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How about our great President!!!

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Mar 11, 2018
I think what you DON'T get is the amount of fallout that will be occurring for decades to come because of this presidency.

Because he is impolite? You are correct, I have never understood your fascination with this notion.

Obama had many screw ups with foreign leaders, I don't see any "fallout" from that or any other past President including the one getting favors in the Oval office.

it is a completely empty argument. Nobody but those who have succumbed to PC disease will care one bit because... IT DOESN'T MATTER!

Makes it easy for you to have an excuse to not like him, which just means, you fell for it...


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Mar 11, 2018
Because they're using trump as a photo op. The only other world leader I can think of who loves him is Nettenyahu.

Maybe because all of these other countries like the billions we send them and Trump has at least talked about cutting that "foreign aid" off. Should have happened decades ago...

I am sure Nettenyahu is ecstatic to see anybody replace our first muslim president... Couldn't go anywhere but up for Isreal after obama.


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Mar 11, 2018
Naive or just desperately trying anything to justify your position ?. Hard to tell !!! .

Book smart... Not very in touch with reality though. That is my diagnosis, worth everything you paid for it too!


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Aug 30, 2011
That would be difficult, considering we homeschool them. And I'm not "waking up" probably in the sense you would prefer. I am opposed to the globalist agenda. I am also opposed to the fear mongering endorsed & used by DJT. There are elements of his agenda that I support. I admit, Radical Islam is a thing & is dangerous. Radical right wing fascism is as well.

Some of my views are very well expressed here if you'd like to see what I believe in:

Part 1:


Part 2:


This fellow has some great points though as I read on he sways back and forth between a global agenda and state’s personal rights.
I dont agree with the globalist agenda.
I do agree with individual states rights as I dont like people from DC controlling my state.
With this you cant have both no matter how rosey it sounds.


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Aug 30, 2011
After Elizabeth Warrens proposal to break google up into smaller companies...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
While in South Korea, our great President Trump reaches out to Kim Jong Un to meet in the DMZ. A risky move that could have left him with egg on his face if Un declined.
The result, Trump becomes the first US President to step on North Korean soil.

How are you Trump haters going to spin this one?:face-icon-small-dis
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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Obama had many screw ups with foreign leaders, I don't see any "fallout" from that or any other past President including the one getting favors in the Oval office.
I would definitely agree with you on this one at least as far as the screw ups go. If you ask me, Trump is PART of that fallout from Obama's Presidency. Obama certainly didn't do us any favors with Russia, China, etc; and the folks who gave him a Nobel Peace prize for "improving the rhetoric" in the middle east while at the same time he was ordering drone strikes in Pakistan disgusted me. When you get right down to it, Trump is better on follow through than Obama ever was. We're still in Afghanistan. GITMO is still in operation. The pullout in Iraq backfired completely. And the "Affordable Care Act" is such a far cry from what he was promising. If my ONLY choice were between Trump or Obama, or Trump & Hillary, I'd probably take Trump. But no matter how much the Left & Right try to tell you its all a binary choice, it is not. Call it idealism or naive if you like, but I will continue to cast my vote for 3rd party candidates until I see someone worth electing nominated for the presidency from one of the current 2 parties.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I would definitely agree with you on this one at least as far as the screw ups go. If you ask me, Trump is PART of that fallout from Obama's Presidency. Obama certainly didn't do us any favors with Russia, China, etc; and the folks who gave him a Nobel Peace prize for "improving the rhetoric" in the middle east while at the same time he was ordering drone strikes in Pakistan disgusted me. When you get right down to it, Trump is better on follow through than Obama ever was. We're still in Afghanistan. GITMO is still in operation. The pullout in Iraq backfired completely. And the "Affordable Care Act" is such a far cry from what he was promising. If my ONLY choice were between Trump or Obama, or Trump & Hillary, I'd probably take Trump. But no matter how much the Left & Right try to tell you its all a binary choice, it is not. Call it idealism or naive if you like, but I will continue to cast my vote for 3rd party candidates until I see someone worth electing nominated for the presidency from one of the current 2 parties.

I agree with your point, but one must realize to take that stance is indeed a "wasted" vote.
We lost a good man today when Ross Perot died. I voted for him because he made more sense than Dole or Clinton. However, his candidacy likely handed the election to Clinton.

Bottom line, when voting, we must take very seriously what the unintended ramifications may be.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I agree with your point, but one must realize to take that stance is indeed a "wasted" vote.
Bottom line, when voting, we must take very seriously what the unintended ramifications may be.

Which is why we should all support a system like single transferable vote, rather than first-past-the-post.

For presidential elections, and more importantly, all other elections.

Even better for congress (mostly the house) would be something like mixed member proportional elections.

If anyone is curious, I can post resources to elaborate.
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