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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Liberal party/ndp, same thing as I see it, being an American and all.
Now in fairness you should respond to your 14th century wall post.

If your response had made any sense I would have. You are saying there's already a wall on most of the border? What border are you referring to? Pretty sure there's a fair bit of it without any wall... If that was the case then what the hell does Donny want Mexico to pay for? I'll say it again, a wall is pointless. That these clowns are now saying it'll stop the flow of drugs too is even more ridiculous.
Until Jim bob and Daryl start wanting to pick berries and sand drywall there's gonna be work for illegals in the states, and they will keep coming, wall or not.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Once they successfully cross the border, it's like they have reached the promised land, they have it made.
This is what needs to change.
No documentation?......
No benefits
No public tax dollars whatsoever
No rights
Our schools will teach in one language, our language, ENGLISH!

With all that said and they still want to come here to work, I have NO PROBLEM with that. After all this is the USA! That's what we were built on!


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Regarding these who come here to prosper criminally....
Put it this way, we are WAY TOO SOFT on crime.
Let's start a movement showing we've had enough and start with mercilessly dropping the hammer on illegals that are caught committing crime.
Plant this thought in people's mind "I sure as hell do not want to get caught breaking the law in the USA", because trust me, nobody thinks like that right now.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
If your response had made any sense I would have. You are saying there's already a wall on most of the border? What border are you referring to? Pretty sure there's a fair bit of it without any wall... If that was the case then what the hell does Donny want Mexico to pay for? I'll say it again, a wall is pointless. That these clowns are now saying it'll stop the flow of drugs too is even more ridiculous.
Until Jim bob and Daryl start wanting to pick berries and sand drywall there's gonna be work for illegals in the states, and they will keep coming, wall or not.

What a mouthpiece! You'll whine for the next four years about any and everything trump does or says. Is it cuz you didn't get your liberal in the White House of a country you don't call home? Tell me how the last eight years improved life for the average American? Do we need to be more like Canada? Do we need your health care, gun laws, govt.... maybe a coupon for ten Syrian refugees on the back of a box of cornflakes would do it??? You'll hate just to hate! Since you agree with nothing that NOT your president does then maybe you should load up a lil' "hope and change" cuz you know we're "stronger together" and have a "future to believe in" and drive your ars back to the USA and help out! The current issues this country has are in no way entirely the dem's fault but they ate a piece of the pie! What we've had is not as has not improved a darn thing other then enable lazy to get lazier and the working to work harder for less. Time for something new! Maybe it works or maybe it doesn't but sitting up north and bitching isn't gonna change anything!
Jan 15, 2010
What a mouthpiece! You'll whine for the next four years about any and everything trump does or says. Is it cuz you didn't get your liberal in the White House of a country you don't call home? Tell me how the last eight years improved life for the average American? Do we need to be more like Canada? Do we need your health care, gun laws, govt.... maybe a coupon for ten Syrian refugees on the back of a box of cornflakes would do it??? You'll hate just to hate! Since you agree with nothing that NOT your president does then maybe you should load up a lil' "hope and change" cuz you know we're "stronger together" and have a "future to believe in" and drive your ars back to the USA and help out! The current issues this country has are in no way entirely the dem's fault but they ate a piece of the pie! What we've had is not as has not improved a darn thing other then enable lazy to get lazier and the working to work harder for less. Time for something new! Maybe it works or maybe it doesn't but sitting up north and bitching isn't gonna change anything!

If you can't tell how things improved from 2008 to 2016 you are living under a rock. Sure you don't have to agree with everything any government did, but economically alone the situation from '08-'16 is night and day.

Sitting on the far right and saying someone hates just to hate-that's a good one... especially after 8 years of blind obstructionism.

It's got nothing to do with not getting a liberal in the whitehouse, it's got to do with getting an unhinged lying lunatic in there who will put the whole world at risk before this is over.


Embrace the BRAAAAAAP!
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Nov 27, 2007
Where the Buffalo roam
What a mouthpiece! You'll whine for the next four years about any and everything trump does or says. Is it cuz you didn't get your liberal in the White House of a country you don't call home? Tell me how the last eight years improved life for the average American? Do we need to be more like Canada? Do we need your health care, gun laws, govt.... maybe a coupon for ten Syrian refugees on the back of a box of cornflakes would do it??? You'll hate just to hate! Since you agree with nothing that NOT your president does then maybe you should load up a lil' "hope and change" cuz you know we're "stronger together" and have a "future to believe in" and drive your ars back to the USA and help out! The current issues this country has are in no way entirely the dem's fault but they ate a piece of the pie! What we've had is not as has not improved a darn thing other then enable lazy to get lazier and the working to work harder for less. Time for something new! Maybe it works or maybe it doesn't but sitting up north and bitching isn't gonna change anything!

I bet James' got Syrians eating his pantry of cornflakes trying to reunite ten at a time...

Just wait until he finds out Sami and Yaman can't and won't drywall or pick berries
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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
If you can't tell how things improved from 2008 to 2016 you are living under a rock. Sure you don't have to agree with everything any government did, but economically alone the situation from '08-'16 is night and day.

Sitting on the far right and saying someone hates just to hate-that's a good one... especially after 8 years of blind obstructionism.

It's got nothing to do with not getting a liberal in the whitehouse, it's got to do with getting an unhinged lying lunatic in there who will put the whole world at risk before this is over.

Back your chit up and tell me how things have improved for the average working class white male. I'm not sitting on the far right.... I'm sitting right smack in the middle of this garbage our govt has created and the pile got a lot bigger in the last 8 years!


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
And furthermore... what has trump done since he's been in office that has affected you in any way? You scared Nafta is gonna get the boots???


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Aug 30, 2011
You are saying there's already a wall on most of the border? What border are you referring to? Pretty sure there's a fair bit of it without any wall...I'll say it again, a wall is pointless.
Sorry James i should have given more explaination, the wall in pics are of the sourthern california border, it was errected shortly after 9/11 and when it was nobody complained because it was to help protect us. Yes Don wants to add wall in remote areas that only have old broken cattle fence and build were the rio grande is the border. It will cost billions but i say stop sending billions overseas.
If you can't tell how things improved from 2008 to 2016 you are living under a rock.
Race relations have gone back in time to the 1960s, thanks obama.
We are seeing more pointless european style violent protests, nd pipeline was just sickening, obama could have stopped it but chose not too, was glad when trump got in and said "enough."

It's got nothing to do with not getting a liberal in the whitehouse, it's got to do with getting an unhinged lying lunatic in there who will put the whole world at risk before this is over.
Oh my thats a very racist statement, especially judging someone on things they havent even done..


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Is it really lying if your such an egomaniac that the only reality you are living is that of your self centered delusional mind?

I've met a few men so far in my life that act exactly like trump. One is family and one is the father of a very close family friend. Both 'successful' in their business ventures, good Christian 'family men', etc etc. All great stand up guys if leave out the physical and sexual abuse of family members... insanely delusional warped view of reality to the point you cannot even begin to tell them where they have gone astray. Their ego's are so overpowering they cannot actually fathom what they are doing as wrong. Then genuinely believe anything they do is right and that any damage, physically or emotionally, they created is the fault of the recipient. We see this time and time again with trump, constantly mocking people and showing a complete lack of compassion and empathy for fellow humans. Its not just a slip of the tongue every now and again. Their is never an apology, just some sort of circular rambling because again he cannot fathom the wrongdoing was his.

Trumps use of the military is nothing to be excited about either. Yes we have an impressive force and I hate to see it wasted sitting around doing nothing. Trump acts more like a drunk frat boy showing off how tough he is by beating up on someone smaller then him when in reality all he is doing is stroking his own ego, their is no risk, he is not being tough... Just burning up taxpayer money and killing people like its a video game.

And finally, his endless stream of moronic tweets. For every Trump action or policy there is a tweet made in the last 4-5 years that mocks the Obama administration for doing or attempting to do the EXACT same thing. But don't worry, when trump does it, its going to be great, going to be huge, going to be 'unpresidented'.:face-icon-small-dis

And ill save you from wasting your time saying it... 'Oh of course your some sorta liberal MSNBC watching antifa fella huh?'

Hopping on the "Trump train" right now seems more like getting in the car with your drunk buddies. Seems like a great idea if your drunk too, but anyone who is sobering up and seeing this reality for what it really is... Weare just waiting for the accident report in the AM.

I think many of you need to read WHM response, thoroughly.

On another note. On CNN and the BBC today they did say that this administration so far has had at least 100 ethic violations. Less than a 100 days, not bad. Outside of that, I really think Vladimir Putin is the happiest man alive.
Enjoy your Russian Vodka Comrades! Or should I say Suckers.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
I think many of you need to read WHM response, thoroughly.

On another note. On CNN and the BBC today they did say that this administration so far has had at least 100 ethic violations. Less than a 100 days, not bad. Outside of that, I really think Vladimir Putin is the happiest man alive.
Enjoy your Russian Vodka Comrades! Or should I say Suckers.

You might check your source on that as I think your numbers are a lil' off. Ethics violations should not go on with either party but don't think that the current administration is the only one to have committed those. It went on with obama's admin violating the hatch act and prob every other cabinet in history having ethics violations as well! Gripe about trump all you want but don't single him out for the same thing the last president violated as well
Jan 15, 2010
Back your chit up and tell me how things have improved for the average working class white male. I'm not sitting on the far right.... I'm sitting right smack in the middle of this garbage our govt has created and the pile got a lot bigger in the last 8 years!

id say the average white working class male had a waaaay better shot at gainful employment in 2016 then they did in 2008. Donny even said the employment numbers were accurate once they went down .2% on his watch. Take the construction industry for example. In case you have forgotten things had ground to a halt in 2008. I know a lot of people in the states in that business that I worked withfor years that damn near lost everything around then when the banks locked up and no one was building. The last few years have been pretty good for them...

How exactly are you worse off?? No one can seem to answer this one...

And race relations going back to the '60s? Sounds like something Fox News told you to believe. You are insulting anyone who had to deal with real racism back then, the freakin bathrooms in the south were segregated in the '60s, a black person could've have been arrested for riding in the front of a bus or using a whites only drinking fountain. How are race relations today anything close to that?
Jan 15, 2010
You might check your source on that as I think your numbers are a lil' off. Ethics violations should not go on with either party but don't think that the current administration is the only one to have committed those. It went on with obama's admin violating the hatch act and prob every other cabinet in history having ethics violations as well! Gripe about trump all you want but don't single him out for the same thing the last president violated as well

Considering he ran on draining the swamp I'm surprised you are ok with him doing the same chit he condemned others for.

And how exactly did Obama violate the hatch act??
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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
id say the average white working class male had a waaaay better shot at gainful employment in 2016 then they did in 2008. Donny even said the employment numbers were accurate once they went down .2% on his watch. Take the construction industry for example. In case you have forgotten things had ground to a halt in 2008. I know a lot of people in the states in that business that I worked withfor years that damn near lost everything around then when the banks locked up and no one was building. The last few years have been pretty good for them...

How exactly are you worse off?? No one can seem to answer this one...

And race relations going back to the '60s? Sounds like something Fox News told you to believe. You are insulting anyone who had to deal with real racism back then, the freakin bathrooms in the south were segregated in the '60s, a black person could've have been arrested for riding in the front of a bus or using a whites only drinking fountain. How are race relations today anything close to that?

Unemployment rate in January of 08' was 5%. January of 16 was 4.9% and most experts think that number could actually be double that! 800+ billion stimulus package??? Are you kidding me!!! I could care less what trump has said about the .2%. I don't buy that chit either. The Obama administration flat out lied about unemployment numbers. They new that thousands had left the workforce or took part time work. Somehow those folks got left out when figuring those numbers.
The country as a whole is worse off. Especially middle class. Heath care costs have skyrocketed, our deficit has reached astronomical proportions, 2012 saw welfare recipients at all time high (which our former administration enabled!) The massive health care tax imposed on the middle class is drowning people. There healthcare costs increased 25% from 08-2014. Obamacare single handily is demolishing middle class as we know it!
I can't remember who but someone famous once said "we are all entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts". Tell me how middle class is better off.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Considering he ran on draining the swamp I'm surprised you are ok with him doing the same chit he condemned others for.

And how exactly did Obama violate the hatch act??

Can you R E A D??? I said I didn't think it should go in with any administration!!! It's like I'm in kindergarten again! Secretary Castro violated the hatch act. Feel free to google it
Jan 15, 2010
Unemployment rate in January of 08' was 5%. January of 16 was 4.9% and most experts think that number could actually be double that! 800+ billion stimulus package??? Are you kidding me!!! I could care less what trump has said about the .2%. I don't buy that chit either. The Obama administration flat out lied about unemployment numbers. They new that thousands had left the workforce or took part time work. Somehow those folks got left out when figuring those numbers.
The country as a whole is worse off. Especially middle class. Heath care costs have skyrocketed, our deficit has reached astronomical proportions, 2012 saw welfare recipients at all time high (which our former administration enabled!) The massive health care tax imposed on the middle class is drowning people. There healthcare costs increased 25% from 08-2014. Obamacare single handily is demolishing middle class as we know it!
I can't remember who but someone famous once said "we are all entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts". Tell me how middle class is better off.

5% eh? I thought Donny said it was 42% when it benefited him? I guess he is entitled to his own facts...

You sound really miserable, I sure hope the mango messiah can fix it all for ya. Good luck. And I hope you don't have a pre existing condition.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
5% eh? I thought Donny said it was 42% when it benefited him? I guess he is entitled to his own facts...

You sound really miserable, I sure hope the mango messiah can fix it all for ya. Good luck. And I hope you don't have a pre existing condition.

Actually I'm not. I've got a great business, more work than I can handle and I make more money every year despite a govt. that tries to suffocate small business owners! I really like it how you flame other users for stating opinion rather then fact and that's the best you can come up!


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Unemployment rate in January of 08' was 5%. January of 16 was 4.9% and most experts think that number could actually be double that! 800+ billion stimulus package??? Are you kidding me!!! I could care less what trump has said about the .2%. I don't buy that chit either. The Obama administration flat out lied about unemployment numbers. They new that thousands had left the workforce or took part time work. Somehow those folks got left out when figuring those numbers.
The country as a whole is worse off. Especially middle class. Heath care costs have skyrocketed, our deficit has reached astronomical proportions, 2012 saw welfare recipients at all time high (which our former administration enabled!) The massive health care tax imposed on the middle class is drowning people. There healthcare costs increased 25% from 08-2014. Obamacare single handily is demolishing middle class as we know it!
I can't remember who but someone famous once said "we are all entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts". Tell me how middle class is better off.

So did most experts in January of 08' think that the number could actually be double that of 5%?


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
So did most experts in January of 08' think that the number could actually be double that of 5%?

I've never heard that but I'm sure there's room for error involved in any of those numbers. I doubt the +\- in 08' was anywhere close to the same as more of them were still receiving unemployment benefits and factored into those numbers. I won't argue that Obama walked into a problem economy... as did Reagan and some other presidents but I will argue the way he handled it!


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Dec 27, 2008
He's still better than the ******* we have. Turkeys building a wall and no body is complaining. Our dick head is letting more potential terrorists then ever. And we are paying for them to stay in the Hilton. Trudea is the stupidest *** on the planet. He is one clueless ***.
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