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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010

At least yer predictable. Get asked a real question about policy and the only response is “I don’t care about policy” and “liberals are dumb. Donny didn’t get where he is by respecting the intelligence of his followers. All he has to do is shout “Hillary, Benghazi, uranium, emails, lock her up” and all of ya go “yeeee haaaa, Maga” even when it’s obvious that his policies will hurt his followers most in the long run.

And you just assume that everyone who doesn’t support Donny is some bleeding heart tree hugging libr’l from Berkeley when in actuality there are plenty of us who simply have common sense, have not lost our self respect and common decency and can spot a con when we see one. Hell, I used to shoot nails at the stereo from up in the rafters on a job site when some hippie would try to put the grateful dead on...

It’s pretty pathetic when moderation and common sense get treated like a fringe view and people think that blindly following a guy like Donny is normal and good.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

Wall is coming right along and doing good with it there thinking of
throwing a lib or two over it. or at it to test its strength.:bump:


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Oct 5, 2009
MOST, not all, but most of the hardcore, far left libs I know don't have the common sense to be a test dummy. Educated,yes...booksmart,yes...but common sense.....NO!!


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That stands to reason.
If they had common sense, there is no way they could be a hardcore liberal.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
That stands to reason.
If they had common sense, there is no way they could be a hardcore liberal.
You could replace "hardcore liberal" with "hardcore conservative" in that sentence and be equally accurate.

Here's the deal...anyone who is automatically "liberal" or "conservative" on all issues, without fully understanding the individual issues and how they pertain to him/her, or how they pertain to other people in different situations.....is an idiot.

Also, anyone who was automatically going to vote for the "conservative" or "liberal" party regardless of what candidate they wound up with, or what policies they proposed....is an idiot.
Jan 15, 2010
Says the King of Assumptions.

Tell us why you assume that.

Considering what you have posted in this thread I’d say that jaynelson pretty well described you in his reference to a hard core conservative.

But if you need me to explain that you are just proving my assumption to be correct
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Kirk is a know it all, condescending D-bag, with a Capitol D !!!

It is like he purposely takes the stance furthest away from logic and reality.
However, in fairness, I started this thread to keep some activity on SW during the off season to keep things interesting.
His contributions greatly helped, and I think it was more entertaining than thought provoking..
Please don't hold anyone's political opinions against them. We are ALL SNOWMOBILERS!!
And it is fun to have a place where we can have this debate without things getting ugly.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Lack of information? Why should we not form opinions about specific policies?

Couple of reasons that I am reluctant to comment on specific policy...
1 Lack of information. I am not going to have my opinion formed by filtered information.
2 Most bills have some good along with some bad. So endorsing a bill because of something good will get twisted around by some little opportunistic prick trying to make themselves look more intelligent than they are.
3 We, the citizens can have opinions, but should not be bickering over policy. That is why we have elected officials. You and I don't have the opportunity to vote on policy, so fighting about it only spreads the diviee.

Does this help you?

This just kinda floors me. "Lack of information" or "filtered information." If Breitbart & Fox News are your only source of information, than I would agree you've got some pretty heavily filtered & slanted sources. That said, in this thread alone there are dozens of other sources you could pursue. Your phone can give you 300 recipes for pancakes if you want it to. Blaming lack of information is exceedingly lazy in this day & age.

And - Why should we not discuss specific policies? Because we're not elected & should leave that up to the elected officials? That makes my eyes hurt to read that. Then you just randomly pick your elected officials based on whatever random non-policy thing makes you feel good & trust them to run with it.

Power corrupts. Not necessarily everyone in every way, but if we don't hold our leaders to account, reject them when they screw up, & INFORM THEM OF OUR OPINIONS ON SPECIFIC POLICIES then you end up with oligarchies, Career politicians, and a country led by none but the detached elite.

I'm pretty sure this is where we're at right now. And Trump, while he's certainly shaken some things up, is just another in the long line of detached elites. What sets him apart is that somehow, he's persuaded a very large swath of the country that he, in fact, is the person who actually gives a crap about their problems. All he really gives a crap about is his ego.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This just kinda floors me. "Lack of information" or "filtered information." If Breitbart & Fox News are your only source of information, than I would agree you've got some pretty heavily filtered & slanted sources. That said, in this thread alone there are dozens of other sources you could pursue. Your phone can give you 300 recipes for pancakes if you want it to. Blaming lack of information is exceedingly lazy in this day & age.


I don't trust any of the news sources enough to feel that they've told me enough of the details for me to state on a public forum where I stand. They all tell a story the way they'd like you to hear it.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And - Why should we not discuss specific policies? .

Discussing is fine. But usually the discussion turns into a fight.
My point was that it is pointless for people to fight about it when their opinions at this point really are irrelevant.
If you are not going to vent your opinion at your elected officials, why erode relationships with differing opinions?
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