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How about our POS president!!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT

Biden's poll numbers are dropping, and the White House is scrambling for ways to get his approval rating up.

The Babylon Bee's top-secret anonymous source inside the White House, codenamed Ben Pjaki, has just leaked us Biden's 8-part plan for winning over the American people once again.

Here it is:

1) Start sniffing women's hair again: For some reason, his poll numbers were a little better when he was doing that. Worth a shot!

2) Launch Kamala Harris into the Sun: People really, really seem to like this idea for some reason.

3) Invade something: Invading another country is always good for a 10-point jump. Maybe we can invade Canada. They've always had it coming.

4) Go back to his roots by hiding in a basement for another 6 months: Biden was never more popular than when he spent an entire year in a basement! And then he received a record number of votes! Who can argue with that kind of popularity?

5) Launch Kamala Harris into the Sun: Wait-- did we say that one already? Huh.

6) Get a spray tan and wear an orange wig: Imitating the greatest, smartest, most popular president of all time? Winning move!

7) Send Dr. Fauci to another galaxy so he can spread his pandemic wisdom with other planets: Or if that's too hard, maybe just the Sun again.

8) Fire everyone he's ever appointed and shut down all Federal agencies: This one's a no-brainer and we're not sure what Biden's waiting for here. Come on, man! This is no joke!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010

The biggest rat just bailed , POS , so much for a great guy . Take one for the team ya coward , spineless , POS


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010

This is more like the reason he ran , middle class drop out that never had a real job in his life .

Jul 20, 2021 · What is Joe Biden's net worth? When Biden left The White House back in 2017, he only had an estimated net worth of $2.5 million, since then according to Forbes, Biden now has an estimated net worth of $8 million as of June 2021.

Just think how much it would be if he'd report the real numbers .

Even Hillary worked at a salmon cannery in college .
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