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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Definitely time for some more deflection. Manifort convicted on multiple counts & Cohen pleading guilty on 8 counts.

Whether or not there was "collusion with Russia" or not, there was definitely illegal activities going on in Trump's campaign. I still doubt anything will be brought all the way up the ladder until after his first term is up though. Possibly only term, if the republican party would pull their heads out & realize he's not really one of them & stop apologizing for him.

On another note - Global Tyrants now have Trump to thank for the phrase "Fake News." Heard a story yesterday morning about a president in Africa who's been in power since 86 or so touting what he didn't like as fake news. Way to go, Trump.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Hmm. Mafesto seems to have slowed in his adoration...

I love his commenting about Michael Cohen about "flippers" and folks flipping on those above them when they get charged with something.

What? Does he think only the subordinates should be held responsible when something goes south, or when there are shady dealings? That's the pinnacle of corruption. Have some underling take the fall. What happened to things like 'the captain is responsible for the actions of those under his command'. Trump is upset because they're getting closer to him, and the closer it gets the more you'll hear him cry "witch hunt" and "Fake News."

And to get upset about "flipping." How many folks did he appoint in 2017 that he's now "flipped" out of their appointments? And his continual criticism of Sessions for Recusing himself - That's about the only thing I think Sessions has done RIGHT. When judges or attorneys are closely related to a case, they are REQUIRED to recuse themselves, or the case can be dismissed out of hand & a new investigation / trial is required, which costs us the taxpayers more money. With as long as Trump has gone without removing Sessions, it will only appear more damning when he finally does.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
DJT is working on things that matter in this country. like every president shaking things up. But getting things done. like most have never done.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I've remained neutral up to now, but if forced to choose, I am thinking that I would choose our great President Trump again.

Having said that, one thing that really disappoints me is that with the economy doing as well as it is, and job numbers good enough to gloat about, there's no damned reason for not paying down the national debt.

Other than that, I think I approve of what he has been able to accomplish.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Trump NOT invited

Both Bush & Obama are appearing at a gathering to eulogize McCain.

Trump was specifically not invited. Gee, I wonder why. Saying a soldier is a failure because he got captured when you were busy draft dodging is pretty pathetic.

I didn't line up with everything McCain agreed with or supported, but he was a voice of reason & moderation in the last 6 years & I appreciate & admire him for that. He was one of a very few who were willing to cross the aisle & try to work out something that folks from either party could vote for.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I've remained neutral up to now, but if forced to choose, I am thinking that I would choose our great President Trump again.

Having said that, one thing that really disappoints me is that with the economy doing as well as it is, and job numbers good enough to gloat about, there's no damned reason for not paying down the national debt.

Other than that, I think I approve of what he has been able to accomplish.
Remained neutral in what exactly?

This proves the point that those who have supported Trump will continue to, regardless of whatever comes out of his mouth or what he does.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Trudeau blows.
He blew the Asia Pacfic deal.
He blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines.
He blew the pipeline deal.
He blew the deal with China.
He blew the deal with Europe.
He blew pot legalization. He‘s screwed up immigration.
He’s now totally screwed up NAFTA
If he were a baby pig, he's the one you'd plop in the head with a hammer.


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Aug 30, 2011

Here is some CNN anti Trump gold!
During an interview "Remembering John McCain," former Gov. Sununu was sharing stories of praise for McCain when CNN reporter Camerota tries to twist the interview into another relentless anti-Trump slam fest.
She starts in @ 3:50
Link is CNN's youtube channel

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho

Ok, so for once I think I agree completely with Trump on something. This whole garbage with Kavanaugh-

  1. It was 30+ years ago.
  2. If this is really who he was, why didn't it come out 3 months ago when Trump announced him.
  3. ALL it takes to destroy someones reputation in this #metoo era is someone to say something might have happened.
I think the Democrats are worried about having a 5-4 Conservative majority on the court for the first time in 70 years & will do anything to sink the guy. Maybe something happened, and maybe it really is a witch hunt. I'd be very curious to watch the bank accounts of these accusers for the next 6 months for anything suspicious. I think there's a good chance that whoever Trump nominates, unless its a woman, will have the same thing happen to them. I think it more likely the timing on this whole thing is to try to tip the scales on the November election.

All that being said, I haven't checked out the news today. Maybe these gals are believable. But it seems awful convenient.
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
A brain dead monkey can see this is about the left wanting to retain the ability to legally kill the unborn among us. It has nothing to do with Ford or Kavanaugh.


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Dec 1, 2007
Ellensburg Wa
His record speaks for itself.

He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He moved out embassy at a fraction of the expected cost.

He eliminated the threat of ISIS in Iraq and elsewhere.

He got rid of the Obamacare mandate.

He lowered taxes and regulations which created our current economic boom.

He opened Anwar for oil production, he brought back the dying coal industry.

He made it possible to fire inept VA employees and gave veterans the choice of outside doctors when the VA can't treat them in a timely fashion.

He is increasing our military equipment and readiness.

He changed the rules of engagement for war to be fluid and flexible.

He exposed the corruption of the Obama administration with the weaponization of the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

He exposed the fake news media and got them acting like lunatics.

He's exposed the Democrats as hypocritical liars who will do anything for power. Look what they did to Miss Ford.

And so much more DESPITE the constant barrage of accusations, criticisms and resistance from the liberal loons in Hollywood, Washington and the media.

Show me ONE president that had accomplished more in half his term.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
This article nails why I don't like or support Trump.

My wife read it to me & I figured it was by somebody in their 30's or 40's. It's by an 18 year old. Very well written.

To be clear, I would not have been happy if Hillary had been elected either. 2016 gave us Zero good choices. I do think Trump has accomplished some good things & some things he's done I think have been a long time coming. The #1 thing I appreciate about him is that the Status Quo has been thrown out. However, the country is at least as polarized as it was during Obama, if not more so. The level of Rancor & bitterness on both ends has been driven up about 10 fold. If we could vote EVERYONE out of washington, we might be heading the right direction.


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Aug 30, 2011
Anybody tired of WINNING yet?

I was just wondering what kind of crap they will try to pull next, then I read the news to find a Kavanaugh impeachment petition & Pelosi vowing to unearth FBI documents...................FFS..:face-icon-small-con
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Saudi Arabia? Really? and.. GO CANADA!

Ok, so comparing the treatment of Kavanaugh to the treatment of the Saudi Crown Prince is absurd. They both have records which speak for themselves.

  1. The Saudi's are among one of the most repressive regimes on the planet
  2. The Saudi ruling family were basically put in power by the US for some sick reason, and have been upheld by every President since they were.
  3. Trump is right in that they spend a lot of money with us. Whoopdey doo. If you have a retail store & a drug dealer is your best customer & you find out he's selling to your kids what are you going to do. They're evil & we should stop selling arms to them.
  4. Why are we supporting one of the wealthiest nations on the earth in their war against one of the poorest?
  5. So they want to be the predominant power in the middleast as opposed to Iran. Great. Let them. Just get us out & let them sort it out themselves. If we'd stop messing things up in the middle east, terrorists would have less recruits. But this whole garbage goes WAY back to England messing around in the middle east for over a thousand years. Not sure why we had to follow suit.
Anyway. That's my bit for today.

PS. Go Canada for letting people do what they want with a silly little plant that seems to help some people. The leading candidate for Governor in Idaho recently said its a bigger gateway drug than prescription opiates. I know a lot more people addicted to opiates than who are addicted to pot.

Ok. Now I'm done.

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I just find this whole weed thing so ironic with what they did with smoking. Talked how bad smoking was and how much it was costing taxpayers but pot has no downfalls. Right. Every pot smoker I ever seen just wants to lay around and smoke more pot. A bunch I know are just flat burnt out. No side effects what so ever. I will continue telling my daughter it's for losers.Now they are pushing I 185 here in montana. Wanting to raise tobacco $2.00 a pack or can. Using veterans on their add to say we need this to support this or that for them. Always need more more more. I don't think so. They say it will make people quit. They don't want people to quit. They want more money to waste. That's the liberal way.
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