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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And on today's episode of "As The Sky Is Falling"..........

Other than Donny spouting his usual BS what other evidence do you have showing that Iran is not honouring the deal? Donny even said they were violating "the spirit" of the deal without actually saying they were violating it.

Would you rather there was no deal and they just went and built a bomb or you just bomb them? Cause that's where this is headed. Donny is in so far over his head he doesn't even know which way to dig.
Jan 15, 2010
And on today's episode of "As The Sky Is Falling"..........

You been drinking this morning? Cause the only ones saying the sky is falling on the Iran issue are clearly Donny and his minions based on his action Friday and you all kissing his feet for it...

I didn't think you had any real understanding of the issue or knew if any real evidence that they were in violation other than donnys BS.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Trump vs Baldwin 2020


What about Trump vs. best trump impersonator for 2020? He's about as qualified as trump.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
That's interesting...I was curious where W stood on the whole trump business.

Not sure I would have voted (or not voted) for Bush, but I always thought he was a dude with his heart in at least roughly the right place. Him not being able to vote for trump strengthens that thought (and should give some of you something to think about). I always thought he took extra crap than he should have due to uncontrollable factors during his presidency, and also a lot from his public speaking skills (not great for a top level politician).

W always gave the impression he would be good guy to have a few beers with, and that off-stage he would be a lot more relatable. Obama did a much better job of articulating his views IMO, but I think W had some good material that just never translated well....this article would help back that notion.

Trump is just an idiot that happens to be president...I don't think there's much below the surface, he was an idiot before he was president, still is, etc....well documented.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
It's well known that the reason W doesn't get behind our great President Trump is because his own brother got his a** handed to him by then candidate Trump in the debates.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
It's well known that the reason W doesn't get behind our great President Trump is because his own brother got his a** handed to him by then candidate Trump in the debates.
Is that the same reason for this speech which denounces the trump and all of his crazy babble and crazy followers who go along with it? Seems like a stretch. Could it be that he actually believes what he's saying and is disappointed to see the US in it's current state?


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I've said it before.
Most of these Trump haters would rather see Trump fail, even knowing that it means we fail.
These stupid bastards are literally cheering against the home team.
That is the level of stupid we are dealing with.

Its more like you're in the air, on a flight somewhere... and you find out, that against all odds, the entire flight crew is drunk including the Pilots.

You're already on the flight... so, of course you are not cheering for them to pass out and crash (fail)... I would have wished that they did not make bad decisions that put the passengers and people on the ground in grave danger in the first place.

The same goes for our current POTUS

I'd rather see President Trump act like a sane, rational adult... and make good decisions that are not continuing to put the future of this country at great risk. But I'm not going to standby silently while he corkscrews our country into the dirt.

Right now, DJT is showing me... and many republicans and democrats alike... and the world in general... that he is unfit for office.

That is actually, to coin a Trump tweet..... SAD !!!

His recent pandering to the religious right is embarrassing... and the support from those organizations shows me that they need to start reading the WHOLE book they profess to following again.



Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Its more like you're in the air, on a flight somewhere... and you find out, that against all odds, the entire flight crew is drunk including the Pilots.

You're already on the flight... so, of course you are not cheering for them to pass out and crash (fail)... I would have wished that they did not make bad decisions that put the passengers and people on the ground in grave danger in the first place.

The same goes for our current POTUS

I'd rather see President Trump act like a sane, rational adult... and make good decisions that are not continuing to put the future of this country at great risk. But I'm not going to standby silently while he corkscrews our country into the dirt.

Right now, DJT is showing me... and many republicans and democrats alike... and the world in general... that he is unfit for office.

That is actually, to coin a Trump tweet..... SAD !!!

His recent pandering to the religious right is embarrassing... and the support from those organizations shows me that they need to start reading the WHOLE book they profess to following again.


Hard to respond to this because I totally disagree with the premise.

Here's my view, and it's very contrary to yours....

Life is good.
God is great.
America is great, and becomes better everyday because of our great President Trump and his wonderful, patriotic followers.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Wow, you'd be a real downer to be around.
As a rule, I try to surround my self with people with better attitudes. Negativity can be destructively contagious.
Interesting conclusion.

I don't let the current political nonsense get me down and sit at home and cry all day. I still go to work and hustle hard. I still go out and enjoy my life more then the vast majority of Americans sitting around rotting their minds enjoying reality TV or whatever flavor of "NEWS" you watch.

Why is it you cannot wrap your head around that just because I do not support or endorse DJT's actions that my life must be misserable? I know the sun is going to come up again tommorow. Just trying to do my best to make every day better then the last.

Maybe if I had an imaginary friend to talk to about all this life would be easier.
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