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Is This Vandalism?

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
WMC do you always talk in the 3rd person? Your whole post makes you sound creepy. You speak of compromise. So you want to shut us out of several areas we have been riding in for years. What are you offering to us for that? Or does "compromise" just mean we give you what you want? Also, "danger to pedestrians". No one is walking where we ride except in the parking lots. Has there ever been one person run over by a snowmobile in the mountains? Ever?


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Mar 7, 2008
Sled Heaven

what to do today, i have a bright idea, im going to a snowmobile forum to bad mouth snowmobiles.

you failed before you even started WMC, but thanks for the entertainment!:face-icon-small-coo


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Well, thanks, but that is some rather idiotic jibberish.

LMAO, thank you! Coming from you... that's interesting. I'm thinking we should meet for coffee, with that description, we might just get along quite well, as atleast we'll have idiotic jibberish in common!

Your concepts attempted to be expressed are quite silly, and you should examine 'selfish.'

A concept that "good for all" doesn't mean/equal "good for just me and my group" is silly?

Hmm maybe we won't get along so well... :face-icon-small-fro

As well, we do not come at you and deny that you have a right to your sport- often from you we hear that we must ski and snowshoe in your ruts, as you speed around us.

My hell... I have to plan my day accordingly and go find routes that others won't be in if I want fresh lines. And trust me, I only like fresh lines! Why are you so special that you should get this without having to work for it?

I can equate this to my hiking in the summer. I don't like crowds. I'd like to actually enjoy the forest, rivers, animals etc etc. So I don't go to places like Tiger Mountain expecting to get my ideal hike that day. No, I take a drive, find somewhere off the beaten path, somewhere that takes more effort to get to and enjoy, but it is so worth it. I don't expect someone to come in and start restricting Tiger Mountain so that I can enjoy it how I would like to. :face-icon-small-dis

And yes, I realize the original intent of this thread was about a ski area... but just had enough of this poison...

polaris dude

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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Lol I read the article and quite frankly I can't help but laugh at the word Vandalism. I mean really? Vandalism is intentionally doing damage to someone else's property that will never fix itself or come off. Typically vandalism is broken objects or additional things added to properly(spray paint). If you consider snow to be "property" or packing of snow to be "damage" then you are certainly very entitled. That darn sun also spites you and "vandalizes" YOUR snow by melting it and packing it even more! Lol, grow up.

And to make myself clear, Whoever did ride in there is definitely in the wrong and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law(or go vigilante justice I guess idc), but don't punish all snowmobilers for the stupid mistakes of a few.


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Feb 21, 2008
Sidney, Mt

WMC is exactly the type of person ALL snowmobilers should be frightened of!! He writes as if he is well educated but sounds like he has the common sense of a door knob. I can only wonder about his statement of owning a snowmobile to access skiing opportunities, why doesn't he just strap on snowshoes hit the trailhead and find some awesome pow in all the wilderness that is open to his kind.

I would love someday to run into WMC and his band of bunnies(taste like chicken) as they are hiding in the trees watching us.

Reno Tom

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2009
What a great thread!!!What it boils down to if the granola crunchers want to keep there freedom they have to take our freedom away....Vandalism my a_s


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Nov 26, 2007
43.463558, -110.762496
It's past the granola crunching stage. It all boils down to what group of nutless sheep herd following idiots will believe instead of making a good informed decision on their own. No need to sugar coat this topic. Regardless of what WMC's 'intentions' were by posting the links HERE, it was blatantly obvious that they were posted in other areas to try and fuel a one-sided biased response against the motorized recreation community as a whole.

It's articles like these that get responsible snowmobilers/dirtbikers/ATVrs, etc... heckled, scowled at, cussed-out, and sometimes even physically attacked by those that think they are entitled to every square inch of PUBLIC LAND to themselves....

Again.......Vandalism???? You have got to be ****** kidding me.

(fwiw - just got done cutting down 2 thorny Russian olive trees which put me in a perfect mood to tell what I really think about the #1 post in this thread) ;)


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Jul 9, 2001
"Our public lands belong to all of us"

Really???? I don't come across much public lands that have signs saying "no skiers". Typically it's a section of PUBLIC land that is posted "No snowmobiling".

Vandalism??? It's snow??? When it melts the "ruts" are gone. I don't like it as much as skiers do cause I'd rather play on untouched virgin snow, but thanks to more and more of our PUBLIC lands being taken away from us we don't have the area to spread out like there used to be, so get used to the "ruts" and go around them like we do.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
"Our public lands belong to all of us"

Really???? I don't come across much public lands that have signs saying "no skiers". Typically it's a section of PUBLIC land that is posted "No snowmobiling".

Vandalism??? It's snow??? When it melts the "ruts" are gone. I don't like it as much as skiers do cause I'd rather play on untouched virgin snow, but thanks to more and more of our PUBLIC lands being taken away from us we don't have the area to spread out like there used to be, so get used to the "ruts" and go around them like we do.

If ruts in the snow is in fact vandalism then by that logic when the sun melts the snow its vandalism too.
Dec 1, 2007
Jackson, WY
I snowboard just as much as I snowmobile and I don't understand complaints about crossing ruts. If you can't pop over a 2 ft wide rut you should stay out of the backcountry. I'm guessing the complaints are coming from tele-skiers going a$$-over-tea-kettle when the smack into ruts. The problem is their handicap gear, not snowmobiles. They say "free the heal, free the mind." I say "Fix the heal, fix the problem."
Dec 21, 2009
It should have to go through congress, but not the case always. They have been changing boundry lines around tahoe all by themslves. USFS ,its total B.S!!

Stop carrying on this ridiculous and straight false line of rhetorical nonsense. Pay attention to paragraph 16 of the following: http://www.wilderness.net/NWPS/documents/publiclaws/98-425.pdf

The maps were drawn up... Congress approved them, and just because a couple fellers went to San Fran, and a couple of other fellers went down to Carson and poked around the Nevada STATE Library... Well, last time I checked, the Moke is NOT in Nevada so THAT was a waste of gas, and, as for them other fella's pokin around in San Francisco, um, well, I do know that S.F. Is not the seat of Congress.

Another thing I DO know is that a FOIA is a valuable tool. Sheesh. Why was one never filed? There is a couple of old timers that should have either an official letter of denial, or a copy of the map. One or the other. I'm gonna guess that someone has been telling falsehoods for a long time. Who would Gain from that? Sheesh.


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Oct 31, 2012
So apparently marks left in the snow by snowmobiles are bad, marks left in the snow by skis are good, OK got it.
Dec 6, 2007
When there is equality in closures, then I will obey them.

The fact is, there is almost no land closed to skiers. There are over a hundred million acres closed to snowmobile recreation.

You sledders preaching for the prosecution of those who rode over an arbitrary line in the snow have been duped. Following unconstitutional rules helps set precidents that keep you locked out of lands our forefathers died to keep free for all. Money and liberal lobby power are the ONLY reasons wilderness designations exist in the first place. More control of a supposedly free people against their will. "Compromising" with them and playing by the rules you allow them to set is what is causing our loss of access, not the supposed "lawbreakers".
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Well-known member
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Oct 31, 2012
Vandalism is when an Eco Nazi cc skier sets fire to a bunch of SUVs sitting on a dealers lot, claiming they're ruining the environment.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
In 98% of the areas that I ride, all popular snowmobile areas, I NEVER see a skier. Some of these areas people like WMC want to close to us. It is too far in for most of them to even get there and we have zero impact on the environment that is buried under 20 feet of snow right now.
I don't get it either. Back country skiers/snowboarders probably out number sledders 100:1 around here, and still I'm lucky to run in to sled-skiers roughly once a year, and they are always cool cause everyone is out there to have a good time. Unless you suck at skiing/boarding, sleds and skis generally take different lines to boot. Most guys without a sled tour from the ski hills, or from areas much less deep in the back country, or in areas with little/no sled access due to either park land and/or terrain features that make sled access impossible. When I snowshoe (either with my snowboard for access, or just for an outing with the dog), I can choose to go places where sledders are not allowed, or where they are unable to access....but when I sled I can't choose to go anywhere skiers are not allowed. Even then, it's pretty damn easy to plan a trip with very little chances of running in to one another. And it's even easier to simply get along with whoever you run into, regardless of their preferred activity.

This just sounds like a simple case of a few idiots on one "side," and a bunch of over-exaggerated whining on another "side." If that was the only place the sledders could find to sled....get a new hobby. If that is the only place skiers can find to ski....get a new hobby. If snow tracks of any type are ruining your life....get real.

I'd rather ride over sled tracks with a snowboard than ride the moguls that skiers produce, but I'm not on the internet demanding skier free runs or zones. Life is short, no reason to get bent over dumb sh!t.
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