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How about our great President!!!

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Feb 27, 2008
One of NBC's top rated shows with 369 views since 2017 (including mine +1) CONFIRMING that TRUMP had ties to RUSSIA.

Let me just say, I just wonder why if simple clearly has the goods, and he hasn't come forward in compelling way, isn't he complicit in being a threat to our democracy? Maybe he is just an agent in the counter, counter re-election of DJT. Brilliant!

Or in Russian (since, ya know, the Russians have infiltrated a mountain snowmobiling enthusiast's website) :
Одно из самых рейтинговых шоу NBC с 369 просмотрами с 2017 года (включая мое +1) ПОДТВЕРЖДАЕТ, что TRUMP имеет связи с РОССИЕЙ.

Позвольте мне просто сказать, я просто удивляюсь, почему, если у простого ясно есть товары, и он не выдвинул убедительный способ, разве он не замешан в том, чтобы быть угрозой нашей демократии? Может быть, он просто агент в борьбе, переизбрание DJT. блестящий
Odno iz samykh reytingovykh shou NBC s 369 prosmotrami s 2017 goda (vklyuchaya moye +1) PODTVERZHDAYET, chto TRUMP imeyet svyazi s ROSSIYEY.

Pozvol'te mne prosto skazat', ya prosto udivlyayus', pochemu, yesli u prostogo yasno yest' tovary, i on ne vydvinul ubeditel'nyy sposob, razve on ne zameshan v tom, chtoby byt' ugrozoy nashey demokratii? Mozhet byt', on prosto agent v bor'be, pereizbraniye DJT. blestyashchiy

Or in Jive (dont want to not respect):

One uh NBC's top rated shows wid 369 views since 2017 (includin' mine +1) CONFIRMING dat TRUMP had ties t'RUSSIA.

Let me plum say, ah' plum wonda' why if simple clearly gots de baaaads, and he ain't mosey on down fo'ward in compellin' way, ain't he complicit in bein' some dreat t'our democracy? Maybe he be plum an agent in de counter, counta' re-elecshun uh DJT. Brilliant! Right on!

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Well-known member
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Apr 22, 2010
Question about the mail voting that seems to be such a hot topic ? What if the name on the voter ballet is no longer in the household ? Died moved got swept away by aliens etc.etc.

Does it matter who lives in the house ? Mickey Mouse could fill it out and no one would know the better and the person that belongs to that name on the ballet will have possible voted twice , not having a clue what just happened .

Am I missing anything ? or is every body law abiding citizens and mistakes don't happen ?
May 2, 2013
Turn on ad blocker then. The facts are right there. Republicans try to scare people with these tactics every election. Mail in votes work great. No need to take time off work to wait in line and make guesses or vote party line. It allows to to research who and what you vote for as you select on the ballot.


Well-known member
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Apr 22, 2010
Turn on ad blocker then. The facts are right there. Republicans try to scare people with these tactics every election. Mail in votes work great. No need to take time off work to wait in line and make guesses or vote party line. It allows to to research who and what you vote for as you select on the ballot.
I have seen just that mail , goes to the shredder from my mail box . My name isn't on it , it'll be interesting to see if I get it again this fall . Time will tell , remind me later .
May 2, 2013
Trump in January


Obviously Photoshop. His hands are actually much smaller and his belly bigger.


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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
Quick answer: The staff regularly clean up voting lists.
Oh i see. Is that why the "registered voters" in Los Angeles County and 10 other counties in California had more registered voters than eligible adults . . . to the tune of about 112%?
Makes a person wonder how widespread this issue is!
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