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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Now he says he ment “wouldn’t” instead of “would”? Uh, context?? You trumpies must be pretty embarrassed, your great leader clearly doesn’t think very highly of your intelligence if he expects you to believe that. He sounded like a hostage with a gun to his head reading that statement today, guess he really did hand Vlad his balls.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Say a thing or two wrong and its over. it happens but he keeps working and ill bet they will see each other again. russia cant buy DJT....


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Now he says he ment “wouldn’t” instead of “would”? Uh, context?? You trumpies must be pretty embarrassed, your great leader clearly doesn’t think very highly of your intelligence if he expects you to believe that. He sounded like a hostage with a gun to his head reading that statement today, guess he really did hand Vlad his balls.

So you are saying that you know what his thoughts are?
You know what is in his heart?
Of course you don't, and to talk so damned stupid doesn't help anything.
Jan 15, 2010
So you are saying that you know what his thoughts are?
You know what is in his heart?
Of course you don't, and to talk so damned stupid doesn't help anything.

Did you actually listen to what he said? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he absolutely ment what he said the first time, and what he is tweeting today just reinforces my point..

Anyone who believes anything that Benedict Donald says has given up the right to call anyone stupid.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Did you actually listen to what he said? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he absolutely ment what he said the first time, and what he is tweeting today just reinforces my point..

Anyone who believes anything that Benedict Donald says has given up the right to call anyone stupid.

I'm thinking that hanging around with you would be a downer.
Too much negativity for my taste.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
James T Kirk;4154047 Anyone who believes anything that Benedict Donald says has given up the right to call anyone stupid.[/QUOTE said:
Of all the off the wall posts... that is probably the most idiotic one I’ve seen. I voted trump because I saw it as a better choice then Hillary. I don’t believe everything he says and I believe he’s lied at times but I do think he has done some positive things and will continue to do so. You lump any trump supporter into this category of being a far right wing-nut that can’t see straight. Are those types out there? You bet! The left has them as well but That’s not everyone. Get off your f’n pedestal and shut your butt for a minute and realize that not everyone and everything is as you see it!!!
Jan 15, 2010
Of all the off the wall posts... that is probably the most idiotic one I’ve seen. I voted trump because I saw it as a better choice then Hillary. I don’t believe everything he says and I believe he’s lied at times but I do think he has done some positive things and will continue to do so. You lump any trump supporter into this category of being a far right wing-nut that can’t see straight. Are those types out there? You bet! The left has them as well but That’s not everyone. Get off your f’n pedestal and shut your butt for a minute and realize that not everyone and everything is as you see it!!!

Oh c’mon Jerry, did I offend you?? I’ll stand by what I said, if you believe someone -whether they are the president or your neighbor-who constantly lies about everything, is constantly disproven and continues to do it and expects you to believe something as blatant as “I ment wouldn’t instead of would” in that context, you are not acting like a reasonable intelligent adult.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Did you actually listen to what he said? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he absolutely ment what he said the first time, and what he is tweeting today just reinforces my point..

Anyone who believes anything that Benedict Donald says has given up the right to call anyone stupid.

What a pissy pants go fill a bottle a suck on it. we vhave a great guy running our yes (OUR) country. DJT im with ya all the way.:face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Oh c’mon Jerry, did I offend you?? I’ll stand by what I said, if you believe someone -whether they are the president or your neighbor-who constantly lies about everything, is constantly disproven and continues to do it and expects you to believe something as blatant as “I ment wouldn’t instead of would” in that context, you are not acting like a reasonable intelligent adult.

You didn’t offend me. I kind of feel sorry for you! Do You stand by what you’ve said about any Trump supporter???
Jan 15, 2010
You didn’t offend me. I kind of feel sorry for you! Do You stand by what you’ve said about any Trump supporter???

Ah, gee, thanks for the sympathy...

Yup, the fact that you need to ask that question after what I’ve posted just reinforces my point. At the beginning I’d hesitate to have lumped everyone together like that, but after the last year and a half? No hesitation.

All insults aside, I’m truly fascinated that anyone can still support or believe this guy. You guys say he has done so much great stuff, how much of that is actually real vs his embellishments? What is actually true vs his lies-here’s a few examples- (“we have solved North Korea”, biggest tax cut ever (disproven and offset by tariffs), Mexico is paying for the wall, I’ll release my taxes later, “witch hunt” (same day they indicated how many more?) immigration-where’s the new bill, his party has total control... “we have a great healthcare plan to be implimented on day 1”

What he sold you and what you actually got kinda reminds me of the whole trump university scam.

I don’t expect rational answers, anytime I ask a question requiring some thought all I get back are cute memes and quips about Hillary. Maybe I just like messing with you trumpies...

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Enough with the name calling. Go participate.

Of all the off the wall posts... that is probably the most idiotic one I’ve seen. I voted trump because I saw it as a better choice then Hillary. I don’t believe everything he says and I believe he’s lied at times but I do think he has done some positive things and will continue to do so. You lump any trump supporter into this category of being a far right wing-nut that can’t see straight. Are those types out there? You bet! The left has them as well but That’s not everyone. Get off your f’n pedestal and shut your butt for a minute and realize that not everyone and everything is as you see it!!!

Who started this by calling what JTK said "talking so damned stupid?" (Not that JTK is innocent of offensive appelations).

The name calling of supporters or opposition to Trump is such a waste of energy. I personally still think DJT is either one of the most devious evil geniuses who has ever led our country - Right up there with GWB, Clinton & Obama - or the biggest blowhard of an idiot who has EVER run the country. Its hard to say which. Maybe both?

Regarding those who have glommed onto him - I do question their ridiculous loyalty to him regardless of what he says or does that flies in the face of reason, decency, or common sense. BUT, I understand where they are coming from. White Middle & lower class (right where I've been all my life) has been repeatedly made out to be "the bad guy" in America. Opportunities, rights & respect are daily removed, or at least challenged in the name of things like equal opportunity, making reparations for hurts from hundreds of years ago, or simply for the far left agenda of some group of creeps pulling the strings behind closed doors. (If you don't think there are some pretty deep conspiracies going on from both ends of the spectrum, the media, as well as those trying to pull the strings on both ends definitely have you hoodwinked). Those in power have been stepping on the middle & lower classes for centuries & will continue to do so. There have been brief fits & spurts where those stepped on have asserted themselves - The revolutionary war, The French revolution, the Civil war, workers unionizing & getting things changed in the early 20th century, the civil rights movement, The dissolution of the British Empire, The Arab Spring. Unfortunately, those behind closed doors have also been a part of every one of those events too & have finagled their way to twisting each of these to their own means. DJT has tapped into the frustration of the White Middle & lower class successfully. I don't see that he's really done much aside from talk. I doubt he will survive (politically) the 2020 election, if nothing else than because the left has the same allergic reaction to him that the right had to Obama & Hillary & are bound to pull themselves together by 2020. I am really hoping a 3rd option might become available by then - be it a much different republican candidate, or a viable 3rd party.

All that said - Why do we have to stoop to the level of name calling? If we would collectively pull our heads out & participate in what is going on - STARTING LOCALLY - Maybe we can start seeing each other as humans instead of the opposition. Maybe if 2 or 3 people get together they can make a little difference.

I do think Trump bombed with Putin. My opinion. The opinion of an enormous amount of people. I don't see it affecting my every day life though. I think he did a good job with North Korea. That surprised me. Also, I don't see that affecting my every day life much. The Idaho state senate (state, not federal) race primary that was run 2 months ago in my county - I was very pleased with the outcome & turnout - the best in more than 20 years for a similar election in Idaho - THAT I see affecting my every day life.

Didn't vote for Trump, cuz he's a creep & a liar. Didn't vote for Hillary cuz she's a creep & a liar. Generally speaking, I don't vote Democrat or Republican because they're the parties that have been in power to oversee the demise of our constitutional rights. The sooner more people realize that, the sooner we might start regaining a few of them.

I'm staunchly in the middle. My brother thinks I'm radically conservative. My parents think I'm radically liberal. It completely depends on the issue with me.

So enough with the name calling. Go participate. Write a congressman. Attend a school board or city council meeting. Stop being hoodwinked.
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
How much of that is actually real vs his embellishments? What is actually true vs his lies-here’s a few examples- (“we have solved North Korea”, biggest tax cut ever (disproven and offset by tariffs), Mexico is paying for the wall, I’ll release my taxes later, “witch hunt” (same day they indicated how many more?) immigration-where’s the new bill, his party has total control... “we have a great healthcare plan to be implimented on day 1”


I don’t expect rational answers, anytime I ask a question requiring some thought all I get back are cute memes and quips about Hillary. Maybe I just like messing with you trumpies...

Face it, he's just like every other politician that has ever been elected on that point, only louder & lewder.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Who started this by calling what JTK said "talking so damned stupid?" (Not that JTK is innocent of offensive appelations).

The name calling of supporters or opposition to Trump is such a waste of energy. I personally still think DJT is either one of the most devious evil geniuses who has ever led our country - Right up there with GWB, Clinton & Obama - or the biggest blowhard of an idiot who has EVER run the country. Its hard to say which. Maybe both?

Regarding those who have glommed onto him - I do question their ridiculous loyalty to him regardless of what he says or does that flies in the face of reason, decency, or common sense. BUT, I understand where they are coming from. White Middle & lower class (right where I've been all my life) has been repeatedly made out to be "the bad guy" in America. Opportunities, rights & respect are daily removed, or at least challenged in the name of things like equal opportunity, making reparations for hurts from hundreds of years ago, or simply for the far left agenda of some group of creeps pulling the strings behind closed doors. (If you don't think there are some pretty deep conspiracies going on from both ends of the spectrum, the media, as well as those trying to pull the strings on both ends definitely have you hoodwinked). Those in power have been stepping on the middle & lower classes for centuries & will continue to do so. There have been brief fits & spurts where those stepped on have asserted themselves - The revolutionary war, The French revolution, the Civil war, workers unionizing & getting things changed in the early 20th century, the civil rights movement, The dissolution of the British Empire, The Arab Spring. Unfortunately, those behind closed doors have also been a part of every one of those events too & have finagled their way to twisting each of these to their own means. DJT has tapped into the frustration of the White Middle & lower class successfully. I don't see that he's really done much aside from talk. I doubt he will survive (politically) the 2020 election, if nothing else than because the left has the same allergic reaction to him that the right had to Obama & Hillary & are bound to pull themselves together by 2020. I am really hoping a 3rd option might become available by then - be it a much different republican candidate, or a viable 3rd party.

All that said - Why do we have to stoop to the level of name calling? If we would collectively pull our heads out & participate in what is going on - STARTING LOCALLY - Maybe we can start seeing each other as humans instead of the opposition. Maybe if 2 or 3 people get together they can make a little difference.

I do think Trump bombed with Putin. My opinion. The opinion of an enormous amount of people. I don't see it affecting my every day life though. I think he did a good job with North Korea. That surprised me. Also, I don't see that affecting my every day life much. The Idaho state senate (state, not federal) race primary that was run 2 months ago in my county - I was very pleased with the outcome & turnout - the best in more than 20 years for a similar election in Idaho - THAT I see affecting my every day life.

Didn't vote for Trump, cuz he's a creep & a liar. Didn't vote for Hillary cuz she's a creep & a liar. Generally speaking, I don't vote Democrat or Republican because they're the parties that have been in power to oversee the demise of our constitutional rights. The sooner more people realize that, the sooner we might start regaining a few of them.

I'm staunchly in the middle. My brother thinks I'm radically conservative. My parents think I'm radically liberal. It completely depends on the issue with me.

So enough with the name calling. Go participate. Write a congressman. Attend a school board or city council meeting. Stop being hoodwinked.

There was no name calling. I said he made what I thought to be an idiotic statement. I would say most of us have probably done that a time or two. Doesn’t make him, I or anyone else and idiot. What makes you assume that I don’t participate? I actually do at the local level as much as my time allows. The difference between jtk and I is... I’m ok with you not being a trump supporter and understand why a person wouldn’t vote or care for him. I have quite a few friends that voted for Obama. I didn’t understand their choice but didn’t attempt to belittle them for it.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
There was no name calling. I said he made what I thought to be an idiotic statement. I would say most of us have probably done that a time or two. Doesn’t make him, I or anyone else and idiot. What makes you assume that I don’t participate? I actually do at the local level as much as my time allows. The difference between jtk and I is... I’m ok with you not being a trump supporter and understand why a person wouldn’t vote or care for him. I have quite a few friends that voted for Obama. I didn’t understand their choice but didn’t attempt to belittle them for it.

Sorry - my response was more of a general statement than for you in particular. Though calling what someone says "the most idiotic statement" does infer that the person who said it is an idiot. Not to mention "shut your butt." You might not have directly called someone a name, but the overall tenor was there.

And I definitely didn't mean to infer you personally are not involved. But the public as an aggregate is definitely not involved. When 50% voter turnout is considered good turnout, democracy is in trouble.
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