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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Bingo you win. Read between the lines, my post was more about pointing out the obvious and you got it, sort of:bored:..... Really makes no sense whining about people whining does it??? Guess it's as clear as mud to you.
I disagree. If the whiners would follow what you said, "If you don't like it, then don't click on it" and apply that to the site it would be appreciated.

This none sense about the paying is annoying. I mean, this isn't a surprise, this has been 4 months in the coming.
Nov 27, 2007
Drayton Valley
I have no doubt that the number of members on this site will drop dramatically! With that the quality of information on here will decline as well! I know I will not be paying a membership fee for something that has been free for years. Why all the sudden change to a winning formula. I'm sure the owners make a pretty penny off all the advertiseing on this site. I'm dissapointed in this decision at it will undoubtedly make this site A LOT less actractive to new members. And I personally beleive that only old members who have grown to love this site will pay the fee. New members will be far and few between!! Once again I'm dissappointed in this decision!! I would pay the fee if I know the content would stay the same. But I know it won't.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I am only too happy to report that thousands of new members HAVE decided to become premium members, and that new free members continue to upgrade on a monthly basis, and that monthly memberships of new free members is HIGHER than it was for the same time period last year.

Put your fears to rest. A year after this all began, all is well.
Jan 11, 2008
NW Ohio
wow I just came here to ask a question and walked into the great debate. All I wanted to know is how do I know what this limit is so that I can read what I want to.

Warning You have reached the limit of your Free Basic Member reading privileges. To continue reading this thread, please upgrade to Premium Member status.

If this is only the first 25 posts then if I want to read a thread that is a dynamic thread like daily snow totals I am only good for the first 25 days of the season unless someone starts a new thread. I understand what is going on here as far as membership costs but a little insight into what the limitations are besides the "big" checklist would be nice to have.


Enduring the heat till Braap Season
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 4, 2001
Rigby, Idaho
ironic would be a word to describe this post....

so it is ok to whine
not ok to whine about whining
but ok to whine about people whining about whiners

as you say, if you don't like it, don't click on it, but at least try and be a little consisting in your whining...

yes, I do realize I am whining about you whining about someone whining about whiners...

yup whining about you, whining about me, whining about you, whining about me, whining about you, whining about whiners whining about whining............
I think...


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
NW Montana
75 posts...Avalanche section unlimited, and in here! :)

wow I just came here to ask a question and walked into the great debate. All I wanted to know is how do I know what this limit is so that I can read what I want to.

Warning You have reached the limit of your Free Basic Member reading privileges. To continue reading this thread, please upgrade to Premium Member status.

If this is only the first 25 posts then if I want to read a thread that is a dynamic thread like daily snow totals I am only good for the first 25 days of the season unless someone starts a new thread. I understand what is going on here as far as membership costs but a little insight into what the limitations are besides the "big" checklist would be nice to have.

Matte Murder

Well-known member
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Premium Member
May 4, 2011
I am really surprised that 30 bucks over 3 years is such a big deal to some people. It seems to me that if you have enough money to purchase and ride sleds that 30 bones would be insignificant. I know 30 is a lot to some people, especially in this economy, but I wouldn't think they would own or ride sleds.
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