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How about our great President!!!

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black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Actually, there are NO checks on the presidential power to launch a Nuke. The President was supposed to BE the check on the power to launch a nuke. Read up on it. And, honestly, I don't really care that much if N Korea has a nuke. If they were to actually launch one, we would reduce them to molten slag & they know it.

The President can not just launch a nuke at his command and you know that. Come on.

N Korea's failed missile tests? They were hacked by the US. Their tech is decades behind ours.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Trump has accomplished more for the US so far in his term than most other Presidents did in 2 terms , but he is definetly not the most PC one in a long time. But he’s gotta be kinda secretly smiling watching the Dems and their clowns and circus acts. What a bunch of grandstanding socialist morons . Poor Pelosi and some of the other other ridiculous Trump haters , even they can see their chances going down the drain. Bad enough they had to spend their time attacking Trumps positive accomplishments , now they have to deal with the bunch of kindergarten wanna be leaders.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
No doubt that the dems have a sh!tshow of characters right now, but the traitors in our own party are an even bigger embarrassment!


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
So much butt hurt over the 2016 election from the left, now every presidential candidate on the left saying the electoral college should be removed and left to a popular vote. Lets remember(or learn) why our founding fathers created this amazing system.
Do you understand the electoral college?

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The Electoral college very quickly was no longer exactly what they intended (which was primarily that they didn't really trust the electorate), but it is one thing that is uniquely American & has upheld what I think makes our country great. It prevents any one group from dominating. It maintains minority rights with majority rule, but insulates against mob rule. It equalizes states & insures against extremism. Is it perfect? Heck no. I think it needs reformed & the whole Presidential election system needs serious attention, beginning at the Primary level. But throwing it out and going with a national popular vote, would essentially remove "States" from the name of our country. The pageantry of the Presidential election is absurd & grants way too much power to the few in swing states & the "first" Primary & caucuses. Here's my proposed fix:

  • Hold 2 national primary elections, 1 month apart.
    • The 1st would be for "Non-swing" states - States that in the previous Pres. Election had a margin of 55% or more going to one party. This would give the "minority" voters in these states a voice in who their party's candidate would be.
    • The 2nd would be for Swing states, and naturally, a few candidates would fall off between the two.
    • In both elections, use the same Electoral College vote designation.
  • Shorten the whole process. Presidential Primaries & candidacies etc cannot be announced before January of the election year. 2 year campaigning for president is an absurd waste of resources, time & energy.
I think the electoral college is a necessary part of American Politics, but I also think it needs some kind of attention. If you live in Idaho and are anything but a republican, congratulations, your vote is for the republican candidate. Same thing if you live in Oregon and are anything but a Democrat. The only thing I'm mildly curious about were it to be abolished is if voter turnout would go up or down.

I just finished listening to an audio book on Alexander Hamilton. The lack of understanding most Americans have about the founding of the nation & the image that everything was rosy between the founding fathers is fairly absurd. They were a brilliant bunch of guys & I sometimes think the nation became what it was because of their extreme debates and grand compromises. It wasn't perfect then, but it was the best thing yet. Sadly, the tradition of debate & compromise are all but gone now on both sides & so what comes out is mediocrity & red tape, like the ACA or the Patriot Act.
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
So much butt hurt over the 2016 election from the left, now every presidential candidate on the left saying the electoral college should be removed and left to a popular vote.

Not to mention the competition of "How far left can I be?" I really worry what will be produced is the polar opposite of Donald Trump & I worry that whoever that is will win for the same reason Trump won. Because enough people just hate Trump, just like enough people just hated Hillary.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Not to mention the competition of "How far left can I be?" I really worry what will be produced is the polar opposite of Donald Trump & I worry that whoever that is will win for the same reason Trump won. Because enough people just hate Trump, just like enough people just hated Hillary.

I honestly believe that you are underestimating the popularity of our great President Trump.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I honestly believe that you are underestimating the popularity of our great President Trump.
I admit he seems to be enormously popular with about 30% of the population. I still fail to see why, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think you fail to see that there are an enormous amount of folks like me who, while not Democrat, are certainly a little more center than "Our Great President Trump" at least claims to be.
He swept in on the wings of a revolt from the far right & the working class. He'll be swept out on the wings of a revolt from the far left & probably a good chunk of that same working class. The pendulum swings both ways & as much as it disgusts me to say it, AOC will probably be president some time when the pendulum swings left again some time, because that's where electing someone like Donald Trump, Barack Obama, GWB, & Bill Clinton has led us.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
He swept in on the wings of a revolt from the far right & the working class. He'll be swept out on the wings of a revolt from the far left & probably a good chunk of that same working class.

I don't know of anyone that voted for him that is disappointed.
Therefore, unless enough of his supporters die, or the left get more of their "already dead" voters to turn out, or the left can change the rules so they can win, or the left can "lose" enough Trump votes, he will indeed be our President for another 4 years!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I don't know of anyone that voted for him that is disappointed.
Therefore, unless enough of his supporters die, or the left get more of their "already dead" voters to turn out, or the left can change the rules so they can win, or the left can "lose" enough Trump votes, he will indeed be our President for another 4 years!
You also live in Northeast South Dakota.
Time will tell which of us is right.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Imagine being so desperate and stupid that you actually want 16 year olds to vote.

No need to imagine.
You just described the Democrat party in a nutshell.
Sad thing is that they have enough brainwashed followers that the future is indeed uncertain.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
I admit he seems to be enormously popular with about 30% of the population. I still fail to see why, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I think its your news feed, i gave PRI an honest try for a month, it ooozes with Trump hate bias with a dose of poor immigrant everything. Though I will continue to read it to stay up on the “really” & “ffs” just like i do with huffpost.:eyebrows:
You should try a more non-biased source.
He swept in on the wings of a revolt from the far right & the working class. He'll be swept out on the wings of a revolt from the far left & probably a good chunk of that same working class. The pendulum swings both ways & as much as it disgusts me to say it, AOC will probably be president some time when the pendulum swings left again some time, because that's where electing someone like Donald Trump, Barack Obama, GWB, & Bill Clinton has led us.
Your right the pendulum always swings!
AOC is pretty, young and full of bleeding heart feelings. Stupid people will vote for her.
In a bigger picture it has come to the point of if you are “leaning” left you are for: no free speech, no political debate, economy crushing-brain dead green new deal, letting all illegal immigrants in.........see where this leeds?
What would a leftist say in response, just say i’m a white privileged racist from my own secluded tribe, make AOC proud. :)

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Honestly, I've given up on listening to most news in general. I check in maybe once a week until I start hearing them rehash the same topics they always do. And that goes for about any outlet. I'm happier & learning more by spending my commute listening to Biographies, classics, etc. When I hear from someone else about something that is truly newsworthy, I'll look it up. With getting closer to the presidential election next year, the redundancy & punditry on both sides will only increase.
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Imagine being so desperate and stupid that you actually want 16 year olds to vote.

My biggest problem, and I think ultimately the reason the Democrats would want 16 yo's to vote, is that kids are right smack in the biggest den of government controlled propaganda there is & most of them haven't really figured out how to form their own truly educated opinions, or even how to think. They've been told what to think & when to think it. They're being spoon fed common core and other indoctrination & who knows what else. But really, once they hit 18, its still not like they've had any time away from that system to figure out the damage its done to their brain for 12 years.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
if i had to guess,a 16 year old might say something this.LOL

I admit he seems to be enormously popular with about 30% of the population. I still fail to see why

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
"if you lean left ...no free speech, no political debate, economy crushing-brain dead green new deal, letting all illegal immigrants in.........see where this leeds?"

My issue here is that you assume because one opposes Trump, one must necessarily lean left, despite Trumps own whim swinging whatever way his mood for the day, week, month, year or decade may shift to. I Lean Libertarian, but even that is a bit of a misnomer. I don't subscribe to any one set of anything proposed by either or any "Side." The Green New deal is a bad idea. So are political temper tantrums. No political debate? Yeah - both of the polar sides are guilty of that & have been for at least 20 years. The problem is when you take every issue and split it down the middle & make it for or against, THAT eliminates political debate. My take on immigration, I'll admit, is unpopular on this forum & with the Political "right" but it is also a lot more nuanced than anything the "left" has put out there, and informed in large part on the same principles that makes me staunchly pro-life.

It is not & should not be "if you're not for us, you're against us." Everyone, left, right & center & wherever else you may find yourself, should try walking in someone else's shoes. Very little is black and white. My issues with Trump are far more about his leadership style, egotism & than his individual policies or even his results. Is that short sighted or ignorant on my part? Maybe. But I would much rather have a president who I could have my children look to as some kind of role model, rather than a loud mouthed, knee-jerk bully. The man is crass, callous, insincere, self centered, etc... Have previous Presidents had some of those same "qualities?" Sure. But where they had it in some degree of moderation, he oozes with it. Not who I want leading the head of the free world.

Done for now. Thanks.
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