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Lincoln/Copper Creek Bowls and Road Conditions


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Nov 26, 2007
N of Great Falls, MT
Thanks a bunch for the update, we will probably head up there, just not sure of the day yet, watching weather and of course projects / meetings at work... Saturday is almost always good... weekdays are better when we can swing it.
I'd like to go again, but have too much work right now.

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go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
Looks like we are going to shoot for Saturday. Weather doesn’t look great on Friday and of course Mother’s Day is Sunday. Saturday is target for now. Hope to see you guys out there! Sledhed on the black pro and go high fast on the orange pro. Stop by and say hello and will even share our flaming hot Chito‘s with you. Just not the vanilla Oreos though.

go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
Probably one of the best spring riding days of all times. Again wiped out the entire fuel tank and had to toss in some supplemental fuel to head home. Our tires didn't touch a lick of snow. Road is totally clear all the way to where the trees get thick. No infamous drift to deal with and no snow piled up over the culvert blocking our way. From the trees you unload and ride all the way to the trailhead without having to ride any dirt of any kind. The snow bridge over the Creek down low is still covered at the moment but not sure how long it will last due to fast moving water and warm sunny days. The ride all the way up into the bowls is clear and totally snow-covered. Some areas facing south down low are showing. Snow cover up in the bowls is tremendous. Some major, and i mean major, cornices starting to break off in lake bowl so keep your heads up.
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Dec 19, 2001
Lolo, Montana
Thanks for posting the report Go High Fast. Was indeed a great day... will post up some pics here. And nobody asked to share any of our flamin' cheetos, their loss... total hero snow but could trigger small wet slides on some slopes.

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Kalispell, Mt
Go High Fast and I are probably not done either... wish we could get people off facebook and back onto snowest, and get them to update this thread, if that is where we lost them, impossible to find the depth of knowledge and specific mountain sled helpfulness on there that you can find here on snowest...

Been watching this thread for a while now, this area looks like a ton of fun, keep the reports coming...

I agree, Snowest is so full of knowledge and helpfullness, I don't mind paying a pittance for access to this amount of knowledge...Go High Fast and Scott are just a couple of the many engaging and informative souls I've conversed with on here, and the admins have been very helpful in the past as well. Let's keep the solid information flowing, no one covers the mountains like Snowest!!


Scott Stiegler
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Been watching this thread for a while now, this area looks like a ton of fun, keep the reports coming...

I agree, Snowest is so full of knowledge and helpfullness, I don't mind paying a pittance for access to this amount of knowledge...Go High Fast and Scott are just a couple of the many engaging and informative souls I've conversed with on here, and the admins have been very helpful in the past as well. Let's keep the solid information flowing, no one covers the mountains like Snowest!!

Thanks for the words, man! I remember you've been around here for a while too. Thank you for the contributions!

I came believe I've almost completed 20 years on here.

go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
Tentative plan at this time is for Thursday. If we can get over the snow bridge on Thursday it may be the last day since temperatures are forecasted in or around the 80s on Friday Saturday and Sunday. If we can get in there on Thursday we hope to have a report in time for anybody interested in the weekend.


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Dec 19, 2001
Lolo, Montana
Any road / rode reports welcome...

We will post after our ride tomorrow, hopefully will remember to take some pics, maybe even a couple short videos...


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Dec 19, 2001
Lolo, Montana
Great last day of season for us...

Heavy clouds and intermittent rain in the AM, cleared up in the afternoon.

Made it past road 330B intersection but not a long ways, had to ride a bit of gravel, including the stretch before the last bridge. Also one massive mud bog on the road before you get there... nasty deep and bumpy big time.

The snow over the creek is still intact where we crossed, we went around the right side of the trees. Couple fairly short bare patches after crossing the creek. I will attach the worst area we had to cross, once we got past this it was pretty much all snow all the rest of the way up.

It was a great day overall. Will post more pics tomorrow (it would be nice if I could post directly from google photos instead of having to download them and then upload them... oh well. I think Snowest needs a software upgrade to stay competitive... total side note.


go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
end of season blues

note to Sledhed............so it took me quite a while to wash the mud out of the wheel wells in the car. The trailer and the sled and even the sled cover had its fair share of mud. It took me so long that I forgot our wash the trailer mag wheels and had to bring it back to the washer station at the storage place to do the wheels before wrapping it up and putting away for the summer. The thought of putting away with mud on the wheels didn't sit well with me. There was so much mud under the car that when I parked the Lexus in our driveway overnight after washing it off I had little mud mounds under each of the wheel wells just from the rest of the water draining out from under the car. It was kind of hilarious. Can't believe all the things I found unpacking the car/rolling gear bag and cleaning out the dragon/boss seat pouch where I found the tow strap!. It must of been there from the very first trail ride of the season when I used the Dragon just to get some miles on it. Clutch tools, shovels, shovel handles, sockets, gloves, socks, sneakers, goggles, breath deflectors, batteries, fix a flat, an old and completely black banana, sunglasses, contact lenses, you name it and it was there. Did not find any cheetos or Oreos as of course those never made it back to Ovando from any trip. Loaded the Dragon on the trailer and greased and cycled Stabil through both sleds about three times. Took the storage bags and fuel rack off the sleds to avoid further oxidation on the tunnel and put the covers on both and tarp over everything and wrapped it up good for the summer. What a bummer. Actually I could use the rest! All, and I mean all, body parts are looking forward to some R&R and some slow rehab.

Overall I would rate this season as A+ and one of our best ever. Trail rides on trails we had never been on before were excellent. Lunch at Trixie's was delicious and fun. Spring riding in Lincoln was spectacular! I could go on and on. Thanks for capturing it all with photos and video.

Already looking forward to next year!!
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