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Why is the advertising banner on the right 3" wide???


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
hmmm.... I don't think so. I've got about 10% of my screen on the right where it was I guess, but CTRL + only increases size of type, not the field. Can't say I had even noticed till now!!


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2007
NW Iowa
Just a thought. Don't know bout you guys, but as a premium member I would like to read all the way across the screen. Isn't there enough room at the top for ads.:bolt:


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 23, 2005
So confusing?

You have stated multiple times that you (christopher) own and operate this site. Why do you have to go to Harris Publishing to get this taken care of?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 12, 2005
Cascade Mnts, OR.
Hey Aaron.
I have a call in to Harris Publishing asking them WHAT that is all about.
As of this morning I still have no reply back from them.

I have to think something was coded in wrong and caused that to display that way.

Trying to get it resolved.

Christopher, whatever happened to this? No offense because I have been a long time subscriber and thoroughly enjoy this forum , but tell them if they are going to leave that big 3" ad over there on the right for the subscribers I will NOT be subscribing again. I pay money every year to not have to deal with this and it is totally obnoxious. I will go the free route like tons of other people do and get around the limited thread views.



Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
So confusing?

You have stated multiple times that you (christopher) own and operate this site. Why do you have to go to Harris Publishing to get this taken care of?

That is not what I have said.

Harris Publishing OWNS this "Site".
They own 100% of the content found on the SnoWest forum.

I run/manage/operate the forums for them and I own the hardware/software that supports it.

But the boarders that surround the forum are owned, operated, managed directly by the advertising department of Harris Publishing. I have very little input on what they do with those boarders.

So when Polaris purchased that larger block of space all I could do was to "ask" why the change had been made.


Jan 3, 2011
southeast ID
Christopher, whatever happened to this? No offense because I have been a long time subscriber and thoroughly enjoy this forum , but tell them if they are going to leave that big 3" ad over there on the right for the subscribers I will NOT be subscribing again. I pay money every year to not have to deal with this and it is totally obnoxious. I will go the free route like tons of other people do and get around the limited thread views.

I feel the same way and will probably do the same. I doubt it will change even if 10% or 15% of the premium members do not renew their subscription but only time will tell. I am sure our subscriptions don't even cover what they charged Polaris for the add space.


Premium Member
Mar 13, 2008
Don't some of you ever get tired of whining, talk about entitlements, what gives you the right to come to someone else's business or home so to speak and tell them what they should be doing to THEIR home. Example
I have a house, you come to my house because you think we could be friends or are friends, you sit in my chair, we share stories, drinks entertainment and go snowmobiling, you usually sit in the same chair when you come over. One day the wife rearranges her living room, you get upset and say why did you move my chair, she just lets the comment slide by graciously, time goes by you occasionally make a comment about not liking where the chair is. Down the road the wife gets a new chair, you whine and complain about the new chair, you still come for the comradare, drinks, entertainment etc, you are eating & drinking a lot, you usually leave a mess, we ask you to help out with the cost of what you are consuming, you hesitantly throw in a pittance of what you are consuming compared to the costs involved with providing you with the things you are currently enjoying. You seem to us to be an ungrateful guest who wants something for nothing and basically is only concerned about what we can do for you and not what you are doing to support and nurture the relationship. So I'm guessing that is what Snowest is feeling, it takes big dollars and man hours to maintain a site for snowmobilers to come and enjoy, share information and fun stories etc, Then a different crowd shows up and wants and wants and wants and really doesn't have anything worth while to contribute. Do you want those kind of people coming to your house, I don't think so, you would not be near as patient as Snowest has been to take the abuse they get on a daily basis from ungrateful guests. Dont whine, make a positive difference, It's not just all about you.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 24, 2008
And now we have been told! Don't go to his house and complain, gotcha.
Nov 27, 2007
Don't some of you ever get tired of whining, talk about entitlements, what gives you the right to come to someone else's business or home so to speak and tell them what they should be doing to THEIR home. Example
I have a house, you come to my house because you think we could be friends or are friends, you sit in my chair, we share stories, drinks entertainment and go snowmobiling, you usually sit in the same chair when you come over. One day the wife rearranges her living room, you get upset and say why did you move my chair, she just lets the comment slide by graciously, time goes by you occasionally make a comment about not liking where the chair is. Down the road the wife gets a new chair, you whine and complain about the new chair, you still come for the comradare, drinks, entertainment etc, you are eating & drinking a lot, you usually leave a mess, we ask you to help out with the cost of what you are consuming, you hesitantly throw in a pittance of what you are consuming compared to the costs involved with providing you with the things you are currently enjoying. You seem to us to be an ungrateful guest who wants something for nothing and basically is only concerned about what we can do for you and not what you are doing to support and nurture the relationship. So I'm guessing that is what Snowest is feeling, it takes big dollars and man hours to maintain a site for snowmobilers to come and enjoy, share information and fun stories etc, Then a different crowd shows up and wants and wants and wants and really doesn't have anything worth while to contribute. Do you want those kind of people coming to your house, I don't think so, you would not be near as patient as Snowest has been to take the abuse they get on a daily basis from ungrateful guests. Dont whine, make a positive difference, It's not just all about you.
What if you are getting paid to maintain said house but your "buddy" is paying the morgage?


Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I feel the same way and will probably do the same. I doubt it will change even if 10% or 15% of the premium members do not renew their subscription but only time will tell. I am sure our subscriptions don't even cover what they charged Polaris for the add space.

What I am hopping is that when that ad runs out, they will give us back that space and increase the width of the display area for the forums once again.
Jun 11, 2006
Graham, Wa
well, im on snowest with my iphone most the time and everything displays jut fine for me... i can type, talk back, give input, get yelled at, read, and instigate people just fine. :)


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
Then a different crowd shows up and wants and wants and wants and really doesn't have anything worth while to contribute.

You mean like someone with 34 posts... and one of the 34 is about this?:face-icon-small-win

Tell ya what... I PAY FOR THIS SITE. I am one of the ones providing content for someone like YOU to come lurk & search for, which allows snowest to charge lurkers like you, and pay the bills.

Every now & then I complain about something, but mostly I spend my time here helping people & trying to make someone's life easier than it was for me when I got started. I run an adblocker, but just on the ads I don't want to see. some of them I leave, which makes the experience exactly what I want it to be. For a while I harassed Christopher, but now I inderstand a bit more what his job entails... it's not easy, and he's stuck between us.. WHINING... and HP being the company they are.... so i harass him LESS these days:face-icon-small-win:D

Want to pay the bills... start posting & helping people. Stop posting about people whining about something that matter to them... Heck, even post just to BS, that brings the numbers up which allows them to make more off of their advertising dollars.

Want to get invited back to your neighbors house... help him paint next time, and maybe he'll let you get away with whining about where his wife put your favorite chair next time:face-icon-small-win (or maybe not... that neighbor's wife was always kinda pissy anyhow... have your neighbor stop by your house instead so you can sit in your OWN chair!!:high5:)

or.... just go back to harassing paid sponsors about how their posts belong in the swapmeet... whichever you prefer.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
Some people just Don't get it. And probably never will.

It's ok, we'll be here waiting for you until you do:face-icon-small-hap

to me... it's all about the ratio.

If ALL someone did was get on here & whine in this subforum about how mean Christopher is because he allowed HP to put an ad on here.... then yeah, pipe down. IF that someone who's whining is also someone who takes the time & effort to be part of the community, the family on here... it's a bit different.

Everything in perspective ya know?
Jun 11, 2006
Graham, Wa
you know what?!?!

so im a premium member yes. i have nothing to complain about for the most part, this site is full of people that love life. well.... at least the snowmobiling lart of it...

the ONLY thing i wonder about, is why the sudden change in the free site to a charged site? The biggest excuse is, to pay for updated servers. okay, but the site basically rents out advertising space to help pay for that. anything else is profit in my eyes.

but hey! you ARE able to get some really helpful information, there IS a great community within this forum, and maybe ONE day, the owner of snowest just might make a huge donation to the powerful greenies to help fight to keep our riding areas open? idk, just a thought.

but hey, this site is a service to these people. do you EXPECT services to be free? snowest is a business, you now pay for the services. its not illegal, and its how most things are ran. deal with it, or continue to be limited. complain all you want, i doubt it will be changed back to a free site.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
so im a premium member yes. i have nothing to complain about for the most part, this site is full of people that love life. well.... at least the snowmobiling lart of it...

the ONLY thing i wonder about, is why the sudden change in the free site to a charged site? The biggest excuse is, to pay for updated servers. okay, but the site basically rents out advertising space to help pay for that. anything else is profit in my eyes.

but hey! you ARE able to get some really helpful information, there IS a great community within this forum, and maybe ONE day, the owner of snowest just might make a huge donation to the powerful greenies to help fight to keep our riding areas open? idk, just a thought.

but hey, this site is a service to these people. do you EXPECT services to be free? snowest is a business, you now pay for the services. its not illegal, and its how most things are ran. deal with it, or continue to be limited. complain all you want, i doubt it will be changed back to a free site.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
complain all you want, i doubt it will be changed back to a free site.

Honestly, I don't think there's anyone that's thinking that it's going to change back, I think what they're ticked about is just the fact that they paid, then the viewing area got smaller? I never saw it, but the margin on my screen is about 2" from the right side, I'd assume that was smaller at one point... I don't remember that being the case though. (for me anyhow, I use Chrome)
Jun 11, 2006
Graham, Wa
so here's the view on my iphone... i can see everything just fine.

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