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Presidential Candidates-2008--Who Supports Us?


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Nov 26, 2007
Black Hills,SD
In this current pres. election.. there is no one running that will make a good president.. period.. all of them have a little different view on all subject matter... one is just going to find one that has more positives than negative aspects to their CAMPAIGN.. remeber just because they say it.. doesnt mean they will try to complete the task at hand.. yes.. some of the problems which need to be fixed in the U.S. cant be fixed in a 4 year term.. I cant emphasize this enough.. its a campaign.. the canidates will say whatever they have to, in order to better position themselves in the race.. a great example of this is hillary clinton.. before even running for office, she was a huge anti-gun activists.. however now that she is in the race.. she hasnt said much at all about guns.. this is due to the fact that the swing states that she needs to win are pro-gun..... I think busch needs to be in there again.. ;)
Nov 26, 2007
I don't see what is wrong with being concerned about access to public land. If the government uses bad/false information to ban our access, should one really expect a different a different approach to how it controls the rest of our lives? I see it like the canary in a coal mine.

While the candidate's/party's campaign may not reflect their actual actions once in power, it does set the tone of their administration(at least at the start) and, shows which interest groups they want as their base.

After the so called "assualt weapons" ban, the Dems felt the ire of a portion of the pro-gunners (evil gunophiles:rolleyes:). It would be nice to see the recreational users become more politically active. That is why I joined BRC and SAWS last year.


Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007

I think the vast majority of people on this website care about the issues and how they may impact our sport. Keep fighting the good fight! The forum in which my question was asked should assume pro-snomobiling/pro-land access. The thoughtful riders that care about this sport know that we do not harm the environment and know that the people that want us banned could care less about our emissions and instead perceive us as noise pollution.

In the past, has SAWS endorsed a particular candidate? The candidate of choice in the last two elections has been pretty obvious but perhaps in 92' and 96' there was an endorsement.

thanks for your support!
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
This regulation is generally intended for 501(c)(3) [aka. Tax exempt] churches, but does insinuate caution for all tax exempt organizations.

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.

The political campaign activity prohibition is not intended to restrict free expression on political matters by leaders of organizations speaking for themselves, as individuals. Nor are leaders prohibited from speaking about important issues of public policy. However, for their organizations to remain tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3), leaders cannot make partisan comments in official organization publications or at official functions.


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Nov 29, 2007
Boise, Idaho
Presdidential Candidates--Who Supports Us?

I think that we could lose site of the forrest for all the trees! The question was a simple one. As an unorganized army of snowmobilers, our quest is to find a candidate to represent our interests and to assimilate as closely as possible to our way of thinking. That means many different things to many different people however living in the west, issues like keeping roads open to snowmobilers, become important issues to many. Just the other day I saw several signs that read "STATE PROPERTY KEEP OFF". As a tax paying citizen of the state if Idaho I was under the impression that I was a member of that organization. So the question becomes which candidate most thinks like us. As 67% of Idaho residents vote republican, I can say that issues in this state are more about wide open spaces and being self sufficient than about where the next government paycheck is coming from and who is going to bail me out when I build my house in a 100 year flood plain.


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Dec 19, 2001
Butte Montana
Public access is important to me and I spend my time and $$$ trying to keep areas open. Im going to give my vote to someone who supports what i support if possible. If nothing else vote for the the lesser of two evils.

research before you vote
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Maybe that is the problem. We are more inclined to think about ourselves when voting and not the greater good of the US when voting. I don't think many people think, this person is the best choice for Americans, rather they think, this person is the best choice for me.

When I can't decide between the two heads of the same beast, I vote green/independent. The earth is more important than my personal wants.

Hold on, I need to get off my high horse. It is a long way down now that I look. :D

Ruffy: This is a snowmobile forum not a liberal indoctrination forum. Most of us are responsible americans wanting to see that this country is not destroyed by greeny whackos and commie enviornmentalists. I doubt any candidate is a one issue, snowmobiling, candidate, in fact I doubt any of them even have riden one but we wish to support the canditate who will give us the best hearing and support. We are not homophopes but most are staunch second ammendment supporters and there is no power granted in the constitution for the federal government to have any say in abortion. As for energy there is also no power granted for the federal government to be involved, get the government out of the way and the problem will dissapear, as for the foreign issue if the media were to report accurately that problem would take care of itself also and anyone who thinks the federal government has any business in the health care field they are in the wrong country.
I have been working towards the "Greater Good" for this country since before you were born except my understanding of the greater good comes from years of studying all issues and applying reason logic and common sense not what the major educational system has spoon fed me. I will guarantee my understanding of the issue is quite different than yours. Seeing the county you are from I can sure understand your attidude, I hope you don't vote there, I feel sorry for the property owners in King county that have to put up with the restrictions your Green Party want, but then the DEMOS give you everything you want so why waste your time with Ralph Nader & Co. Swampy:mad::D
Aug 25, 2001
Minden, Nevada
Haha, Swampy, I love it when you jump over rhetorical cliffs.
It seems to me that the interstate commerce clause has the energy management thing pretty much wrapped up.
And isn't the "Greater Good" just another name for socialism?
Uh oh...
Nov 26, 2007
I voted for Bush because his daughters were so much hotter than Kerry's. Whoever has the hottest daughters in the upcoming election gets my vote :D

That's a lie, but I will be selfish. I live in Alaska where we can sled, hunt, fish, and basically do whatever we want anywhere we want to. The friggin liberals will take that away if they get the chance. These things are important to me and it's important that my kids(when I have them) be able to enjoy them too. I don't give two sh!ts about the rest of the world, they can take care of themselves.

On a side note, remember HR 1975 and the proposed closing of 24 million acres in the Rockies? I wrote our congressman in our great state of Alaska and got a response a few days ago... seems like our congressman is on our side!!

Dear Mr. Rauen,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding H.R. 1975, the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA) would designate approximately 24 million acres of lands in Idaho , Montana , Oregon , Washington , and Wyoming as units of the Wilderness preservation system and as newly established areas called Biological Connecting Corridors and the National Wildland Restoration and Recovery System. H.R. 1975 additionally designates nearly 2,000 miles of Wild and Scenic River systems in the five states. It also creates new federal reserved water rights that would preclude future development upstream of the Wilderness areas.

These designations essentially "lock up" an area equal to Connecticut , Delaware , New Hampshire , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Rhode Island , and Vermont , combined. This area, larger than 19 individual states, would become inaccessible to most Americans. There would be no roads and minimal handicapped access.

H.R. 1975 is essentially a component of The Wildlands Project, a campaign launched by radical environmentalists whose ultimate goal is to make at least half of the North American continent a wilderness. They believe the world is facing an "extinction crisis" not seen in 10,000 years, and their solution is to devise a massive, government-imposed " rewilding " that involves "Cores, Corridors, and Carnivores" (called the three C's). Under the three C's the government must impose large new Wilderness Areas (Cores) and biological connecting corridors (Corridors) for keystone species (Carnivores) where human uses are prohibited or phased out.

It's no surprise that the majority of Members sponsoring H.R. 1975 are from States that have little or no Federal land and would be unaffected by the bill. However, as Alaska 's Representative for the last 35 years, I am well aware of the consequences of having such a large percentage of our state in Federal ownership. This draconian legislation could set a dangerous precedent for future Outside attempts to lock up more of our State. For these reasons, I share your concerns regarding H.R. 1975, and I can assure you I will be working actively against it.

Once again, thank you for expressing your views on this issue. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to sign up for my e-newsletter at http://donyoung.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm and my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=RepDonYoung . Doing so will allow me to provide you with updates on this and other important issues. If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Congressman for All Alaska


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
South Central WA

Hey Ruff, I guess that I fit into your box of a bad voter.
1. I believe in special causes.
2. I believe in the individual.
3. I believe that I have the first responsibility for my safety/freedom.
4. I believe that what makes this contry great is the ability to be an individual.
5. I believe that anyone that tells me that to be a good citizen I have to believe a certain way should back up and give a little thought to the constitution.
6. I believe in this contry enough to have spent 20 years defending it. I have the scars and heartache to back that up.
7. I believe that public land is just that PUBLIC. It belongs to us. If we protect it FROM the public, who are we protecting it for?
8. I believe that it's my responsibility to ensure that my Children/buddies treat the land with respect.
9. I believe that with out individuals we will lose our rights. Mob mentality lacks rationalisim.
10. I believe in standing up for what I believe. I respect the fact that you do enough to take this stand with this group. I would just tell you that one man standing up for what's right can and will make a differance.
I can make people take thier garbage out of the sno park.
I can stop my riding partners (or yours) from crossing into wilderness boundry's.
I can go out in spring and pick up trash exposed from melting snow.
I can remind my riding partners of the laws they live under, and I can spend my money and time trying to make those laws the way I SEE FIT.

Good luck finding a group that will take care of your health/food/living needs just because you belong to it.
Things happen because we make them happen.
Guys like Tom work thier butts off for guys like you and I so we can live as we please.
Living like I please doesn't mean trashing the place like you think it does. You might want to consider that I can live as I please and still be responsible.
My Core belief "If you benifit from the circle you own your alleagance to the circle".
Find a politician that puts his own azz on the line for something he believe's in and I'll vote for him.
In the mean time don't you dare lump me into a group of azzholes just because I believe in myself.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Hey Ruff, I guess that I fit into your box of a bad voter.
1. I believe in special causes.
2. I believe in the individual.
3. I believe that I have the first responsibility for my safety/freedom.
4. I believe that what makes this contry great is the ability to be an individual.
5. I believe that anyone that tells me that to be a good citizen I have to believe a certain way should back up and give a little thought to the constitution.
6. I believe in this contry enough to have spent 20 years defending it. I have the scars and heartache to back that up.
7. I believe that public land is just that PUBLIC. It belongs to us. If we protect it FROM the public, who are we protecting it for?
8. I believe that it's my responsibility to ensure that my Children/buddies treat the land with respect.
9. I believe that with out individuals we will lose our rights. Mob mentality lacks rationalisim.
10. I believe in standing up for what I believe. I respect the fact that you do enough to take this stand with this group. I would just tell you that one man standing up for what's right can and will make a differance.
I can make people take thier garbage out of the sno park.
I can stop my riding partners (or yours) from crossing into wilderness boundry's.
I can go out in spring and pick up trash exposed from melting snow.
I can remind my riding partners of the laws they live under, and I can spend my money and time trying to make those laws the way I SEE FIT.

Good luck finding a group that will take care of your health/food/living needs just because you belong to it.
Things happen because we make them happen.
Guys like Tom work thier butts off for guys like you and I so we can live as we please.
Living like I please doesn't mean trashing the place like you think it does. You might want to consider that I can live as I please and still be responsible.
My Core belief "If you benifit from the circle you own your alleagance to the circle".
Find a politician that puts his own azz on the line for something he believe's in and I'll vote for him.
In the mean time don't you dare lump me into a group of azzholes just because I believe in myself.

Good post, and your effort to be a good steward for snowmobilers is appreciated. I guess I got off on a tangent somewhere, probably when I started to do a little preaching.:cool:

My main point is that it is frustrating when people only look at one singular issue when determining who to vote for for president.

I have seen this with friends from school. The only reason they voted for Bush was because he was going to make the marriage for a man and a woman. A large majority of people voted this way for the same reasons. I don't argue that their beliefs are not important. Just is that the most important stance that you vote for in a president? I mean it really doesn't effect them except the knowledge that a gay couple can get a license.

I think voting only based on one subject that does not effect the environment nor everyone in the country can do more harm than good.

Man, pretty weird way of trying to convey that point I guess, but I started down the road and I tried to make it to the end. Didn't work that way.

CleElum Sledhead,

your work is important, and I try and help when I can. But I gathered that the senators/republicans and state government officials have more sway about land use management than the president himself. You do fight the good fight.


you are above me when it comes to discussing philosophy. I had to look up some of the words you used and every point in one direction I made, you made a valid point in the converse direction.

Dang engineers


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
South Central WA

If I vote for the guy that best represents MY issues and you vote for the guy that best represents your issues and so does the guy next to us, and the guy next to him, don't we end up with the best fit for everybody?
I understand your frustration with people that say "anybody but Bush", or a chicken in every pot.
I think that anyone that looks at the available candidates right now realizes that they are pandering and telling folks whatever they want to hear. It takes research to figure out how someone has voted for thier career, who they follow, or lead.
I think a large section of people vote the way they are expected to. Because of age, race, location, affiliation at work (unions) or special interest. If they only vote that way because they think they should, your right. If they pay no attention to any other issue, you are right.
If I didn't trust a candidate I wouldn't vote for the guy if he rode a sled up to the voting booth. But if he has a strong record of protecting MY RIGHT to use public land in a responsible manner, then that is going to go a long way towards getting my vote, even if I disagree on a matter of LESS importance, (to me) say your example of gay marrage.
I think what we are really talking about here is whether or not someone can use public forest without damaging them. Right? It sounds like you think the forest will be in better shape 100 years from now if we keep everyone out. I'll be the first to admit that people in general are slobs. We have a cabin in a National Forest every weekend hundreds of people decend on the place and some nail paper plates to trees at every turn so thier buddies can find the new campsite they hacked out of the forest. They don't take 'em down when they leave...they try to get rid of garbage by burning thier cans and junk.
But here's the deal. I DON'T. We have laws precluding people from miss using the forest. Enforce them. Don't take the forest away from those of us that love it and care for it because of the few that simply have no where else to party.
Sorry for the typo's my fingers can't keep up ! Bagger
Dec 7, 2007
Fight to return America to its roots of freedom and independence! Vote for Ron Paul!

Surprised no one has mentioned him. He is by far the best candidate and the only republican i would vote for.

Check him out!


Here's his environmental policy for you one-issue voters out there:


which basically says: Individuals, businesses, localities, and states must be free to negotiate environmental standards. Those who depend on the land for their health and livelihood have the greatest incentive to be responsible stewards.

Join the Ron Paul revolution!
Dec 1, 2007
And they're off.

Fight to return America to its roots of freedom and independence! Vote for Ron Paul!

Surprised no one has mentioned him. He is by far the best candidate and the only republican i would vote for.

Check him out!


Here's his environmental policy for you one-issue voters out there:


which basically says: Individuals, businesses, localities, and states must be free to negotiate environmental standards. Those who depend on the land for their health and livelihood have the greatest incentive to be responsible stewards.

Join the Ron Paul revolution!

Only thing that scares me more than Ron Paul are his supporters.
Last edited:
Dec 7, 2007
Only thing that scares me more than Ron Paul are his supporters.

Hahahaha wtf is that video?

I understand your reaction though, the mainstream media hasn't portrayed Ron Paul in the best of ways. Look into him, do some reading, look at his voting record, and think for yourself!

It's unfortunate that a large portion of the sledding population are ignorant redneck sheep.
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