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SNOWEST FORUMS: Premium Memberships now available.


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Your not contributing anything positive to this discussion, and yet you persist in trying to create a problem where there is none.

I am now inviting you to stop trying to stir the pot and cause trouble by fanning the flames of controversy.


You're correct. It's you're sandbox. Although I completely disagree with you that I am simply fanning flames, just simply disagree with your business decisions and feel that I am just as right as you feel you are.

I'll sit on the sidelines and watch. Thank you for allowing me the forum to voice my opinion.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 16, 2009
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Members: 42,115, Active Members: 16,652

9.95 A YEAR or 14.95.....whatever it is.

you do the math. the econemy is down. snowest probably took a hit too so this is a way to really boost there yearly income.

its gonna be alot of money to "them" if people pay.

You bet ya! I would rather have the Mag in my hands and not on line! I dont read the paper on line. If I wanted a subscription, I would have paid for one! Times are tight for a lot of people right now and that includes myself! :face-icon-small-fro
Jun 13, 2009
Hailey, Idaho
It's tight for EVERYONE but the people who have no soul and will do anything to make a buck of honest hard working people don't care. What's next, dipping into the offering plate? Not a bit differant then what is happening here.

The tech that brings people here, the great people, the pics people post, the ability to share ride reports are "GIVEN" to the members... and you plan to charge people to access and give more. I hope you intend to wipe the data base clean when you make the switch because my self and many others offered our help to others to help them out not so you can line your wallet.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 27, 2007
Selah, WA
I like to think of myself as a well mannered Christian person. But this pay thing has really started to get my hackles up. It's not the paying part that bothers me so much as the fact that the Almighty Christopher would not listen to one iota of what the members were saying. Most everything that I read was that nobody wanted all of these fancy features, they just wanted Snowest "Classic" edition. For this reason, I will probably never pay for this site, however; if it was presented to the membership that our "Classic Edition" was getting too expensive to operate and "we" (Harris) could use a little help to keep it running, then I'm sure that many people would have gladly helped out, including myself. I just don't like it shoved on to me.
Really, Christopher, I wonder what in the heck is wrong with you and where in the %*^% did you come from? The Obama Administration? Wake Up and Listen for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE DON'T WANT ALL THIS %&**#!!!!!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
reluctance to listen is often a pride issue..pride is the sin that gave us Lucifer...there is just no thought to longevity ...the cancer has started and chemo just aint going to do the trick...but hey it will fill some coffers in the short term so that may be all thats expected or wanted


Feb 28, 2008
eastern washington
well I, like others, am having a hard time choking this down. If the money was all going to a good cause, such as saws or something, I'd be all in as I already donate, but to line christopher's pockets and allow him to profit from other's work and experience is just wrong. Man, I used to love this site! Sure sucks a** to have it hijacked like this:mad: Thanks alot christopher


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 10, 2009
Idaho Falls
$10 a year for the next 3 years then how much will it go up? When does it end? The cost is no big deal for now, its just the principle. You can already tell this site has changed a ton since November, might as well save our money and move with the masses.

not trying to defend the paying, as there is still time to wait and see, but .99 cents a month is 11.88 dollars a year. The three year subscription price is 10 bucks a year. Your method is actually paying MORE per year.:face-icon-small-coo

They tried to ask for donations, and they didn't get any(hardly) any money.


Trail Coordinator
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
For all of you guys who are saying that all you read about was how people did not what the change. Did you ever stop to think that maybe most of the support for the change came from PM's and other private messages because those members did not what to get blasted in the open forum? Did you ever think that maybe there are a lot more people for the idea that those that are against it?

Also for those of you that say now "I would have donated" Why didn't you before? There has been a link on Snowest for years to donate to the forums yet most of the same guys who say "I would have" never did.

Oh and to "jacmmaxwell" and the offering plate comment. Do you really look at Snowest going paid the same as somebody taking from the offering plate? Really?

Snow Duck

The Great and Mighty SnowDuck
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 27, 2009
Kuna Idaho to Elk City Idaho..
to pay of not to pay

Ok i have not paid yet...I will pay to have the up grades...for all who have been on here for awhile, you have seen the site grow and have growing pains but really guys. When you start to jump ship going to other sites it will be a matter of time and the servers they have will need to be upgraded and so on then they will become a pay site also...And yes i have been to the other sites and i am a member of several but i don't see it as jumping ship i see it as keeping up with buddies who have jumped allready and still come back here to read and post and are at the top of the list to not pay and never will...look at it as the new sled you wanted some things you liked and some things you didnt but you still bought it!!!
So dont pay and possibly go away!!! The site becomes faster for all of us that have stayed and then you will pay when you want to come back...


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 27, 2007
Selah, WA
Scattering of the masses

The worst part of all this, is there no longer is one good site left. It was like an explosion with with pieces flying all over. I have been to all of the other sites and have joined them all, but there is no one site that has taken over as the "New Snowest". That is why I keep coming back here (kinda lame , I guess). And the current SW site sucks in comparison to what it used to be.

So to you, Christopher, I raise my glass. Congratulations, you have single handedly destroyed the Snowmobiling community, when in these tough times we should have been banded closer together. HOOOOORRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I wouldn't I still got a promise to big D, but it seems sometimes guys just have some fun on a late night and then Ban Hammer strikes down.

In all reality, the only thing that triggers a BAN in an attack against the site.

When its obvious that a member is deliberately trying to cause trouble, going out of their way, then the Moderators will impose a Ban on them to shut them down.

Funny thing is, if that person then writes to me, and asks to be re-instated, in almost all cases, the ban is lifted.

Problem for us is, that in many of those cases the banned person just creates a new account and comes right back in with a new name and picks up where they left off. And the cycle repeats itself over, and over and over again.

Its just a total waste of everyone's time.

Over 42,000 accounts.
22 of them have been Banned.
38 have been closed.

Thats only a total of 60 out of 42,000 that have shut down.


Nov 26, 2007
gunnison, Colorado
ok, first, one to me for the suggestion, next, simple thread quick, like end of month or a week or something.
post pic of sled, build, riding pics, family pics or vids of anything sled related. poll it at the end and let peeps vote or have your mod crew list top ten or twenty for 1, 2, or three year memberships. maybe top 5 premium 3 yr, next 10, 2 yr, last 5 1 yr....
good luck!


Trail Coordinator
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
ok, first, one to me for the suggestion, next, simple thread quick, like end of month or a week or something.
post pic of sled, build, riding pics, family pics or vids of anything sled related. poll it at the end and let peeps vote or have your mod crew list top ten or twenty for 1, 2, or three year memberships. maybe top 5 premium 3 yr, next 10, 2 yr, last 5 1 yr....
good luck!

Well Played!

But I do like your idea of giving a few away.
Dec 6, 2007
For all of you guys who are saying that all you read about was how people did not what the change. Did you ever stop to think that maybe most of the support for the change came from PM's and other private messages because those members did not what to get blasted in the open forum? Did you ever think that maybe there are a lot more people for the idea that those that are against it?

Do you really expect us to buy that? All that I see right now are hundreds of posts against the change. I do not believe for one second that the majority wanted these changes, or wanted this to become a pay only site. THAT IS THE PROPOGANDA BEING SPREAD HOWEVER.

It is a darn shame to see this site sold out for the almighty dollar.

Sure, I believe that there were complaints/requests to work on the speed issues. sure, I bet there were some wanting to try some new features they see other places. The smart thing would have been to offer those features to those who wanted to pay, and left full, or nearly full, free access to those who liked the old snowest.

Much too late now. I don't see ANY backing off of this becoming a full pay site. The content will suffer, the site will change, but Harris will still make a boat load of money. THAT, not improvements for us, is the motivator.


Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
ok, first, one to me for the suggestion, next, simple thread quick, like end of month or a week or something.
post pic of sled, build, riding pics, family pics or vids of anything sled related. poll it at the end and let peeps vote or have your mod crew list top ten or twenty for 1, 2, or three year memberships. maybe top 5 premium 3 yr, next 10, 2 yr, last 5 1 yr....
good luck!
I am game.
But I need you to flesh out this little contest of your more fully.

Give me something much more concrete..
Nov 26, 2007
Heyburn Idaho
In all reality, the only thing that triggers a BAN in an attack against the site.

When its obvious that a member is deliberately trying to cause trouble, going out of their way, then the Moderators will impose a Ban on them to shut them down.

Funny thing is, if that person then writes to me, and asks to be re-instated, in almost all cases, the ban is lifted.

Problem for us is, that in many of those cases the banned person just creates a new account and comes right back in with a new name and picks up where they left off. And the cycle repeats itself over, and over and over again.

Its just a total waste of everyone's time.

Over 42,000 accounts.
22 of them have been Banned.
38 have been closed.

Thats only a total of 60 out of 42,000 that have shut down.

I have a question. Of the ones banned it seems some have logged back in like you say with an alter. I have then heard there ip is banned as alters are not allowed. Also have heard that some alters were just banned right off the top. so what do you do when the whole household logs into snowest with several different names? it would appear as alters but in actually isn't.
also the closed accounts I know quite a few of them and i find it strange there profile page is still there there post counts and so on. If there closed why aren't they removed?
I Have went from posting to lurking once in a while so see whats up over here maybe someday this place will be what it was But i feel an injustice has been done to some of its members.
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