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Minneapolis (aka Chicago West) is burning

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Your lack of compassion has no end. What is it like to not love or be loved? What made you so rotten to the core? Need a hug?
Has nothing to do with compassion. This has nothing to do with the murder of that guy anymore. They killed that kid and will pay. Two wrongs don't make a right. You and Jay need to quit making excuses for these people. These are scumbags just doing it for the sake of doing it. I bet some are just travelling around doing this. You guys are sad for thinking this is right. What about all the innocent people effected that won't have a job or business to go back to. What if it was your business. What if you were an innocent cop just trying to make a living and feed your family. Don't they have a right to come home safe. I'm not making excuses for the bad cops but you guys are sorry for making all this seem ok. If hating ****ty people makes you think im rotten then so be it. Has nothing to do with race. Just people doing stupid and crappy things in a civilized society or supposed to be
That why mafesto called them animals and that was being nice. I have no patience for this kind of stuff. I revert back to horses. There are too many good ones out there to deal with a knot headed bastard. You want to act like animal then you will get treated like one. Life is about choices. Act and live your life like you want to be treated and yes, sometimes you have to be the bigger person.
I don't hug liberals. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not hug liberals. We shake hands in montana.
May 2, 2013
I relate this to my little world , have a customer that is an engineer and pulls down a serious pay roll and he's always giving me grief about my color and we've gotten along over the years quite well . Long enough that I've seen a number of other contractors walk away .
One day we were talking and he's getting his jabs in about you guys and my kind and I replied saying thank you that was mighty white of you . Dead silence
It's ingrained genetically and influentially , it's difficult to change that no matter how we try . Criminals in this country are no different that countries going to war , they do what they believe than when they get arrested or surrender than there are rules .
This country is being torn apart because the criminals have to many rights . Only a stupid person would think that shaking hands with an enemy would be the right thing to do after seeing your fellow brothers blown apart .

Where's your compassion

Just wanted to say thanks for the insightful post. Unfortunately the last sentence got me. The "enemy" and who is the enemy? Our own people are our enemy it seems. TT says liberals are the enemy, Hawkster says criminals are the enemy, I say ignorance is the enemy, and our foreign policy says that North Korea is the enemy. gonna go there sorry....because Trump is calling the media the enemy and calling the angry people of the US the enemy....and yet he shook hands with the enemy....and right now he does NOTHING to try to bring us together....no wonder we find him to be misguided and worthless.

Watching the country burn reminds me that this was all meant to be. My wife is crying this morning. It terrifies people in many ways. I support the peaceful protests against the system that has been in place since I was born. Nothing has changed. Take it down.



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Apr 22, 2010
I hear what your saying Simple ,being politically correct won't fix the problem it's a tool . The way you put it I was in the wrong and I'll agree with what you said . Words mean many things , these people burning and looting don't give a rats butt about this country . Your way of thinking is a weapon to them , you would be welcomed with open arms until you did something that wasn't acceptable or they found no more use for you .
People growing up in big cities have many advantages compared to small communities . They can either pull it together and have a purpose in life or they can party their life away . Unfortunately they have generations of living like this but are much more fortunate than their elders . Food , living quarters , clothing , phones , vehicles etc.etc. are only to be applied for or taken . So why should this looting be any different . When they loose a loved one or someone from their surroundings retaliation is their response , now who becomes the enemy . The ambulance chasers come out in full force and who pays for that bill . Do you really believe that these media persons that make on the average of 5 to 7 million a year have a clue on poverty .
Places like this are doomed to this way of life , the kids don't even have to graduate with grades now . The previous president passed the no child left behind , this does not encourage bettering ones self when all you have to do is show up to class and get a certificate of attendance at graduation .


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Lol what do conservative whites have to protest that even compares to this? Snowmobile land use? Get real. I’m a middle class white dude and I know damn well I’m not dealing with oppression.

Let’s say over a few years your local cops develop a hate on for blonde haired big titted girls from your city. A couple got harassed, some complaints were made, nothing really came of it. Then a couple got roughed up, the neighborhood and your friends weren’t too happy about it. But the reports seemed to put the perps in the wrong, and other than some complaints from the families/friends nothing came of it. Then one got roughed up pretty bad. Her good friends with her said she did nothing wrong and maybe it was a case of mistaken identity, and there was a cell phone video that seemed to support that. Many formal complaints with the department, it hit the state news, officers went under scrutiny, but nothing came of it. Time goes on and then one gets shot during a routine traffic stop with no violent crime attached because they thought she had a weapon. A slew of media coverage and legal goings-on ensues. Nothing comes of it. Your community is furious, unrest and protests ensue...a couple weeks later everything goes back to normal. Now you are a good ol boy, and know a bunch of cops who are also good ol boys, so you are pretty conflicted on whether this is a serial problem, or just some bad apples on both sides. I mean if you do nothing wrong...shouldn’t have any police problems right?

Then one day your blonde haired big titted wife is having a pretty rough day. She recently lost her job, and is worried about the family finances. She also has to visit the doctor today for test results on a mysterious lump, and is freaking out. She can barely muster up the courage for the appointment, and knocks back a glass of wine to take the edge off. Not the best plan, but hey desperate times call for desperate measures. Puts on her flag tank top, hops in the F150 with the trump 2020 sticker and off she goes. Gets pulled over for expired tags on the way to her checkup - cops tell her the car is getting towed and she is getting arrested for suspicion of dui. Now she can’t get her test results, can’t get a job. Never done a thing wrong in her life, and this is a lot to handle and she’s scared...she completely melts down, freaks out and starts resisting as they’re trying to cuff her. Just wants to go home.

You're working out of town and come across an internet video of a blonde haired big titted white woman being slammed to the ground by 3 cops beside an F150. You realize it’s your wife. They pin her down by the neck and she screams for you, god, her mom, and pleads for anyone who can help her. No one does, and she dies. The preliminary autopsy says alcohol and cancer may have contributed to her death.

Tell me...what would you feel is an appropriate response from you and your community? Cause I honestly don’t know.

Now...The 2nd paragraph of that story plays out every Single day. The 1st and 3rd paragraphs sound Pretty far fetched. Unless you sub out big titted white girl for black man wearing hoodie and sub out the maga sticker for a wu tang sticker...in which case we can pull up any number of roadside beating/death videos. So ya....is the black community a little angrier about this than....whatever conservatives white dudes would have to protest? I sure hope so. If no one pays attention to you...gotta talk louder
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
As long as we are playing the "What IF?" game....

What if.....(taken from another forum)
What happens after multiple autopsies show his death wasn't caused by the office kneeling on him, that he wasn't suffocating, and that he could breath just fine? That's already starting to come to fruition and will likely be the end result of every autopsy. Death as a result of multiple poor health conditions compounded by drug use, compounded by the agitation of being arrested in the commission of a crime, as is often the case. What then? The officer's only actual crime will be, at best, assault. And frankly that won't even fly in a real court. In reality he has some administrative discipline for restraining him wrong.

But the politicians, media, and mobs have spoken. Someone with cell phone video recorded him saying he can't breath, which actually requires breathing to do. So now he's guilty of murder and so are the other three around him. Burn down every city to make people agree with you.

Everyone wants justice, but nobody actually wants justice.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
and another answering the allegations of white privilege...(again, not my work)
White privilege? My grandfather served in WWII and Korea. Poor as dirt. Died in his own floor, a drunk. Lived in a house that should of been tore down the whole time he lived in it. Snow blowing thru the damn walls. My father grew up in that house. Served in Nam. Worked some of the crappiest jobs that you probably wouldn’t last a week in. Worked his way out of poverty. I went to school and got my degree, and I joined the military to pay for it. I didn’t get my “white privilege” check. We didn’t have the money to pay for it, so I worked it off. I have a nice house on about 8 acres of land that no one gave me crap to pay for it. I earned it. Everything my grandfather, father, and myself have done could be done by any black man in the hood, if he wanted to. White privilege is nothing but an excuse for laziness.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Classic case of not understandIng white privilege by definition and getting all maga about it. I work hard blah blah blah....ya we all do. It doesn’t mean that you didn’t have a hard life, or work hard, or face/overcome challenges. It just means that racial discrimination was not one of those challenges. That’s it.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
. I work hard blah blah blah....ya we all do.
That's where you are wrong, and precisely my point. What percentage of those rioters do you think actually do work hard to better themselves?
Most have become accustomed to relying on the morsels of entitlements allotted to them, which in the end does not help them at all, it imprisons them.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
You have no idea if that’s accurate, that’s just the racism talking ;)

So for the record you didn’t understand what white privilege meant, correct? How many years has that one burned you up?
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Well-known member
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Sep 29, 2012
St Charles Idaho
If you are more upset by/focused on reports of looting than you are disturbed by a guy getting tortured to death by 3 cops on video while crying for his mom....you are a part of a much more concerning problem.

Is not an either/or thing whatsoever.

Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You're making good points that I am sure do apply somewhere.
But you're errant in assuming they apply here.

Well, now that I think about it I have to be honest with myself (and all of you)
Throughout life, the harder I worked, the more privileged I became, so I guess you are correct on that.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
The quintessential conservative response when anyone discusses white privilege. “I work hard for my junk, no one works harder than me, and the term white privilege tries to de-value my life of hard work. I feel attacked.”

Relax...no safe space needed...The phrase has nothing to do with that....it’s not about you.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
If floyd wouldn't have resisted arrest for using counterfeit money he'd probably still be alive.
And if everyone obeyed the law we wouldn’t need police. But they don’t, so we pay police to deal with people in time’s of poor judgment, and give them specific training for doing so safely.


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Sep 5, 2008
Brainerd, MN
Dosen't matter what color you are if you resist arrest you are going to get handle roughly. Maybe it takes multiple police to hold the suspect down they dont know what the suspect is capable of or what type of drugs they're on. I'm not say it was right of what the one officer did but as of now what he did is not what killed floyd. Well see what the autopsy report is from the one the family has done.
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