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Mt Baker Wilderness Boundary area



Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
In the great part of OR.
Well are they in or arn't they. if so then they where wrong, not that it is right. Even if they where not in side the boundry, the green cops will take there side. 98% of the skinners will not be on our side. specially if your in the wilderness.

I think there needs to be a new program, we can't ride in there areas, they cant ski in ours, I know a little much. But sounds good to me!!!


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
Must be easier to point the finger then to help out. I dont even know the last time I saw "sled heads" just tossing the beer cans onto the ground. Hell last time I was there I picked up some skiers gloves (mittons) sp... Maybe I should have taken pictures of that. Why not work with us on these issues? No one here can say the road in is a nice smooth ride. So the skiers could help donate money to extend the grooming, win win. Amar seems pretty ignorant on everything that he see's and how he perceives it. I guess next time a skier gets injured up there, maybe they should send a search and rescue by foot and not snowmobile, maybe they will have a different perspective. I guess I dont understand how there are wilderness boundaries but only skiers can cross them? I am sure there are just as many skiers that litter as there are snowmobilers. We should all be limited to the same area. If we all have to share the same area, then maybe they wont try to close down as much. I wish I could be president.... but it would be easier to just move to canada or something.... my 2 cents


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Jan 18, 2010
As far as I'm concerned, until I see a land use sticker on their skis that they pay for, like I have to, they don't have room for complaints. :face-icon-small-win

winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
Thanks for the post. Reading through the comments there are some level headed skiers out there too! Seems like they want to work together to allow both groups room to enjoy their sport, nothing wrong with that.
I have seen tracks in Wilderness almost every time I go there, it's tough to tell where the borders are and some guys aren't aware there is even Wilderness in that area.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
I particularly liked this line posted by one of their users... it does show that there are skiers out there that don't paint all of us with the same stick that many of the exclusionists do.

But a note to skiers - there are some excellent environmentally minded snowmobilers out there. We were working with a group of Skagit snowmobilers and I was impressed to see a couple of them stopping to pick up other people's trash. Don't forget there are good and bad apples in every basket. I have seen a lot of skier's camps filled with trash so lets be careful not to sound like biggoted or arrogant ski mountaineers.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
In the great part of OR.
I really liked this post on their forum.=This might not be your personal
opinion, but it IS mine. Snowmobiling on Mt Baker is a travesty :boxing:

Add Mt.St. Helens to the list of travesties. :argue:

I'd better sharpen my carbides and stud my track:face-icon-small-win

We have just as much right to our forest as anyone. And if you can get to a destination on your sled then it should be right to do so!!!!! Shasta, Hood, Adams, Helens, Baker. And any other Big Mt. in the pacific NW for Cali, to Alaska.
If the stick people would learn how to share our public lands and not try to lock everthing up, with more wilderness then we would be more app. to give them there space. This has worked very well in the halfway area. The skiers have there area, and we have ours. There is enough country to go around, They can't possibly use all of the area, so we can give them theres. As far as I know, I have never sean a track in there. We have more respect for there recreation this way, and don't feel attacked by there groups this way.
The fact is they don't agree with our recreation so it should not be allowed. WELL What gives them the right!!!!!!!! We pay for our land just as much as they do.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
That guy needs to f*ck off. Seriously.

It wasn't the f*cking end of the world, and he's acting like the f*cking sky fell on his head.

Just goes to show you though, that's what those jackasses will do.
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