stupid that drove up the groom trail.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Many of us have family members or know someone with dementia and it's a horrible disease that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Not sure what her financial situation is, but there is going to come a point in time when she will no longer be able to drive (if it hasn't already happened). It's possible that she or her family will need to sell the car to help pay for memory care services. Hopefully the car is not to badly damaged and has some value for the sake of the owner and her family.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 4, 2007
It appeared to still be in good shape, with a well travelled trench over the center of the roof, as of last Sunday. I think it will be somewhat safe until the load of snow on the roof melts out, which won't be too far away. Seems like the best chance to get it out is before the end of grooming in two weeks. Anybody know the groomer driver? I bet we could crowdsource a fund among us sledders to pay him to drag it out.
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