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How about our great President!!!

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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Ok Mr. Sparkles. All options suck but you are looking for a positive? I hate to repeat this but this isn't a red or blue team solution. Tired of the system? Change it. Did you even read or listen to that link from HBV? The answer is right there and is gaining traction.

Or are you here to complain that the media is always bad news? Gonna be a long next 3 months for ya. Why even open the thread? You expect Trump to turn it around? It is a dumpster fire, which is on brand for the Trump family. You want positivity go look at the threads about people riding turbo sleds. They (we) are happy people. Dumping Trump is like getting a modern turbo sled. You'll be happier and you will want to share your happiness and rub it in if they are still riding carbureted turds that should be set on fire at this point.

Cute. It's not about party lines or the system. Definitely not saying **** about the media either. Keep twisting the narrative though, it's much more simple than you are turning it to.

There are good things happening. And like gravity, it's true whether you believe it or not. But your life depends on it, so enjoy the ignorance.



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Feb 27, 2008
May 2, 2013
I think BirdbrainID has a crush on me. Sorry I'm not into pacifists. Develop a strong opinion on something and get back to me. This power of positive thinking nonsense isn't working for DJT either.
May 2, 2013
1. Re-establish relationships with allies and world organizations
2. Eliminate EO 13769
3. Rejoin worldwide cleaner energy planning groups
4. Eliminate EO 13771, 13783, 13924, 13927 and protect clean water act, NEPA, and ESA
5. Take action on Covid19 and have a plan for future pandemics

Easy peasy. Basically get us back on track with being a world leader and protect our environment so that industry isn't a priority over our health.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
1. Re-establish relationships with allies and world organizations
2. Eliminate EO 13769
3. Rejoin worldwide cleaner energy planning groups
4. Eliminate EO 13771, 13783, 13924, 13927 and protect clean water act, NEPA, and ESA
5. Take action on Covid19 and have a plan for future pandemics

Easy peasy. Basically get us back on track with being a world leader and protect our environment so that industry isn't a priority over our health.
In other words....CNN talking points.?
May 2, 2013
I didn't realize I wrote for CNN. That was straight from me and my interests. Just try for ONCE to actually contribute. Otherwise stick to being a troll spreading propaganda so people can continue to not take you seriously.

I'd also like Biden to take a hard line on limiting ethanol fuels but I know even Trump is not fighting that battle. Motorized land users, transportation and infrastructure have seen nearly nothing from Trump. Inaction is not action. I expect Biden to at least get the larger of those three back on the ground moving. Motorized land use is still a grassroots effort mostly and my state advocacy group is doing awesome with funding and efforts.
May 2, 2013
Yeah I didn't think so. Dude probably has Fox News or Rush playing all day and can't pull away. Thinks I watch CNN or even a drop of cable. I cut the cord 20 years ago. I feel bad for people who just soak up hate and spread it around.

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Biden is a placeholder who will (obviously at this point) not do much except undo the damage Trump has done.

l guess Trump hasn’t done much damage then, according to you’re statement above? ?

Jesus H, Simple...if you think we’re all gonna snow check an “AOC 440”, you’re Simply nutz, even if it’s blown! ?

Do you hate our great President Trump more than you like Joe...ah, um, uh...can’t remember his last name right now? C’mon, that’s the best they’ve GOT?!?!?!? Gimme someone to vote for! ?

Seems as though it’s Simple Green vs. Fast Orange? Why such hate from you toward an Independent that ran as a republican & won? Sorry, sorta forgot...you don’t believe in winners or losers...smh...everyone gets a yellow ribbon. ?

We wanted & voted for someone who wasn’t a career politician that would deliver on what they said they would do...Simple as that! ?

l like the ranked voting idea, although it reminds me of the surveys companies make their employees take, so they can determine if they’re likely to go postal. How ‘bout term limits, getting rid of lifetime benefits, political offices are voluntary & face lift limits? ?

I’m farther right than any dem is left, but you wouldn’t know it if you met me, because “my personal world is amazing!“ ?

Now go back to the kitchen & bother the wife some more. Leave us Trumpers alone to tell more lies to each other, because that’s what we do... ✌️

Please don’t reply, but if you must, keep it Simple. ?


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Feb 27, 2008
Dobber1, I agree up until you tell simple to stop his campaign of wisdom. Ya see, because every time he expounds it gives me a glimpse/flashback of "what not to do". Or in modern speak, a fail - like all the major cities and states where crime is flourishing, creating more victims by their own victimhood and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of perpetual leftist destruction (but be sure to blame it on_______)

Meanwhile, another compilation by the "best of the best", you know his name is the thing.

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Feb 27, 2008
And the best thing is that the chosen one is able to deliver his message without media assistance because he has cut ties will all corded messaging 20 years ago.
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