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How about our great President!!!

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Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Definitely not a quote but something like this....

Hey there,
Could you do me a favor?
I have heard that 2 of our citizens have broke the law, did some shady stuff a few yrs back. Can you look in to that for me?

That doesn't sound like digging up dirt but looking into some accusations....

There was some detail given about the crimes and asked to look in to it to see if it's true....

Not a question about finding something random but a specific inquiry.

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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
The Trumpster definitely has an interesting strategy for his defense. Go an national TV and continue to ask Foreign Countries to find dirt on his political rivals. The reason for the impeachment inquiry in the first place. Getting some more popcorn. First plot twist is a doozie


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
How exactly does “executive privilege “ apply to the current situation? It certainly isn’t intended to give someone the privilege to be a complete jacka$$ when representing YOUR country in front of a foreign dignitary on worldwide television.
And there it is, you just don't get it.
Jan 15, 2010
And there it is, you just don't get it.
Well then please explain it to me...

executive privilege also isn’t intended to allow Donnie to break the law and cover it up and totally ignore the checks and balances written in the constitution that his followers supposidly so dearly uphold.
Jan 15, 2010
Definitely not a quote but something like this....

Hey there,
Could you do me a favor?
I have heard that 2 of our citizens have broke the law, did some shady stuff a few yrs back. Can you look in to that for me?

That doesn't sound like digging up dirt but looking into some accusations....

There was some detail given about the crimes and asked to look in to it to see if it's true....

Not a question about finding something random but a specific inquiry.

Sent it
If Biden really broke the law there are very simple and legal ways to go about investigating him. Especially when you are the head of the executive branch with a boot licking attorney general... Those ways don’t involve very clearly dangling a carrot while asking the leader of Ukraine to look into it for him. Doing so while withholding a whole whack of military aid funds approved by Congress doesn’t help.

If Biden did something corrupt then absolutely investigate, above board, legally and in the open. That’s the issue, if there’s something there then get the justice dept on it.

Biden is gonna be Hillary 2.0 anyway, old establishment candidate with tons of baggage. Pathetic that it could actually come down to 2.0 and the mango messiah.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
If Biden really broke the law there are very simple and legal ways to go about investigating him. Especially when you are the head of the executive branch with a boot licking attorney general... Those ways don’t involve very clearly dangling a carrot while asking the leader of Ukraine to look into it for him. Doing so while withholding a whole whack of military aid funds approved by Congress doesn’t help.

If Biden did something corrupt then absolutely investigate, above board, legally and in the open. That’s the issue, if there’s something there then get the justice dept on it.

Biden is gonna be Hillary 2.0 anyway, old establishment candidate with tons of baggage. Pathetic that it could actually come down to 2.0 and the mango messiah.
Did or did not,the Democrats ask the same country to investigate trump?
With the sole purpose to dig up dirt? NO specifics, just general digging for dirt...?

I am for the best person to lead the country in the best direction. I am not for a specific party.
I can say, without a doubt, that the past Democrat did NOT help the country. I was foolish and believed in him, i actually voted for him... i regret that i was duped in to his "cool" smooth speeches. His demeanor, he just seemed like a "cool person", someone that related to the general masses..... he was not and did not.

Trump says and does a lot of "stuff" that isn't "normal politics " and tweets some dumb sh*t.

I can say for sure that our country is stronger and better off with him as the president.

401k's are 10times (not a scientific data acurate poll) better since he took office.

I personally have gained substantially, financially....

How is that? Businessman running the country, looking out for the best interest. U cannot argue against that with facts, only falsehood ....

This guy isn't taking a salary....

Obama is still taking an extraordinary large amount of money from the United states citizens.... yes i voted for him.... yes, i also regret making that Ill informed decision....

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Well then please explain it to me...

Ok, if you promise to listen.
Conversations frequently contain remarks meant only for those involved. This is true for all of us. Most of us have gotten our tit in a wringer because something we said was repeated.
If the leaders of the world have no confidence that private conversations are indeed private, communication will break down. Communication is paramount in preventing conflict. Conflicts lead to wars.

So, yes the world is a more dangerous place thanks to all of you that suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Jan 15, 2010
Ok, if you promise to listen.
Conversations frequently contain remarks meant only for those involved. This is true for all of us. Most of us have gotten our tit in a wringer because something we said was repeated.
If the leaders of the world have no confidence that private conversations are indeed private, communication will break down. Communication is paramount in preventing conflict. Conflicts lead to wars.

So, yes the world is a more dangerous place thanks to all of you that suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
So we should just sit back and let the stable genius break whatever laws he wants to and not know how he is representing anyone’s interests in his discussions with world leaders? I mean, if that’s the case then what’s the point of having any laws at all protecting the integrity of elections or having any congressional oversight? Surprising those silly guys that wrote the constitution came up with that stuff...If the guy could go 5 mins without lying then maybe there’d be some trust there, not really the case these days.

If you actually believe that fat Nixon’s conversations with Ukraine and China regarding Biden were solely for the purpose of rooting our corruption and not for personal political gain then I’ve got 600 miles of freshly built border wall to sell ya...
Jan 15, 2010
Did or did not,the Democrats ask the same country to investigate trump?
With the sole purpose to dig up dirt? NO specifics, just general digging for dirt...?

I am for the best person to lead the country in the best direction. I am not for a specific party.
I can say, without a doubt, that the past Democrat did NOT help the country. I was foolish and believed in him, i actually voted for him... i regret that i was duped in to his "cool" smooth speeches. His demeanor, he just seemed like a "cool person", someone that related to the general masses..... he was not and did not.

Trump says and does a lot of "stuff" that isn't "normal politics " and tweets some dumb sh*t.

I can say for sure that our country is stronger and better off with him as the president.

401k's are 10times (not a scientific data acurate poll) better since he took office.

I personally have gained substantially, financially....

How is that? Businessman running the country, looking out for the best interest. U cannot argue against that with facts, only falsehood ....

This guy isn't taking a salary....

Obama is still taking an extraordinary large amount of money from the United states citizens.... yes i voted for him.... yes, i also regret making that Ill informed decision....

Sent it
Yea, yer right, I mean the stock market didn’t go up at all during Obama’s time, the world financial markets were all tickety-boo when he started... saying 401ks are 10x better under trump vs Obama is complete BS. Look at the numbers over the last year-pretty flat...

I can see the logic in wanting a business man to run the government, but not one so incompetent that he bankrupted a freakin casino. Seriously, how the heck do you screw that’s up??

His ill convinced tariffs are being paid by you, not China.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
JTK, you've proven the point that you don't get it.
You don't need to continue to drive that point home.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
His ill convinced tariffs are being paid by you, not China.
Every year China petitions the World Trade Organization to be classified as a "Developing Country," this give them WTO breaks within in tariffs and other trade agreements.
This is not fair to us, Trumps tariffs will benefit us in the long run.


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I am just glad that most of our consumer goods in this country don't come from China. We would all be paying a lot more for them then we did in the past if that was the case.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That's the difference between a tariff and a tax.
A tax is designed to raise revenue.
These tariffs are designed to disincentivise purchasing products from China. The goal is not the monies collected, the goal is to collect zero dollars. That would be a 100% successful tariff.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
If Biden really broke the law there are very simple and legal ways to go about investigating him. Especially when you are the head of the executive branch with a boot licking attorney general... Those ways don’t involve very clearly dangling a carrot while asking the leader of Ukraine to look into it for him. Doing so while withholding a whole whack of military aid funds approved by Congress doesn’t help.
If Biden did something corrupt then absolutely investigate, above board, legally and in the open. That’s the issue, if there’s something there then get the justice dept on it.
This response gives the impression you haven't done your due diligence of researching the topic.
Research: Hunter Biden Burisma-Ukraine, Burisma pays Hunter $90k/month, Biden orders Ukrainian prosecutor fired, Biden calls for networks to blacklist Giuliani.
Should bring you up to speed.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This response gives the impression you haven't done your due diligence of researching the topic.
Research: Hunter Biden Burisma-Ukraine, Burisma pays Hunter $90k/month, Biden orders Ukrainian prosecutor fired, Biden calls for networks to blacklist Giuliani.
Should bring you up to speed.
But, but, but that doesn't fit his narrative.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
According to fox news anyway. Nothing wrong with making $90k a month. Ivanka made millions it patents that were on hold until her daddy became president so if Biden is guilt becasue he daddy got him the job so Is ivanka. But that is somehow always overlooked by trumpsters Even Ukrainian Government is saying that Trump is full of BS And Giuliani is an idiot who should be blacklisted from everywhere
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