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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
So the wall worked for 44 years.

What history class did you have that told you about building long walls?

You really think spending all that money on a wall will solve the illegal immigrant issue even though it’s common knowledge that most of them come in legally and overstay their visas? Why not target the demand side with huge fines and jail time for anyone who hires illegals? You want to go zero tolerance, don’t tolerate the people who hire and enable the illegals. Boycott their companies and products.

Building a $50b monument to the Donald and hatred and intolerance might make you feel better but it won’t solve the issue.


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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
You really think spending all that money on a wall will solve the illegal immigrant issue even though it’s common knowledge that most of them come in legally and overstay their visas? Why not target the demand side with huge fines and jail time for anyone who hires illegals? You want to go zero tolerance, don’t tolerate the people who hire and enable the illegals. Boycott their companies and products.

Building a $50b monument to the Donald and hatred and intolerance might make you feel better but it won’t solve the issue.

I do not understand why any of them cross the boarder illegally. For the same amount of $$ they pay the coyote's they can get a visa, get on a plane and go to any city they want. But you can see on the news how many kids they have picked up crossing the boarder last couple of weeks.

Where they exist, fences do deter some crossers and slow down others. And modern pedestrian fencing, usually with tall steel bollards, is more effective than older styles. The GAO report concluded crossers breached “legacy” pedestrian fencing at an average rate of 82 breaches per fence mile, compared with an average of 14 breaches per fence mile of modern pedestrian fencing.
Jan 15, 2010
I do not understand why any of them cross the boarder illegally. For the same amount of $$ they pay the coyote's they can get a visa, get on a plane and go to any city they want. But you can see on the news how many kids they have picked up crossing the boarder last couple of weeks.

Where they exist, fences do deter some crossers and slow down others. And modern pedestrian fencing, usually with tall steel bollards, is more effective than older styles. The GAO report concluded crossers breached “legacy” pedestrian fencing at an average rate of 82 breaches per fence mile, compared with an average of 14 breaches per fence mile of modern pedestrian fencing.

And if they build the wall the Mexicans that would have just walked across will do just that and then stay once their visas expire. $50b out the window.


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Aug 30, 2011
Change “liberals” to “Jews” and “Texas” to “Germany “ and you’d have a sign straight outta Berlin in the 1930s. You must be so proud of yourself...
Give me a break, we have the first president trying to fix a monumental problem and the left is trying to compare him to hitler in nazi Germany.
The lefts only solution is immediate amnesty for any illegal crossing the border with a minor in tow. Thats the same as no border at all creating a powerful incentive for child smuggling.
And dont speak out against the left and theyre insane head up azz ideas or they will call you "hitler" also.
Jan 15, 2010
Give me a break, we have the first president trying to fix a monumental problem and the left is trying to compare him to hitler in nazi Germany.
The lefts only solution is immediate amnesty for any illegal crossing the border with a minor in tow. Thats the same as no border at all creating a powerful incentive for child smuggling.
And dont speak out against the left and theyre insane head up azz ideas or they will call you "hitler" also.

Actually I’m comparing the hatred you trumpkins show to anyone who opposes your view to that of the German population toward those that they hated so bad in the ‘30s. A sign like that is total horsesh!t and makes people promoting it look like fools.

No one is asking for full on open borders. You keep believing Donny’s lies cause he keeps repeating it. Common sense solutions need to be discussed. Donny’s zero tolerance immediate prosecution policy is just as asinine as full open borders. You guys are so polarized and fixated on promoting such extreme views that nothing will ever be accomplished at this rate.


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Aug 30, 2011
Actually I’m comparing the hatred you trumpkins show to anyone who opposes your view to that of the German population toward those that they hated so bad in the ‘30s. A sign like that is total horsesh!t and makes people promoting it look like fools.
No one is asking for full on open borders. You keep believing Donny’s lies cause he keeps repeating it. Common sense solutions need to be discussed. Donny’s zero tolerance immediate prosecution policy is just as asinine as full open borders. You guys are so polarized and fixated on promoting such extreme views that nothing will ever be accomplished at this rate.
That sign pales in comparison to the hate the left/liberal: media, actors, comedians and politicians spew out daily. But its ok for the left to rant & rave with no consequence but if anyone on the right says anything theyre now "hitler."!?!?!?
All these disgusting "hitler/nazi" remarks towards Trump only cheapens the true memory & true history of the "true evil" that was inflicted upon millions of people in the the holocaust. JTK, you and your side disgust me for indulging this sick smear.
Jan 15, 2010
That sign pales in comparison to the hate the left/liberal: media, actors, comedians and politicians spew out daily. But its ok for the left to rant & rave with no consequence but if anyone on the right says anything theyre now "hitler."!?!?!?
All these disgusting "hitler/nazi" remarks towards Trump only cheapens the true memory & true history of the "true evil" that was inflicted upon millions of people in the the holocaust. JTK, you and your side disgust me for indulging this sick smear.

I don’t recall anyone on the left telling trumpies to GTFO...

As for the comparison, everyone has to start somewhere. It started in Europe with open acceptance of hate and advocacy for displacement. If you really care about the “true evil” of that timeframe you should be very cautious about the path that the USA is on right now. That cancer is in its infancy, but it’ll spread fast at the current rate. No one (well maybe one guy...) in the early ‘30s thought it’d get anywhere near where it did.

Both sides can do a lot better, but you can’t deny that Donny and his followers have done a very good job of promoting hate and intolerance. Look at the changes to what is “acceptable “ to say these days compared to before Donny got up there at his rally’s and started spewing about all Mexicans being rapists and grabbing women by the pu$$y. Of course people on all sides are ranting and raving like never before. He, and as a follower you, are not helping.


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Aug 30, 2011
Trump said more mean things that hurt your feelings? Besides everyone on the left vomits worse vocabulary every time they speak about trump, his family and his supporters.
You can repeat this bogus "following in 1930's Germany footsteps theory" all you want but to truly follow this theory trump would have to ban guns, but yet he is pro gun. He would also have to censor the news media, which he hasn't. I could go on and on. But please JKT keep dreaming up theories as it is quite entertaining.


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Aug 30, 2011


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The liberal mainstream media is using immigration to divide us. Don't let them.
Our great President Trump isn't doing anything to illegal aliens that other Presidents before him haven't done.

Let's remember that we are a melting pot welcoming those that come to become part of the greatest nation on earth, to contribute to the progress, success and protect our nation, to learn the language and assimilate to our way of life.
We desperately need to preserve that criteria, and drive out those that do not cling to it as well as those who want to reform the constitution to meet their own agendas.

Remember the phrase.... America, Love It Or Leave It?

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The Great American Melting Pot

  1. There is no national language & never has been. De facto is English, but there are no laws on the books anywhere that state that English is our national language.
  2. If we expect immigrants to learn English, shouldn't we be able to spell correctly ourselves?
  3. We are one of the only countries that does not require study of another language in school. Why not?
  4. "Monumental" border crossing problems. Wow. The monumental border crossing problem is a propaganda tool of the far right that DJT has very effectively tapped into.
  5. The history of immigration & restrictions has ebbed and flowed throughout the history of the United States, with virtually every new group after a couple of generations calling for restrictions on new groups using the same fear tactics applied to their grandparent immigrants. German, Irish, Chinese, Russian, Hispanic, Islamic, Catholic, Jewish, You name it, fear tactics have always been used.
  6. The term "Illegal Immigration" is an incredibly recent creation. https://www.history.com/news/the-birth-of-illegal-immigration
If we're really a melting pot, Shouldn't we melt a little too?

The Great American Melting Pot
Last edited:

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Why not target the demand side with huge fines and jail time for anyone who hires illegals? You want to go zero tolerance, don’t tolerate the people who hire and enable the illegals. Boycott their companies and products.


Supply and demand.

The US has a massive demand for cheap/low skill labor. Welcome the incoming wave of migrants looking to fill that demand. You can slow things or shift it slightly. But building a wall is a long ways down the list of practical means to curb this flow.

Remove/diminish the demand for illegal laborers and supply will wane accordingly.

This whole immigration debate has turned into some irrational pissing match over a bunch of side affects of migration, and everyone seems to have forgotten why it is occuring in the first place. The left is really falling on their sword right now on immigration and its a bit pathetic. Although the right has hardly come up with any sort of rational meaningful options either:juggle:


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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
  1. There is no national language & never has been. De facto is English, but there are no laws on the books anywhere that state that English is our national language.
  2. If we expect immigrants to learn English, shouldn't we be able to spell correctly ourselves?
  3. We are one of the only countries that does not require study of another language in school. Why not?
  4. "Monumental" border crossing problems. Wow. The monumental border crossing problem is a propaganda tool of the far right that DJT has very effectively tapped into.
  5. The history of immigration & restrictions has ebbed and flowed throughout the history of the United States, with virtually every new group after a couple of generations calling for restrictions on new groups using the same fear tactics applied to their grandparent immigrants. German, Irish, Chinese, Russian, Hispanic, Islamic, Catholic, Jewish, You name it, fear tactics have always been used.
  6. The term "Illegal Immigration" is an incredibly recent creation. https://www.history.com/news/the-birth-of-illegal-immigration
If we're really a melting pot, Shouldn't we melt a little too?

The Great American Melting Pot

You can thank the Democrats for English not being the national language.

The Senate has voted to designate English the national language of the United States, and to effectively ban federal government ordinances and services in any language other than English. The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against.

The Senate then passed by a 58-39 margin a more moderate amendment that declares English merely to be the "common unifying language of the US".


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
You can thank the Democrats for English not being the national language.

The Senate has voted to designate English the national language of the United States, and to effectively ban federal government ordinances and services in any language other than English. The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against.

The Senate then passed by a 58-39 margin a more moderate amendment that declares English merely to be the "common unifying language of the US".

Thanks God for democrats Then!!!!! or Americans would be even more ignorant then we already are in this world. At least there is a small incentive to learn another languages. In other countries young people can speak 3-4 language Why so they can talk to other cultures and learn as they travel. What made this country great was the melting of cultures as more and more immigrants came to this country. If that didn't happen we would be still a bunch of ignorant rednecks sitting around wearing overhauls and playing the banjo which it appears that we headed back in that direction. We all now what happens when the banjo starts playing

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Thanks God for democrats Then!!!!! or Americans would be even more ignorant then we already are in this world. At least there is a small incentive to learn another languages. In other countries young people can speak 3-4 language Why so they can talk to other cultures and learn as they travel. What made this country great was the melting of cultures as more and more immigrants came to this country. If that didn't happen we would be still a bunch of ignorant rednecks sitting around wearing overhauls and playing the banjo which it appears that we headed back in that direction. We all now what happens when the banjo starts playing

Ben Franklin wanted German to be our national language.

I believe the rationale the founding fathers (and I could be completely off on this) had in not declaring a National language in the constitution was that if we anchored ourselves to one language, it would tend to affect foreign policy and alignments. Can you imagine how the 20th century may have played out differently had German been our national language?

Mainly, I don't see any point in legislating it. The less formal laws the better if you ask me. Utah and California are particularly disgusting in the legislate-everything camp.

Banjo is awesome. My son & I play 4 string banjo together.


Well-known member
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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
Thanks God for democrats Then!!!!! or Americans would be even more ignorant then we already are in this world. At least there is a small incentive to learn another languages. In other countries young people can speak 3-4 language Why so they can talk to other cultures and learn as they travel. What made this country great was the melting of cultures as more and more immigrants came to this country. If that didn't happen we would be still a bunch of ignorant rednecks sitting around wearing overhauls and playing the banjo which it appears that we headed back in that direction. We all now what happens when the banjo starts playing


freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
I have witnessed owners of construction businesses in a red state become wealthy from illegal labor and I know the illegal labor did not pay a dime in any kind of withholding, can't say for sure if the owners were repub or not but I know people who have been told they would lose their job if they didn't vote republican. I am absolutely certain this would happen in a blue state also. For being touted as the greatest nation in the world it is hard to believe we have allowed the worst parts of the two party system dictate what we are.
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