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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
"Sin taxes" are a very slippery slope.
Non smokers say "doesn't hurt me, I'm all for it".
Then a different bill will tax alcohol. Non drinkers say "doesn’t hurt me, I'm all for it".
Next might be sugared soda, your favorite food or ammo. Eventually it does hurt you.

Furthermore, I am adamantly against "general fund" taxes.
For example, taxes on tobacco should be earmarked for mitigating the costs tobacco has on society and use prevention.
Same with alcohol taxes.
Just like fuel taxes should be for building and maintaining roads.

Anytime a proposed tax is to benefit general fund, that's a sign to vote NO!!!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Couple of things - Recreational pot definitely has its downfalls, as does medicinal pot. Smoking it is the fastest way to get it into your system (for a helping with siezures for example), but smoke inhalation in general - regardless of what is being smoked - is bad for you. It's the primary thing that kills people in house fires.

A lot of people sit around and look at porn all day. Still legal in 50 states, and who knows the amount of victims the porn industry creates. Keeping something outlawed because it creates lazy deadheads is dumb. You may as well outlaw Facebook, Angry birds, netflix, ESPN & smart phones. Personally, I've never used pot. My wife would benefit from it because she suffers from chronic pain & anxiety & were it legal, we might try it. But I wouldn't smoke it.

And Taxes - everything we do is taxed. If you don't think so, try running a business. The government has their hands in everything & until they get slapped, its only going to continue to get worse. Is a "sin tax" a good thing. Probably not. The government does require something to run & build & repair roads, provide for the common defense, etc. But when we're sending billions in aid to other countries, & funding research for some of the most absurd common sense questions in the world, there's no shortage of stuff we should cut. If some scientist wants to know what makes a cat puke, let him raise his own money for it. You can do that now with Go fund me anyway. But that's the kind of research that government funds. Leave it to the free market & you get stuff like SpaceX creating a REUSABLE rocket. (If you don't think that's cool, you should google the landing process it uses - the amount of science & engineering behind it boggles my mind). If we (and every other country in the world for that matter) didn't have everything taxed to death to support the unwieldy global new order, maybe people could figure out things like cures for cancer & how to get to Mars affordably.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Couple of things - Recreational pot definitely has its downfalls, as does medicinal pot. Smoking it is the fastest way to get it into your system (for a helping with siezures for example), but smoke inhalation in general - regardless of what is being smoked - is bad for you. It's the primary thing that kills people in house fires.

A lot of people sit around and look at porn all day. Still legal in 50 states, and who knows the amount of victims the porn industry creates. Keeping something outlawed because it creates lazy deadheads is dumb. You may as well outlaw Facebook, Angry birds, netflix, ESPN & smart phones. Personally, I've never used pot. My wife would benefit from it because she suffers from chronic pain & anxiety & were it legal, we might try it. But I wouldn't smoke it.

And Taxes - everything we do is taxed. If you don't think so, try running a business. The government has their hands in everything & until they get slapped, its only going to continue to get worse. Is a "sin tax" a good thing. Probably not. The government does require something to run & build & repair roads, provide for the common defense, etc. But when we're sending billions in aid to other countries, & funding research for some of the most absurd common sense questions in the world, there's no shortage of stuff we should cut. If some scientist wants to know what makes a cat puke, let him raise his own money for it. You can do that now with Go fund me anyway. But that's the kind of research that government funds. Leave it to the free market & you get stuff like SpaceX creating a REUSABLE rocket. (If you don't think that's cool, you should google the landing process it uses - the amount of science & engineering behind it boggles my mind). If we (and every other country in the world for that matter) didn't have everything taxed to death to support the unwieldy global new order, maybe people could figure out things like cures for cancer & how to get to Mars affordably.

Rock On Sister Hazel, Rock On!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Ok, so comparing the treatment of Kavanaugh to the treatment of the Saudi Crown Prince is absurd. They both have records which speak for themselves.

  1. The Saudi's are among one of the most repressive regimes on the planet
  2. The Saudi ruling family were basically put in power by the US for some sick reason, and have been upheld by every President since they were.
  3. Trump is right in that they spend a lot of money with us. Whoopdey doo. If you have a retail store & a drug dealer is your best customer & you find out he's selling to your kids what are you going to do. They're evil & we should stop selling arms to them.
  4. Why are we supporting one of the wealthiest nations on the earth in their war against one of the poorest?
  5. So they want to be the predominant power in the middleast as opposed to Iran. Great. Let them. Just get us out & let them sort it out themselves. If we'd stop messing things up in the middle east, terrorists would have less recruits. But this whole garbage goes WAY back to England messing around in the middle east for over a thousand years. Not sure why we had to follow suit.
Anyway. That's my bit for today.

Of course the Turkish president calling out the Saudi Crown Prince leans toward the pot calling the kettle black. He survived a military coup only to turn around and jail anybody he thought might have ever thought of having thoughts of opposition to him.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Fact check on the caravan please.

Time for a new rant...

So, a Caravan of "really bad people" some of whom are of middle eastern descent" according to the president (he was called out & admitted he had no evidence of this).

  • Last year ~300,000 people were apprehended at the southern border. Of those 300k, only 80 individuals were found to be of Middle eastern origins. That equates to 2 2/3 people out of 10,000 or 0.026%.
  • The total percent of middle eastern immigrants amounts to around 2.5% of our total annual immigration. Meaning if they're trying the southern border, they're doing it 100 times less successfully than any other means. There are already a lot more Muslims here than 3 out of 10,000 people. If you're so concerned about being overrun by muslims, maybe you should let more hispanics in. They're obviously trying a lot harder & generally speaking, share a lot more of your supposed values.
  • Most of the folks in this caravan are fleeing the rapists & gangs that Trump says are trying to get into our country.
  • Nearly all of the people in the caravan have no idea what the difference between the democrats & the republicans. This is not being orchestrated by the Left. This is happening because of a humanitarian crisis. That's what creates refugees.
  • The caravan is not looking to cross the border illegally. They want to apply for asylum in the United States. Not a crime. How & why did your ancestors (not to mention DJT's) come into the country?
  • Previous similar caravans (of around 5000) that started at the southern border of Mexico, usually result in about 1000-1500 actually reaching the southern US border. Which will not "overrun" the country. (See above - 300,000 apprehended last year - Meaning ~1,000 a day). It may create a slight surge for a day to a week. You want to see what it looks like to be overrun by refugees, go to any country bordering Syria.
What this whole thing boils down to is Trump trying to tap into the same irrational fears that got him elected in order to keep the republicans in power.

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 1, 2007
Ellensburg Wa
Time for a new rant...

So, a Caravan of "really bad people" some of whom are of middle eastern descent" according to the president (he was called out & admitted he had no evidence of this).

  • Last year ~300,000 people were apprehended at the southern border. Of those 300k, only 80 individuals were found to be of Middle eastern origins. That equates to 2 2/3 people out of 10,000 or 0.026%.
  • The total percent of middle eastern immigrants amounts to around 2.5% of our total annual immigration. Meaning if they're trying the southern border, they're doing it 100 times less successfully than any other means. There are already a lot more Muslims here than 3 out of 10,000 people. If you're so concerned about being overrun by muslims, maybe you should let more hispanics in. They're obviously trying a lot harder & generally speaking, share a lot more of your supposed values.
  • Most of the folks in this caravan are fleeing the rapists & gangs that Trump says are trying to get into our country.
  • Nearly all of the people in the caravan have no idea what the difference between the democrats & the republicans. This is not being orchestrated by the Left. This is happening because of a humanitarian crisis. That's what creates refugees.
  • The caravan is not looking to cross the border illegally. They want to apply for asylum in the United States. Not a crime. How & why did your ancestors (not to mention DJT's) come into the country?
  • Previous similar caravans (of around 5000) that started at the southern border of Mexico, usually result in about 1000-1500 actually reaching the southern US border. Which will not "overrun" the country. (See above - 300,000 apprehended last year - Meaning ~1,000 a day). It may create a slight surge for a day to a week. You want to see what it looks like to be overrun by refugees, go to any country bordering Syria.
What this whole thing boils down to is Trump trying to tap into the same irrational fears that got him elected in order to keep the republicans in power.


The USA has a population of nearly 330 million, when do we stop, 500 million, a billion? What's your thought?

Remember a countries rise in per capita income is precisely associated with its population.

BTW, India's population is 1.34 Billion, in 1950 it was 361 million, I'm thinking it gets out of control really fast.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Time for a new rant...

So, a Caravan of "really bad people" some of whom are of middle eastern descent" according to the president (he was called out & admitted he had no evidence of this).

  • Last year ~300,000 people were apprehended at the southern border. Of those 300k, only 80 individuals were found to be of Middle eastern origins. That equates to 2 2/3 people out of 10,000 or 0.026%.
  • The total percent of middle eastern immigrants amounts to around 2.5% of our total annual immigration. Meaning if they're trying the southern border, they're doing it 100 times less successfully than any other means. There are already a lot more Muslims here than 3 out of 10,000 people. If you're so concerned about being overrun by muslims, maybe you should let more hispanics in. They're obviously trying a lot harder & generally speaking, share a lot more of your supposed values.
  • Most of the folks in this caravan are fleeing the rapists & gangs that Trump says are trying to get into our country.
  • Nearly all of the people in the caravan have no idea what the difference between the democrats & the republicans. This is not being orchestrated by the Left. This is happening because of a humanitarian crisis. That's what creates refugees.
  • The caravan is not looking to cross the border illegally. They want to apply for asylum in the United States. Not a crime. How & why did your ancestors (not to mention DJT's) come into the country?
  • Previous similar caravans (of around 5000) that started at the southern border of Mexico, usually result in about 1000-1500 actually reaching the southern US border. Which will not "overrun" the country. (See above - 300,000 apprehended last year - Meaning ~1,000 a day). It may create a slight surge for a day to a week. You want to see what it looks like to be overrun by refugees, go to any country bordering Syria.
What this whole thing boils down to is Trump trying to tap into the same irrational fears that got him elected in order to keep the republicans in power.


That is a bunch of wasted oxygen. Facts don't matter.

By the way you forgot to mention they are +1,100 miles away from the closest border crossing. you would think with FOX news reporting that 10,000 of these people were crossing our border daily. Must be an election coming up with them stirring this much fear lately.


Well-known member
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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
bholmlate yes Facts do matter
This is the list of the one apprehended

U.S. Border Patrol Apprehensions FY2018

<table summary="USBP Apprehensions" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"><thead><tr><th scope="row">USBP</th> <th scope="col">Demographic</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">OCT</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">NOV</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">DEC</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JAN</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">FEB</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">MAR</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">APR</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">MAY</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JUN</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JUL</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">AUG</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">SEP</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">Total</th></tr></thead></table>

<table summary="USBP Apprehensions" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2" rowspan="1" scope="row" style="text-align: center;">Southwest Border Total Apprehensions</th> <td>25,488</td> <td>29,085</td> <td>28,995</td> <td>25,975</td> <td>26,666</td> <td>37,390</td> <td>38,243</td> <td>40,339</td> <td>34,089</td> <td>31,299</td> <td>37,524</td> <td>41,486</td> <td>396,579</td></tr></tbody></table>


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
I just find this whole weed thing so ironic with what they did with smoking. Talked how bad smoking was and how much it was costing taxpayers but pot has no downfalls. Right. Every pot smoker I ever seen just wants to lay around and smoke more pot. A bunch I know are just flat burnt out. No side effects what so ever. I will continue telling my daughter it's for losers.
People who want to smoke/eat/vape/whatever weed are already doing so...it's readily available, inexpensive, and the idea that people won't do something simply because it's illegal is hilarious. I'll bet we all sped on the way to work today. The toll on healthcare (whatever it is or isn't) is already there. At least with it being legal, some tax dollars are collected to offset the burden.

For sure it can affect people, and I have seen the affects on certain individuals with regards to motivation and so forth. But as with anything it really comes down to the person.....good friend of mine is a heavy smoker and went through all of med school smoking his brains out. Now that is an extreme example....but to think occasional use is going to turn someone in to a loser is hilarious. And as a medical alternative to way gnarlier prescription drugs, it is truly a god send for many, many people.

Someone mentioned gateway drug....I always get a kick out of that one.
Everyone knows alcohol is the mother of all gateway drugs. Every drug I tried for the first time I was drinking....and could say the same for all of my friends....and probably anyone I've ever partied with.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
bholmlate yes Facts do matter
This is the list of the one apprehended

U.S. Border Patrol Apprehensions FY2018

<table summary="USBP Apprehensions" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"><thead><tr><th scope="row">USBP</th> <th scope="col">Demographic</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">OCT</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">NOV</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">DEC</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JAN</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">FEB</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">MAR</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">APR</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">MAY</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JUN</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">JUL</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">AUG</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">SEP</th> <th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">Total</th></tr></thead></table>

<table summary="USBP Apprehensions" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2" rowspan="1" scope="row" style="text-align: center;">Southwest Border Total Apprehensions</th> <td>25,488</td> <td>29,085</td> <td>28,995</td> <td>25,975</td> <td>26,666</td> <td>37,390</td> <td>38,243</td> <td>40,339</td> <td>34,089</td> <td>31,299</td> <td>37,524</td> <td>41,486</td> <td>396,579</td></tr></tbody></table>

So what your saying is that the Obama admin was better at apprehending criminals at the border or There are Less people crossing the border then in the past which is it?? Just looking at the total number for the last few years


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
People who want to smoke/eat/vape/whatever weed are already doing so...it's readily available, inexpensive, and the idea that people won't do something simply because it's illegal is hilarious. I'll bet we all sped on the way to work today. The toll on healthcare (whatever it is or isn't) is already there. At least with it being legal, some tax dollars are collected to offset the burden.

With that mentality, we should go ahead and legalize ___________(enter your favorite crime). After all, people who are gonna do it are gonna do it. We might as well get some tax revenue from it.:face-icon-small-con
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
With that mentality, we should go ahead and legalize ___________(enter your favorite crime). After all, people who are gonna do it are gonna do it. We might as well get some tax revenue from it.:face-icon-small-con

To clarify a bit...I think most people have a basic sense of right and wrong keeping them from doing/not doing things as much or more than the law. When the laws are frivolous (such as weed) no one cares and the laws are largely ignored. comparing to other substances may or may not work. Legal shrooms? I’m all for it. Legal crack? Not so much. Same idea, but big difference.

In the same way I don’t care about people speeding on highways (and do it myself)... but do care about people speeding in school zones (and don’t do it).


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I agree with your point, but the problem is everyone's idea of frivolous laws and worthwhile laws is different and the slope is beyond slippery.

We can't pick and choose which laws we will enforce.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
I agree with your point, but the problem is everyone's idea of frivolous laws and worthwhile laws is different and the slope is beyond slippery.

We can't pick and choose which laws we will enforce.

Interestingly enough, the local cops have done exactly that for the last couple years. The city decided it would allow weed dispensaries to operate (with rules of course), despite being illegal. The cops decided they would leave them alone if no one squawked. The consensus was that weed is a huge part of the local economy, people had a huge demand for medical and recreational use, and the cops simply didn't care....no victims, no big downsides. The feds could had stepped in....but obviously they didn't care enough either, cause it never happened. Not saying that's right or wrong....just interesting

Anyways, long story short....I am glad they finally got out of the dark ages and legalized weed, and not because I have ambitions of increasing use personally. I just think it's one less way to turn an average dude in to a criminal.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Personally, I'm against legalization.
But I can't be real vocal because I enjoy alcohol, and I fully understand that the whole "hypocrite" argument.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Giant constitutional Red Flag

Ok, so Trump saying that he can with an executive order change the constitution so those born here are not citizens says 1: He doesn't understand the constitution, or hasn't read it, 2: He doesn't understand or respect the seperation of powers, and 3: He thinks he has a lot more power than he really does.

We are not the only country that allows kids born in their borders instant citizenship. There are more than 30 others, most of which followed our example.

If he actually follows through on this, I know of no executive order in history that will be challenged & overturned more quickly. Its in the constitution. The President is not granted authority to change the constitution. Those of you who follow his cult of personality should see this for the red flag it is. I'm not saying Obama didn't tread all over the constitution as well, not to mention Bush, Clinton, etc., but this is RIGHT IN THERE IN PLAIN ENGLISH.
I'm guessing its no more than more of his posturing for the midterm elections. But if "They" are saying he can do this as easily as an executive order, maybe its time to investigate who "They" are & where they got their education.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I agree with your point, but the problem is everyone's idea of frivolous laws and worthwhile laws is different and the slope is beyond slippery.

We can't pick and choose which laws we will enforce.
There are so many laws on the books that all they can do is pick & choose which laws to enforce. I challenged a ticket for the first time in my life & was floored at the amount of folks in the room who got their drunk driving ticket reduced to something else that won't affect their driving record. if they participated in a class on alcoholism.
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