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HRP Boss Seat Purchase Kootenay-Stomper


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2009
My GOD Stomper, grow a pair and pay the kid. WTH is the matter with you, you are in the wrong so be a man about it and make it rite. Your pathetic dude!!!!


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
"Koots Rider"

hmmm.... Its kind of funny that the seat USED to look like this... Pretty obvious its been spray painted thats why all the paint is flaking off of it...
Why else would that HRP logo MAGICALLY have turned black? This doesnt even include the nice big rip in a "perfect" condition seat.

X2, I found it interesting that "Koots" gave several of us that have commented on this link a negative rating. Is it possible that this is the same guy Kootenay-Stomper who sold the seat with another member log in? I am sure you can check admin. access to see if they have the same IP address?


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2009
I wouldnt put it past him, this guys a real piece of s#!+. I think he should be banned from Snowest permanently He gives sledders a bad name. There definatly needs to be a seller rating of sorts on Snowest, something like Ebay has. It would really help protect the innocent against douch bags like Stomper.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
X2, I found it interesting that "Koots" gave several of us that have commented on this link a negative rating. Is it possible that this is the same guy Kootenay-Stomper who sold the seat with another member log in? I am sure you can check admin. access to see if they have the same IP address?

I thought about that too. It was the first thing I checked on, it is actually a separate person. Must just be one of his friends, at any rate "Koots" is now banned from the site. Any further people which wish get involved on his behalf and make asses of themselves will be met with the exact same thing.

I dont care how nice he is/ was or will be to everyone around him. In this case he was blatantly in the wrong. Its not a question its a proven fact.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2009
Hey R44GUY any resolution with Stomper yet. I cant believe he hasn't come clean yet. Man suffers from zero conscience syndrome. A guy like that would steal from his own grandma.:nono::nono::nono:


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
Hey R44GUY any resolution with Stomper yet. I cant believe he hasn't come clean yet. Man suffers from zero conscience syndrome. A guy like that would steal from his own grandma.:nono::nono::nono:

Indy7 & X2:

Unfortunately the issue has still not been resolved. Tha last contact my son had with Kootenay-Stomper that is that he was busy with school and was going to go the bank to do the paypal thing?

Yes I understand you do not use paypal at the bank but more so online even though it either uses your bank accounts or credit cards.

I have lost hope based on his lack of contact, bad information, lies, and how misleading he is that there will be a reasonable outcome. I do however appreciate all of the support from X2, MH, and every one else who has had a positive comments on this thread so thanks.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2009
Well I'm still going to hope for the best. Think positive thoughts and positive results will come.


Mar 30, 2008
Northwest WA
It really sucks when people do bad business here on SW, I hope that you have positive results R44 and that scum (Koots) makes this right. Glad to see he was banned and hopefully this doesn't ruin your sons experience here on SW, there are a lot of good people here in this community.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
Indy7 & X2:

Unfortunately the issue has still not been resolved. Tha last contact my son had with Kootenay-Stomper that is that he was busy with school and was going to go the bank to do the paypal thing?

Yes I understand you do not use paypal at the bank but more so online even though it either uses your bank accounts or credit cards.

I have lost hope based on his lack of contact, bad information, lies, and how misleading he is that there will be a reasonable outcome. I do however appreciate all of the support from X2, MH, and every one else who has had a positive comments on this thread so thanks.

Thats really too bad, However it was the outcome that I was afraid this would have. Im sure you money is already long gone.

I will give him 2 more days to contact you or make this right, then he's out of here.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
I just don't know how people can live with themselves. Why is it so hard to be honest?

R44guy, check with boss on the price of a cover. I'm sure I can install it for you.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2009
I just had an idea I would like to run by my fellow Snowesters. How about we band together as a snowmobiling community and help to restore this young mans faith in society. So I had an idea that we could all that care enough make a donation to this fine fellows PayPal account to help him recover some of his lost funds that the dirtbag STOMPER has stollen from him. I think a donation of even $5.00 will add up prety fast to get him back his $200.00 that hes out. I'm sure we can afford it and it will leave a lasting impression on this young man that will last a lifetime and will hopefully show him that not all people are bad news.

I would also propose that a Mod make this thread a sticky to keep it curent in the Polaris section.

Of course this would have to be alright with his father R44.

Just a thought, let me know what you think.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
I just had an idea I would like to run by my fellow Snowesters. How about we band together as a snowmobiling community and help to restore this young mans faith in society. So I had an idea that we could all that care enough make a donation to this fine fellows PayPal account to help him recover some of his lost funds that the dirtbag STOMPER has stollen from him. I think a donation of even $5.00 will add up prety fast to get him back his $200.00 that hes out. I'm sure we can afford it and it will leave a lasting impression on this young man that will last a lifetime and will hopefully show him that not all people are bad news.

I would also propose that a Mod make this thread a sticky to keep it curent in the Polaris section.

Of course this would have to be alright with his father R44.

Just a thought, let me know what you think.

I made this thread a sticky the day this took place. As long as I am a mod here its going to stay at the top of this forum as a reminder.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
I just had an idea I would like to run by my fellow Snowesters. How about we band together as a snowmobiling community and help to restore this young mans faith in society. So I had an idea that we could all that care enough make a donation to this fine fellows PayPal account to help him recover some of his lost funds that the dirtbag STOMPER has stollen from him. I think a donation of even $5.00 will add up prety fast to get him back his $200.00 that hes out. I'm sure we can afford it and it will leave a lasting impression on this young man that will last a lifetime and will hopefully show him that not all people are bad news.

I would also propose that a Mod make this thread a sticky to keep it curent in the Polaris section.

Of course this would have to be alright with his father R44.

Just a thought, let me know what you think.

IndySeven: Thanks for the input and the support. I believe that we are a collectively very strong network of people of this forum and you make that very clear and positive in your last post as X2 has besides the few others that have posted ib this thread.

It is ofcourse very generous to make such a offer, but we can not accept your offer and we are having the seat recovered as we speak. If we were a lower income family with little or no means then it may be more appropriate. We will accept the fact the K-S is banned or removed as satisfaction but he will more likely become a member under another name.

Is it against the forum rules to list his real name and identify him?


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008

I want to thank you and all the other forum members here about helping in trying to hold KS accountable since he has never made the seat purchase right with my son. He has just ignorned this whole thing hoping that this situation would just be forgotten and slowly go away.


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
KS has been on this forum a long time. He knows how this place should work.

I do also recall that Kootenay Stomper is a younger kid himself. He needs to grow up.
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