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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
You make some very good points. I should get a better job so I can afford that new pickup and snowmobile. I did make a huge mistake years ago when I chose my profession. I obviously am not living. My profession is Park Law Enforcement. I could make much more money working for the National Park Service instead of the State of South Dakota. I would have to enforce the very restrictive regulations and policies regulating extremely limited vehicle use and the ban on hunting on public lands. Not my idea of fun but it is more money and better living. I could make more money working for the US Forest Service. Not quite as restrictive until the anti motorized groups get there way. Kicking snowmobilers off the forest would be as much fun as a colonoscopy but it would be more money. I work for an agency that encourages responsible snowmobile use on federal lands. I enjoy what I do and have 35 years of service but however I am not living. I do own my home but I am sure it is not large enough or nice enough to be living. I have ample access to excellent hunting and fishing but my equipment is not new enough to be living. I have good snowmobiling within an hours drive and great snowmobiling within 5 hours drive but I am forced ride an old junky M7. Sometimes I really slum it and have to ride either the 87 400 SKS or the Chaparral SSX.

Living is what you make with what you have. Do not let anyone say what you have is not good enough to be what you want to be. I am proud to be white trash.

Yes this thread has gone way off course. Sorry
I dont think big10 has friends just from what i read of him. snocop you dont know me but i know lots of folks who respect you for what you do. i ride the areas you are in. iv seen you at trailhead. every one i know that rides the area thinks a lot of you for all you do for us. and if you have a chaparral ssx i want it............keep up the good work i will talk to you at trailhead next time..


Embrace the BRAAAAAAP!
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Where the Buffalo roam
Read this while waiting for Duane and Rig to get back from pickin up cheese..gotta have something for the macaroni I found while dumpster diving the hood.

They're gonna help me ferry the rig into town for new winter repops..


It'll go to Cooke on a tank of gas so I can spend all my money at Miners !
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 3, 2009
Hot Springs, SD
I am fine with someone always having the latest and greatest. That is why we live in this great country. We are free to choose what we do for a living and what we spend our money on. I just resent being told what I must own to be part of this sport. Let everyone enjoy the sport at the level they wish to or are able to and treat them with dignity. If someone wants to move to an epic snowmobile location, work convenience store wages and live simple to ride their $1500 sled they do not deserve to be judged. If I was not married, already tied to a job and 30 years younger it would sound fun. I would even say lets even lend support to those boarders who use these $1500 sleds to get to their honey holes. When the anti snowmobile groups come to close down those areas which side are those boarders going to join?

polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Work harder, get a better job, buy a decent truck and a better sled. You will enjoy it a whole lot more... I fail to understand those who brag about slumming it. White trash pride? How is your public housing rental unit?

I get that you have to start somewhere but if the age in your profile is correct you may have gone wrong somewhere along the line...

Work harder and get a better job...so he doesn't have to ride sleds for a living in the winter? :face-icon-small-con Perhaps you should take a gander at his user name then you might have realized he puts on more miles at work than you do all season.
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