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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
If something looks like a turd, sounds like a turd, smells like a turd, it usually is a turd

The main thing to decide whether you are a liberal is if you don't like to do something, you just don't do it, but if you don't like to do something and you don't want anybody else to do it, you are a liberal.

If that’s the case then why is the right so against people smoking pot or being gay? Just cause they don’t like it they are trying to force others not to do it?? By your logic Jeff sessions and Roy Moore are liberals...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If that’s the case then why is the right so against people smoking pot or being gay? Just cause they don’t like it they are trying to force others not to do it?? By your logic Jeff sessions and Roy Moore are liberals...

It's about trying to maintain morality.
We all want to be proud of the citizens around us, our neighbors so to speak. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood full of druggies or queers. It just kills property values.
Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's been proven. So by legalizing it, we are willingly removing one of the steps between our children and harder drugs.
Me? I'm not ok with that.
Homosexuality is not natural, but for whatever reason some are attracted to others of the same sex. Doesn't affect me, no big deal. But having it put out there as simply another option, as if you are weird if you don't at least experiment with it? I'm not ok with that.

Call me quaint, but it boils down to preservation of morality of our future generations.

But I don't have any hatred for you pot smoking homos.
Live and let live.
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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007

It's about trying to maintain morality.

Whose version of morality?

Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's been proven. So by legalizing it, we are willingly removing one of the steps between our children and harder drugs.
Me? I'm not ok with that.
Do you seriously still believe this BS? You have got to be joking? Do you watch 'Refer madness' every evening to brush up on your facts?

With CO and WA in full recreational mode with pot at this point it has done nothing but prove the exact opposite is true. It is unfortunately very hard to find quality research on the subject since pot is still schedule one (while cocaine and meth both are still at the lesser schedule 2).

"...However, the majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, "harder" substances."

"An alternative to the gateway-drug hypothesis is that people who are more vulnerable to drug-taking are simply more likely to start with readily available substances such as marijuana, tobacco, or alcohol, and their subsequent social interactions with others who use drugs increases their chances of trying other drugs."


"- behavior that indicates that the herb is utilized more often than not as an ‘exit’ drug rather than as a gateway to substance abuse."


Information is a funny thing...

Call me quaint.
How about willfully ignorant and narrow minded? Seems to fit the bill a little better.
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Jan 15, 2010
It's about trying to maintain morality.
We all want to be proud of the citizens around us, our neighbors so to speak. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood full of druggies or queers. It just kills property values.
Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's been proven. So by legalizing it, we are willingly removing one of the steps between our children and harder drugs.
Me? I'm not ok with that.
Homosexuality is not natural, but for whatever reason some are attracted to others of the same sex. Doesn't affect me, no big deal. But having it put out there as simply another option, as if you are weird if you don't at least experiment with it? I'm not ok with that.

Call me quaint, but it boils down to preservation of morality of our future generations.

But I don't have any hatred for you pot smoking homos.
Live and let live.

No it’s about the conservative religious right trying to impose their so called “morality “ on others while they support lying pu$$y grabbing bigots like Donny and Roy Moore. If that’s the morality you are selling you can keep it.
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
No it’s about the conservative religious right trying to impose their so called “morality “ on others while they support lying pu$$y grabbing bigots like Donny and Roy Moore. If that’s the morality you are selling you can keep it.

Tell you what...
I'll take our great President Trump and the Honorable Roy Moore and you can have your druggies and homosexuals.

Let us continue to make America great again and you all just keep doing whatever or whoever you do.
We'll stay out of your way, and you can stay out of our way.

What's next?
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Jan 15, 2010
Tell you what...
I'll take our great President Trump and the Honorable Roy Moore and you can have your druggies and homosexuals.

Let us continue to make America great again and you all just keep doing whatever or whoever you do.
We'll stay out of your way, and you can stay out of our way.

What's next?

Sounds like you want the Christian version of Saudi Arabia-illegal homosexuality and jailing people for smoking a leaf. If that’s “great” to you and the rest of the Donny nut swingers than I guess ‘Murcia really is screwed.

Honourable and Roy Moore don’t belong in the same sentence


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Sounds like you want the Christian version of Saudi Arabia-illegal homosexuality and jailing people for smoking a leaf. If that’s “great” to you and the rest of the Donny nut swingers than I guess ‘Murcia really is screwed.

Honourable and Roy Moore don’t belong in the same sentence

I get a kick out of reading your posts!


Well-known member
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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
It's about trying to maintain morality.
We all want to be proud of the citizens around us, our neighbors so to speak. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood full of druggies or queers. It just kills property values.
Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's been proven. So by legalizing it, we are willingly removing one of the steps between our children and harder drugs.
Me? I'm not ok with that.
Homosexuality is not natural, but for whatever reason some are attracted to others of the same sex. Doesn't affect me, no big deal. But having it put out there as simply another option, as if you are weird if you don't at least experiment with it? I'm not ok with that.

Call me quaint, but it boils down to preservation of morality of our future generations.

But I don't have any hatred for you pot smoking homos.
Live and let live.

I wish I could thank this post a billion times!

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
If that’s the case then why is the right so against people smoking pot or being gay? Just cause they don’t like it they are trying to force others not to do it?? By your logic Jeff sessions and Roy Moore are liberals...

I don't care if you are smoking pot while getting crammed in the but. Leave me out of it. Quit trying to cram it down everyone else's throats. We don't have to think they are special because they are not. It is wrong and not natural. I said, when Obama got reelected , it showed that the only thing people cared about was smoking pot and gay marriage. Pretty sad.
Jan 15, 2010
I don't care if you are smoking pot while getting crammed in the but. Leave me out of it. Quit trying to cram it down everyone else's throats. We don't have to think they are special because they are not. It is wrong and not natural. I said, when Obama got reelected , it showed that the only thing people cared about was smoking pot and gay marriage. Pretty sad.

The funny thing about it is that most people who smoke pot or are gay simply want to be left alone and not prosecuted for practicing their chosen lifestyle. pieces of garbage like the dishonourable Roy Moore are the ones getting involved in their business and trying to limit their choices cause it offends them.
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Well-known member
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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
I don't care if you are smoking pot while getting crammed in the but. Leave me out of it. Quit trying to cram it down everyone else's throats. We don't have to think they are special because they are not. It is wrong and not natural. I said, when Obama got reelected , it showed that the only thing people cared about was smoking pot and gay marriage. Pretty sad.

Another great post!!

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
And why is it that every time that I post anything with substantial effort and good sourcing and citations that it goes completely unnoticed or ignored.... anyone... Bueller... I know facts sometimes contradict what people think, but that doesn't mean they aren't true.

It is cool to see the fine folks of Alabama pulled their head just far enough out of their asses to do something somewhat productive.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Druggies.... Like Rush Limbaugh ???

Or anyone that drinks alchohol.

Glad to see more and more states legalizing cannabis...

I've never seen anyone take a bong-rip and go home and beat their wife... but plenty after a few Whiskey-Pops.

This whole pot thing is a WASTE of tax dollars spent to fight it.
Instead, collect revenue from it just like you do other drugs.... prescription, tobacco, alcohol... and lets move past this BS....

Even the Trey Gowdy thinks the same thing... it is ridiuculous that weed has this standard
Weed= Schedule 1 and meth is schedule 2.. Really?? WTF???

Glad that is changing soon .

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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast

Mafesto:Call me quaint.
WHM: How about willfully ignorant and narrow minded? Seems to fit the bill a little better.

Nah ...

Mafesto has shown himself to be mostly a provocateur.... and one of the best one on this site.... Especially when he supported that child mollesting teacher...I don't really believe he supported that..... nuff said.

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