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McCall Idaho questions

Nov 16, 2016
Our group is wanting to visit McCall Idaho this coming season.... late Januray or early February.
There may be as many as 14 of us.
I would like to hear from any of you who have experienced McCall.

Any suggestions regarding houses or cabins to rent?
Any areas to avoid?
Any areas that are better than others?

Thanks in advance,
Rick E


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Jan 3, 2010
Places in Mccall get booked up early (houses cabins). There is Donnelly and Cascade just down the highway from Mccall , also great riding areas there. Mccall is still only 15 min away. If you plan on having trailers then your options get smaller. Hope this helps.
You need to resreve now , if there is still anything available. AirBnb is my go to.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 18, 2008
McCall, Idaho
Like Frisco mentioned, book early. A huge party like you mentioned my be hard pressed to find one vrbo to fit your needs. Bear Creek Lodge might be something to consider and it is across the highway from a parking lot and trail head. Gordon Titus Parking Lot fills up by 9:30am and is tight to get out of when full, but gets you to higher elevation to start.
New Meadows is only 8 miles west of McCall. Might try to find something there. Have fun and enjoy!


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Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
We have an annual late season pilgrimage to McCall. The riding north of town is as good as it gets in my opinion, and before the caretakers of Burgdorf hotsprings jacked the prices and went to a reservation only model which made the pool an hour by hour fee - it used to be awesome about the third or fourth day to bomb in and have a nice float. As it stands, I hope they lose their hindquarters because their new rules just suck. We are going to bypass that stop next year and continue on to Secesh Stage Stop, they are still really awesome.
Anyhow, we always have ridden north of town and even after years of exploring we keep finding new spots. Fires left huge tracts of just burnt out snags, so the places you can go are open and fun. The biggest problem we face every year is the cost of fuel - but the smiles per gallon are hard to beat. As far as a place to stay, we have a worldmark timeshare and burn the points to stay in the condos there. We usually have to unhook the trailers and park them at the end of the lot, but in over 10 years we have never had any issues.
If you don't mind music with the occasional bad word, most of the last video I put together for our group was filmed in McCall:


Lifetime Membership
Nov 16, 2009
McCall is an excellent place in winter. My son-in-law has a place on Cascade lake . We go in late March and we ski one or two hills then sled one day usually out of Brundage ski resort . Then Golf in the Boise area .

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Lifetime Membership
Nov 16, 2009
In the Boise valley you can golf or rock climb . The son-in-law likes to climb real mountains ! You can see the peak he scaled last year . Most I’ve done is rock climbing .

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