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How about our great President!!!

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Oct 5, 2009
LOL wow! Who did you vote for just for clarification? I have a guess....

Actually I did not vote. I wasn't overly thrilled with my choices.
Now the choice has been made and I think Trump is doing Ok.
The far left, sniveling, snowflake, delicate flower type libs just can't handle
someone trying to abruptly trim the fat and stop the BS from eight years of Obumma.
Back in my day we had words to describe those snowflake types. But I'm sure calling them a pu$$y would offend some overly sensitive person now. That wouldn't be politically correct.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
C'mon.... DJT is the epitome of a whiney, sniveling little pu$$y !

Prancing on the keys of his twitter-phone when someone hurts is feelings.

His 'fat cutting' is like eating a salad for lunch and then three Big Macs for dinner, Yelling from the mountain tops... "Look at that salad I had on my new diet.!!"

He's about as good at cutting our nation's fat as his his own.

He's more in the back pocket of the corporations draining our country than just about any leader we've ever had.


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
The far left, sniveling, snowflake, delicate flower type just can't handle
someone trying to abruptly trim the fat and stop the BS from eight years of Obumma.
So we're back to no middle option again....for like the 100th time in this thread.

Is it possible to NOT be a "far left, sniveling, snowflake, delicate flower type (lib)" and still dislike Trump + the far right and have no problem with "ragheads" ? Or no option in the middle?

I highly doubt anyone on this board fit the description of a " far left, sniveling, snowflake, delicate flower type."
Jan 15, 2010
Actually I did not vote. I wasn't overly thrilled with my choices.
Now the choice has been made and I think Trump is doing Ok.
The far left, sniveling, snowflake, delicate flower type libs just can't handle
someone trying to abruptly trim the fat and stop the BS from eight years of Obumma.
Back in my day we had words to describe those snowflake types. But I'm sure calling them a pu$$y would offend some overly sensitive person now. That wouldn't be politically correct.

I have to agree with mountainhorse, no one in the history of politics has been more of a whiney little b!tch than Donny.

Oh yea, he sure can pick “the best people” to be federal judges... this is almost hard to watch if it wasn’t so funny. http://www.businessinsider.com/trum...answer-legal-questions-during-hearing-2017-12

Must make you guys so proud to have the rest of the world seeing a video that directly illustrates Donny’s incompetence.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I think CDP agrees a bit here Jay... he had no choices in the election.

The middle, instead of these NUT BAGS on both sides is what we need to bring into power... but, sadly, we are mired in the extreme.

The religious zealots and corporate "false Patriots" on one side, remind of an "American Taliban" and the left side extreme has lost sight of reality and sense of propriety completely.

Fighting one Nut job...by proposing another equal, but opposite.... Not the country I want to live in!

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Jan 15, 2010
Don't believe I even know who that is. I don't need people telling me anything. I can see it with my own 2 eyes.

Then I’m sure your two eyes showed you what a moderate republican just (fortunately) lost the senate race in Alabama. I mean, that guy was just the face of a reasonable middle ground not extreme at all kind of guy��...

Oh yea, Alex jones runs a very popular (unfortunately) right wing site called infowars. Kinda right in line with Mr Bannon... He is completely insane, I’m sure mafesto is very familiar with his material (propaganda)...

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
If you think I'm going to stick up for Roy Moore, well, your wrong. As much as I hated seeing a liberal win. It was probably for the better. He also obviously doesn't know a thing about riding a horse.
You think I'm a far right wacko because I'm against gays. The world would be extinct if everyone was gay.
I'm against transgender and all that b.s.. where does it end.
I'm against pot. I find it ironic what they did with smoking and are now pushing so hard for pot.
I'm for enforcing are borders. I'm for not letting every Tom, dick or Harry in here. I would have thrown the key away on the steinle case. I would cut money from sanctuary cities. Just sleighs me how the left sticks up for criminals. They broke the law. You can't blame them but they still broke the law. You don't go to someone else's country and break the law unless you are our Olympic team. Just ask the kid that got caned years ago. Got what he deserved. The legal criminals, in our country, should be mad.
I'm for the death penalty. Quit feeling sorry for people. Punishment should fit the crime. I'm for throwing a rope in a tree and hanging the aurora movie theatre shooter in the street. They knew he was 200% guilty but no, they have to spend millions and psycho analyze him to justify some liberals job. He is insane. You better believe he is. You would have to be. Now hang him.
I'm for sticking up for our police even though there are a few bad apples.
I'm for throwing Hillary and Bill in jail.it goes all the way to Obama. Most corrupt things ever. Add learner, lynch,comey,strzoc, holder. The list goes on.
I'm for firing Jeff sessions.
I'm for not crying race every time you don't get your way. The ones that cry race are some of the most racist people out of all. This includes the Obama's. He just can't say it out loud. Pretty sad when al Sharpton was a regular at the white house.
I'm for cutting funding to all these colleges until they preach both sides of the coin. Let the students decide.
I'm for being responsible for yourself.
I'm for not suing someone every time something goes wrong.
I'm for not giving people stuff. Saying your compassionate by getting people off welfare. I'm for not caring if food stamps are too degrading and giving them a debit card instead. My wife was behind a gal that had a couple hundred on her nails and hair.
I'm for the second amendment. Not blaming guns for killing someone. Are you going to blame the car when a guy is drunk?
I'm for not hating rich people because they have done well. Don't care for the left's Rob Peter to pay Paul. You ok with taking your kids A and just averaging everyone to a C because some kids don't do anything.
I'm for people not watching football or movies.
I also don't believe saying get that sob out of here is calling anybody's mom a b!tch. Figure of speech a lot of people use without thinking about someone's mom. That's just a talking point.
I'm for tax cuts. eventually you run out of other people's money. I'm against Bernie Sanders and his socialist ideas. I can't believe how many young kids think that is ok. That is your liberal colleges you praise so highly.
I'm for leaving our history alone and not being some Nancy boy every time something offends you. Essentially trying to erode away at the constitution because they were slave owners. I'm also for throwing people in jail for tearing statues down that were probably tax payer funded. Where does this end?
I'm for science and the idea of constantly being sceptical instead of just believing some far left, subsidized, person with an agenda.
I was not for bailing out gm. I would have let them fail. No such thing as to big to fail in my book. I can already hear you now on this. Why don't you get the money back your boy just gave to them.
I'm for spanking kids and showing a little discipline. When I got in trouble, at school, you didn't want your parents to find out or it was worse. No talk of suing the school.
I'm for saying merry Christmas.
I'm for not making a cake for a gay wedding. If I knew someone didn't like me I wouldn't want a cake from him.
I'm for not paying for everyone's birth control. Sad day when Congress had Sandra fluck there to whine about birth control
I'm for smaller government. My wife works for the Government so I know how much waste is there. The only place you get promoted to get you out of there. At least half the people don't know how to do their job and that includes higher ups. That is also being kind.

I could go on forever but you get the point. If this makes me a far right wacko then I'm happy to be it or one of the deplorables!
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
If you think I'm going to stick up for Roy Moore, well, your wrong. As much as I hated seeing a liberal win. It was probably for the better. He also obviously doesn't know a thing about riding a horse.
You think I'm a far right wacko because I'm against gays. The world would be extinct if everyone was gay.
I'm against transgender and all that b.s.. where does it end.
I'm against pot. I find it ironic what they did with smoking and are now pushing so hard for pot.
I'm for enforcing are borders. I'm for not letting every Tom, dick or Harry in here. I would have thrown the key away on the steinle case. I would cut money from sanctuary cities. Just sleighs me how the left sticks up for criminals. They broke the law. You can't blame them but they still broke the law. You don't go to someone else's country and break the law unless you are our Olympic team. Just ask the kid that got caned years ago. Got what he deserved. The legal criminals, in our country, should be mad.
I'm for the death penalty. Quit feeling sorry for people. Punishment should fit the crime. I'm for throwing a rope in a tree and hanging the aurora movie theatre shooter in the street. They knew he was 200% guilty but no, they have to spend millions and psycho analyze him to justify some liberals job. He is insane. You better believe he is. You would have to be. Now hang him.
I'm for sticking up for our police even though there are a few bad apples.
I'm for throwing Hillary and Bill in jail.it goes all the way to Obama. Most corrupt things ever. Add learner, lynch,comey,strzoc, holder. The list goes on.
I'm for firing Jeff sessions.
I'm for not crying race every time you don't get your way. The ones that cry race are some of the most racist people out of all. This includes the Obama's. He just can't say it out loud. Pretty sad when al Sharpton was a regular at the white house.
I'm for cutting funding to all these colleges until they preach both sides of the coin. Let the students decide.
I'm for being responsible for yourself.
I'm for not suing someone every time something goes wrong.
I'm for not giving people stuff. Saying your compassionate by getting people off welfare. I'm for not caring if food stamps are too degrading and giving them a debit card instead. My wife was behind a gal that had a couple hundred on her nails and hair.
I'm for the second amendment. Not blaming guns for killing someone. Are you going to blame the car when a guy is drunk?
I'm for not hating rich people because they have done well. Don't care for the left's Rob Peter to pay Paul. You ok with taking your kids A and just averaging everyone to a C because some kids don't do anything.
I'm for people not watching football or movies.
I also don't believe saying get that sob out of here is calling anybody's mom a b!tch. Figure of speech a lot of people use without thinking about someone's mom. That's just a talking point.
I'm for tax cuts. eventually you run out of other people's money. I'm against Bernie Sanders and his socialist ideas. I can't believe how many young kids think that is ok. That is your liberal colleges you praise so highly.
I'm for leaving our history alone and not being some Nancy boy every time something offends you. Essentially trying to erode away at the constitution because they were slave owners. I'm also for throwing people in jail for tearing statues down that were probably tax payer funded. Where does this end?
I'm for science and the idea of constantly being sceptical instead of just believing some far left, subsidized, person with an agenda.
I was not for bailing out gm. I would have let them fail. No such thing as to big to fail in my book. I can already hear you now on this. Why don't you get the money back your boy just gave to them.
I'm for spanking kids and showing a little discipline. When I got in trouble, at school, you didn't want your parents to find out or it was worse. No talk of suing the school.
I'm for saying merry Christmas.
I'm for not making a cake for a gay wedding. If I knew someone didn't like me I wouldn't want a cake from him.
I'm for not paying for everyone's birth control. Sad day when Congress had Sandra fluck there to whine about birth control
I'm for smaller government. My wife works for the Government so I know how much waste is there. The only place you get promoted to get you out of there. At least half the people don't know how to do their job and that includes higher ups. That is also being kind.

I could go on forever but you get the point. If this makes me a far right wacko then I'm happy to be it or one of the deplorables!

Amen brother


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
On another note....to you snowflakes that hate our great President Trump.....
How's that FBI investigation going for you now?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
If you think I'm going to stick up for Roy Moore, well, your wrong. As much as I hated seeing a liberal win. It was probably for the better. He also obviously doesn't know a thing about riding a horse.
You think I'm a far right wacko because I'm against gays. The world would be extinct if everyone was gay.
I'm against transgender and all that b.s.. where does it end.
I'm against pot. I find it ironic what they did with smoking and are now pushing so hard for pot.
I'm for enforcing are borders. I'm for not letting every Tom, dick or Harry in here. I would have thrown the key away on the steinle case. I would cut money from sanctuary cities. Just sleighs me how the left sticks up for criminals. They broke the law. You can't blame them but they still broke the law. You don't go to someone else's country and break the law unless you are our Olympic team. Just ask the kid that got caned years ago. Got what he deserved. The legal criminals, in our country, should be mad.
I'm for the death penalty. Quit feeling sorry for people. Punishment should fit the crime. I'm for throwing a rope in a tree and hanging the aurora movie theatre shooter in the street. They knew he was 200% guilty but no, they have to spend millions and psycho analyze him to justify some liberals job. He is insane. You better believe he is. You would have to be. Now hang him.
I'm for sticking up for our police even though there are a few bad apples.
I'm for throwing Hillary and Bill in jail.it goes all the way to Obama. Most corrupt things ever. Add learner, lynch,comey,strzoc, holder. The list goes on.
I'm for firing Jeff sessions.
I'm for not crying race every time you don't get your way. The ones that cry race are some of the most racist people out of all. This includes the Obama's. He just can't say it out loud. Pretty sad when al Sharpton was a regular at the white house.
I'm for cutting funding to all these colleges until they preach both sides of the coin. Let the students decide.
I'm for being responsible for yourself.
I'm for not suing someone every time something goes wrong.
I'm for not giving people stuff. Saying your compassionate by getting people off welfare. I'm for not caring if food stamps are too degrading and giving them a debit card instead. My wife was behind a gal that had a couple hundred on her nails and hair.
I'm for the second amendment. Not blaming guns for killing someone. Are you going to blame the car when a guy is drunk?
I'm for not hating rich people because they have done well. Don't care for the left's Rob Peter to pay Paul. You ok with taking your kids A and just averaging everyone to a C because some kids don't do anything.
I'm for people not watching football or movies.
I also don't believe saying get that sob out of here is calling anybody's mom a b!tch. Figure of speech a lot of people use without thinking about someone's mom. That's just a talking point.
I'm for tax cuts. eventually you run out of other people's money. I'm against Bernie Sanders and his socialist ideas. I can't believe how many young kids think that is ok. That is your liberal colleges you praise so highly.
I'm for leaving our history alone and not being some Nancy boy every time something offends you. Essentially trying to erode away at the constitution because they were slave owners. I'm also for throwing people in jail for tearing statues down that were probably tax payer funded. Where does this end?
I'm for science and the idea of constantly being sceptical instead of just believing some far left, subsidized, person with an agenda.
I was not for bailing out gm. I would have let them fail. No such thing as to big to fail in my book. I can already hear you now on this. Why don't you get the money back your boy just gave to them.
I'm for spanking kids and showing a little discipline. When I got in trouble, at school, you didn't want your parents to find out or it was worse. No talk of suing the school.
I'm for saying merry Christmas.
I'm for not making a cake for a gay wedding. If I knew someone didn't like me I wouldn't want a cake from him.
I'm for not paying for everyone's birth control. Sad day when Congress had Sandra fluck there to whine about birth control
I'm for smaller government. My wife works for the Government so I know how much waste is there. The only place you get promoted to get you out of there. At least half the people don't know how to do their job and that includes higher ups. That is also being kind.

I could go on forever but you get the point. If this makes me a far right wacko then I'm happy to be it or one of the deplorables![/
I like the way you talk..

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I agree with enough on that list that you get my vote!

What! You are admitting your a wacko!. You don't believe in everything. I can't believe someone disagrees with me on something. I never in my life thought I would see this many left leaning views on snowest. I guess it is the difference of small town verses big city. College towns are the worst. Bozeman used to be ag research. Now it's just crazy. The west coast is also crazy. And of course, socialist Canada. I guess people tend to be products of their environment. This is why i couldn't believe it didnt bother anyone on all of Obama's crazy associations with all those radical people. If your kid was hanging out with a bunch of gang bangers all the time there are pretty good odds he will be a gang banger. You are a product of your environment.
I'm sure I threw you for a loop on the Colorado shooter or death penalty. Or hanging people in the street. A lot of people would disagree. I don't care. I am tired of all the wasted money and excuses and feeling more sorry for criminals. People don't rob banks because you get caught.
This whole world is like an old dude horse. They have lived their life picking up a bunch of bad habit because the people handling them didn't know what they were doing. Really hard to correct this after it has gone on for years.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Since I'm sitting here bored, I forgot one of my big ones on the tiny list I made. I am sick and tired of all the protesting and everyone getting all googley eyed and talking how great it is for them exercising their right to protest. Give me a break. Move out of mommy and daddy's basement and do something with your life. Quit being a burden on society and costing the tax payers money. Quite saying I don't have to pick up my trash and be responsible for myself because I bought a permit.
I am sick of people praising people for protest. When people have too much time on their hands they start to worry about what everyone else is doing. The liberal way. Make another 10 new regs and 10 new govt. Jobs for nothing instead of enforcing existing laws. The gene pool is never too high at these things. They always have one thing in common. They always blame everyone else for their problems.
As far as the NFL protest. Just because you can play football or act doesn't mean you know anything. Shut up and do your job. I don't know why you would say anything. Either way you go you are going to make someone mad and cost yourself money. The only smart one is Michael Jordan. He said republicans need shoes too. I know he is a liberal but he doesn't bother me like LeBron or others. See , I believe they should be held to a higher standard just because they are little kids's idols. If only kids knew. They make 10-100 times what most people make. A bunch would be in jail if it wasn't for sports. So yes they should be held to a higher standard. So yes you should stand for the anthem.
Give up your lame protest and get a job or do your job. Get a hobby.
Jan 15, 2010
On another note....to you snowflakes that hate our great President Trump.....
How's that FBI investigation going for you now?

Considering 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas already? Notice how Donny has greatly ratcheted up the BS since Flynn flipped? If you are not guilty you argue the facts, if you are guilty you argue the law, if you don’t know what you are doing you bang your fist on the table and make a bunch of noise. A guy like Flynn doesn’t flip unless he knows just how fu$ked he really is.

Donny has a lawyer that’s about as good as his latest judicial nominee (see video a few posts back) taking on a Republican former head of the fbi who has more legal knowledge in his left fingernail than Donny’s whole team.. you actually think mueller made a rookie mistake like they allege? They are throwing sh!t at the wall and hoping some sticks. of course they are trying to get the Fox News crowd all riled up, they got nothing else.
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