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2018/19 Snowy Range Snow Conditions


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 27, 2008
Funny you mention this, 3 years ago, two of our guys got separated from us in Cooke. Snow was crazy deep and the weather wasn't the best. We had radio comms. with them and we had GPS, so I could see exactly where they were. As I was talking to them and guiding them down where they needed to go, they ended up finding a guy!!

This guy was all alone, separated from his group, no radio and I believe he didn't have a damn beacon!! Needless to say they latched onto him and as crazy as it sounds a few minutes later...............they found another guy from a completely different group!!! What are the chances !!! LOL

So they took both of them and I kept in radio contact with our guys as I guided them down. A few hours later, right at dark when I was almost ready to start plan B, they popped out. Then to top it off, the one guy they found, got his sled stuck in a creek, right as they found us. He climbed out on foot and we marked it on the GPS for later.

A short time later, SAR showed up looking for these guys and we were like.......found em...ha ha.

So with one sled stuck in a creek up to the bars and the rest of us frozen, we made our way back in the dark while it was storming. SAR transported the one kid back, which turned into another gong show. Once we reached Daisy, we stopped for a minute as it was completely dark and storming real good now!! SAR took off with the kid but the kid ended up falling off the sled 3/4 of the way up Daisy! SAR came back down and said, the kid fell off and he should be hiking up the rest of the way. So we waited a couple minutes and I took off up Daisy, like I said in the dark and storming .....needless to say, I found the kid!!! I almost ran over him !!!!

Once that ordeal was done and we had everyone up top and accounted for, we transported the one kid back to town and dropped him at the fire station where the Sheriff's Deputy was waiting to take some information for the report. The other guy followed us back as well and all ended as good as it could have.

So yes..............getting back, these sleds will take people places they probably should not be!! This is a great reminder for everyone to be careful out there and watch out the "other guys" too.

Not the first time or the last it will happen. Our group was in the Madres two years ago and ran across a group of out of staters that got separated, had no radios, did not know the terrain at all, and were riding in areas beyond their abilities. The oldest gentleman (60s) in their group had been missing almost the entire day and they had no idea where he was at. We split up and made some in their group return to their truck, so we weren't searching for more people, and luckily found the guy down in a steep drainage. Ended up having to ride his sled out for him in the dark. Last year we had to lead another group up in Rock Creek near Togwotee, they didn't have a GPS and were lost, stupid.

Sleds are way more capable of going places that you wouldn't even think of going 10 years ago, and quite frankly people aren't prepared with using basic common sense. I'm sure these guys will realize a good rule of thumb in the backcountry is to never explore downhill unless you damn well know you have a way to get out.


Well-known member
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Nov 29, 2007
Plymouth, MN
2 years ago we helped an IN-STATER get back to his group late in the day. He was in a drainage SW of seven fools, and had been split from his group for 3+ hours. We helped him back to the trail and to his group, ended up being like 7 miles to them. A few weeks later a group spent the night out and were found by SAR. Saw a picture of the group, same guy.

Same guy ?? I would have though long and hard about whether or not to take that guy out...... Not that I would have left him in the end, but can't say the thought wouldn't have gone through my mind ;-)

Or maybe take him down to to Albany Lodge, tie him to a bar stool with a big tasty beverage just out of reach, until he agrees to pay the ransom, which would be just equal to the cost of a radio.


Well-known member
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Feb 17, 2008
I've been kicking this idea around after an a small avalanche covered up one of my group deployed bag was ok. Every one seems to tear around on there own in and area so maybe a guy should team up in twos to watch for each other. I've had problems with guys not waiting at turns on trails for the next guy and guy gets to intersection and doesn't know which way to go. This needs to be discussed at the trailer. And also a plan of meeting like where we were all together last. I have to say from what I'm seeing the last five years and the guys I've helped. Brains are getting lost somewhere.


New member
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Jan 30, 2010
Does anybody have an update on snow conditions. Me and my Group would be new to the area just studying up a little. Thinking about riding the 10-14th. Thanks!


Well-known member
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Dec 22, 2016
They got 6-10” today, but 60+ mph wind. Take that for what you will.

I was just there for 3 days riding. They need multiple new systems. Many many areas fully tracked up and needing new snow.


Well-known member
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Dec 11, 2007
Anybody been up in the Madres recently? Headed out the 16th. Wonder if it was as beat up as the snowies?
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Well-known member
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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
I had to laugh at some of these stories! All's well that ends well; I'm sure it was much less funny at the time. Of course, I look back at when I started riding, and have to admit I was pretty boneheaded. Still, there's rookie mistakes, and then there's uncommon lack of common sense mistakes; it's fun to laugh at, but sobering when you think how much of a danger to themselves some riders can be.

2 years ago we helped an IN-STATER get back to his group late in the day. He was in a drainage SW of seven fools, and had been split from his group for 3+ hours. We helped him back to the trail and to his group, ended up being like 7 miles to them. A few weeks later a group spent the night out and were found by SAR. Saw a picture of the group, same guy.

I feel like there should be a demerit system that forces problem riders to go to less capable sleds depending on how much trouble they create (like getting SAR called out after riding where they shouldn't). This guy gets a Polaris Colt he can putter around on. Once he gets it running, that is...


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 12, 2011
Casper, WY
Anybody been up in the Madres recently? Headed out the 16th. Wonder if it was as beat up as the snowies?

My group has hardly been at all this year, when we are normally used to hitting it at least once a week. It was good in November early December but now nothing. These storms seems to be isolated farther south, as the Grand Lake Trail Groomers seem to have plenty of snow to push around.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Here is the story about the 4 guys in the snowies over Xmas


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Did anyone else read this in the movie trailer guys voice?

*deep ominous voice “in a world of cold and snow, 4 snowmobiles fight for their lives in what could be the worst winter storm ever recorded on earth”.


Didn’t know Tom Clancy worked as a reporter for warren. AFB

What would really be interesting is a detailed report from one of the snowmobilers.

EXACTLY!! WTF are these guys doing!? Let’s here it.


Lifetime Membership
Jan 1, 2013
EXACTLY!! WTF are these guys doing!? Let’s here it.[/QUOTE]

They are probably working out the movie rights. Finally snowmobiling on the big screen. Do you suppose they can get an A-lister like Brad Pitt to play the lead?

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Snowest's Axe Murderer
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Jul 8, 2001
NW Ohio
EXACTLY!! WTF are these guys doing!? Let’s here it.

They are probably working out the movie rights. Finally snowmobiling on the big screen. Do you suppose they can get an A-lister like Brad Pitt to play the lead?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Well, maybe on some survival type show on The Weather Channel anyhow.
Rulon Gardner got his third "15 minutes" that way....
Sounds like he cut it really close.

(He may follow this board?)

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