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strange issue with '17 800 PRO


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Nov 26, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
Just to confirm, you got the 8000RPM when you manually pulled the cable?

Does the actuator move or attempt to move at all under command from ECU circuit? I am a little confused if the statement above when you talking about it sputtering between the 2nd and 4rd position if that was happening on it's own during the command of the EVS motor.

Out of curiosity, how many miles on this?

Have you cleaned your grounds?

haven't touched the grounds since I put a new bumper on a month ago. has roughly 3700 miles on it. yes over 8k rpm has only been achieved pulling the cable open by hand. the actuator is cycling through its closed position on startup and I can see it open just after 6k with the drive belt off. from there, it will spike up briefly and the actuator moves at least partway to full open and then quickly back down to 2nd position. this is when the e-ves system is connected. hope this makes sense.


Polaris Moderator/ Polaris Ambassador/ Klim Amb.
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There are parameters that the ECU is constantly monitoring-- if the ECU doesn't like a value it sees, it can move E-VES valves to mid position and fuel accordingly. The problem is when it does this, it rarely throws a code.

You have a sister sled-- swapped EGT sensors (or whole pipe?), you have to build an adapter to check fuel pressure. It is way easier to just swap entire fuel tank assemblies with good running sled. Swapped TMAP (baro) sensor in intake tract?


Active member
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Nov 26, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
There are parameters that the ECU is constantly monitoring-- if the ECU doesn't like a value it sees, it can move E-VES valves to mid position and fuel accordingly. The problem is when it does this, it rarely throws a code.

You have a sister sled-- swapped EGT sensors (or whole pipe?), you have to build an adapter to check fuel pressure. It is way easier to just swap entire fuel tank assemblies with good running sled. Swapped TMAP (baro) sensor in intake tract?

I just swapped EGT sensors (not the whole pipe) and we also swapped the MAP sensor in the intake charge pipe.

I'm trying to discern if the e-ves actuator isn't doing what its being told to do as far as full open position, or if something else is telling ECU to shut it down (limit rpm and therefore e-ves position) and the actuator is actually functioning correctly. Digital Wrench tomorrow morning if all else fails. Be interesting to see what it says.

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
Have you asked Silber directly if they/he has any ideas? Btw, 3700 miles boosted on the supposedly unreliable Polaris is AWESOME!


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Nov 26, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
Haven't been able to get in touch with Justin on this yet. By the way, dealer just called and said everything looked perfectly normal with digital wrench. The did perform an exhaust valve relearn twice and verified that the actuator was pulling each of the positions. I'm pretty sure I still have a spare kPA turbo on the shelf so I'm going to go pick up the sled and swap that out. I spun the wheel on the existing (installed) turbo this morning and it was smooth as could be, but I'll triple check the boost reference lines and make sure I didn't overlook something. This one is driving me nuts...

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
Something from work Ive learned is I don’t let someone ignore my call. Call him three times a day at dif times of the day everyday for a week. You will get ahold of anyone that way lol. Or call then at midnight. That works too.


Active member
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Nov 26, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
Something from work Ive learned is I don’t let someone ignore my call. Call him three times a day at dif times of the day everyday for a week. You will get ahold of anyone that way lol. Or call then at midnight. That works too.

I did get ahold of Jim at Silber a couple times this afternoon. They've always been helpful for me and I'm sure they are busy right now. Anyways, I did have spare KPA turbo and when I pulled the muffler off the turbine housing, I immediately noticed a chunk of the exhaust valve stuck in the turbine wheel. Not sure how it was spinning fine by hand this morning from the compressor end unless the shaft broke in the middle of center section but there was no play in the shaft from the compressor end either. Strange. So all in all, it was the turbo (as a result of the guillotine guide breaking off). Have to pull the motor apart now and see how much damage that did.
Thanks all for your input and this learning experience!
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