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How about our great President!!!

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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Following meeting with Vladimir Putin.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," Pres. Donald Trump.

Really?? I guess it must be so if Vlad says it's so... :face-icon-small-coo

HMM... Who-da-thunk-it??


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Jan 15, 2010
Will one of you trump lovin “patriots” please explain how Benedict Donald’s performance today actually helped “Maga”?? Yea, he is really getting the rest of the world to respect you now...

That was pathetic, of course he wanted a closed door meeting, didn’t want to have anyone see Putin sticking it where the sun don’t shine.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Keep up the good work DJT im with you all the way. Your one of the first one in years to do anything. there is lots of cry babies on here but DJT has a strong back go ahead you dem's left wing babies jump on your nothing but flys and he has a little fly swater for bugs like you...
Jan 15, 2010

Actually he is not the president of Canada...

I’m still waiting for one of you trumpies to explain how Benedict Donald’s bowing down to Putin and apologizing for America (I remember you hypocrites being pretty upset and accusing another recent president of doing that...) and sh!tting on HIS intelligence agencies (and his whole country for that matter) is gonna maga... that was an utterly pathetic performance, he might as well have handed over his ball$ on a platter.
Jan 15, 2010
Keep up the good work DJT im with you all the way. Your one of the first one in years to do anything. there is lots of cry babies on here but DJT has a strong back go ahead you dem's left wing babies jump on your nothing but flys and he has a little fly swater for bugs like you...

Do anything? That’s the whole point, he did nothing and gave Putin a big wet kiss like the pathetic little loser he is and gave him a pass. Donny put his own ego about his election “win” ahead of the best interests of the country. Strong back, yea right. I bet putty spanked him with a Time magazine with his picture on it too...

According to Donny it’s “treasonous” to exercise your first amendment right and kneel during the national anthem but it’s OK to stand up next to the “elected” (yea right) leader of Russia and puke on the entire intelligence community (which is a part of his administration)??? WTF is wrong with you people?
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Do anything? That’s the whole point, he did nothing and gave Putin a big wet kiss like the pathetic little loser he is and gave him a pass. Donny put his own ego about his election “win” ahead of the best interests of the country. Strong back, yea right. I bet putty spanked him with a Time magazine with his picture on it too...

According to Donny it’s “treasonous” to exercise your first amendment right and kneel during the national anthem but it’s OK to stand up next to the “elected” (yea right) leader of Russia and puke on the entire intelligence community (which is a part of his administration)??? WTF is wrong with you people?

You need to get away from cnn they have you in a state of depression its not going to get better turn your chanel find something positive.:rapture::fish2::

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Make Russia Great Again!!


More like, No matter how stupid Trump is, He will still be the president. At least until January 21, 2021.

With as much as he railed about Obama apologizing for the United States, his actions of the past 48 hours are, in effect, apologizing to his BFF for those who have spent their lives in the service of the United states. Blaming the US & calling us foolish as the cause of the rift between the US & Russia??? Essentially saying that Putin is more trustworthy than our intelligence community?

"I don't know why it would be." - Really. Have you not listened to a single intelligence briefing? Or paid attention to ANYONE aside from Donald Trump. Or thought about the nature of power or Russia's interests. DJT I'm beginning to think is taking lessons from someone in playing dumb.

I honestly don't care that much that Russia "meddled" with our election. They're a superpower & they did what was in their best interest. But to deny it happened? What's he going to deny next? Round earth consipracy theorists?

USA Meddles all the time in foreign elections, most notably to get Yeltsin in power.

If nothing else, the fact that DJT's demeanor was SO unlike himself. I have never heard him so "meek" as it were. Vladi says its so, so why shouldn't it be so?

And with as much as DJT thinks that we should move on past the "collusion investigation," why on earth is he still bringing up Hillary Clinton's emails? Its not like she is ever going to be able to make another run for the presidency again.

One of the Russian officials at the summit described the outcome for Russia as "beyond super."

Thank you DJT for doing all you can to Make Russia Great Again! This meeting honestly could have had some good results. He did a good job in North Korea. But his behavior in Helsinki is humiliating & possibly the least "patriotic" performance of his illustrious career. Thanks for throwing us under the bus, Pres. Trump.
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Jan 15, 2010
You need to get away from cnn they have you in a state of depression its not going to get better turn your chanel find something positive.:rapture::fish2::

Well considering fox was saying the same thing does that make cnn real or fox fake??

Don’t have to watch the “news” or listen to the talking heads to understand what Donny did yesterday-you just have to watch it . I almost thought it was a SNL skit at first, his kissing up to Putin seemed more like Alec Baldwin’s impersonation than a sitting us president.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
What a disgrace.

Yep these damn liberals here can't be trusted. They are all damn liars. It's all fake news!

Director of National Intelligence and Trump appointee Dan Coats stated, "We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security."

Republican John McCain, "One of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory."

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Republican, Bob Corker said the President "made us look like a pushover" and that Putin was probably eating caviar on the plane home.

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, a Republican, called the President's performance "shameful."
"I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression.

Rep. Will Hurd, a Texas Republican and former undercover CIA officer, expressed shock at Trump's attitude towards Putin and Russia.
"I've seen the Russian intelligence manipulate many people many people in my career, and I never would have thought the US President would be one of them,"

llinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called Trump's comments rebuking the US intelligence community assessment "a disservice".
"The American people deserve the truth, & to disregard the legitimacy of our intelligence officials is a disservice to the men & women who serve this country. It's time to wake up & face reality. #Putin is not our friend; he's an enemy to our freedom".

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a longtime supporter of President Trump, declared on Monday that Trump's performance at a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin was "the most serious mistake of his presidency."


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Make Russia Great Again! This meeting honestly could have had some good results. He did a good job in North Korea. But his behavior in Helsinki is humiliating & possibly the least "patriotic" performance of his illustrious career. Thanks for throwing us under the bus, Pres. Trump.
Mafesto is just chez'd he has to buy a new hat

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Well considering fox was saying the same thing does that make cnn real or fox fake??

Don’t have to watch the “news” or listen to the talking heads to understand what Donny did yesterday-you just have to watch it . I almost thought it was a SNL skit at first, his kissing up to Putin seemed more like Alec Baldwin’s impersonation than a sitting us president.

I still think it would be hilarious if Alec Baldwin ran against him in 2020. Wouldn't be any more ridiculous than 2016. Though, I really wouldn't want either of them as president.


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I think the best one i have seen so for is "Putin's Poodle" I am So glad we have such a brilliant negotiator on the job. that around the world the POTUS is being called Putin's little "B i t c H" It does appear that the Donald finally found the allusive line in the sand that the GOP has regarding his actions. I am sure the GOP wont do anything about it but at least they are starting to stand up to the BS for their on sake The midterm commercial's should be a hoot with regard to the GOP catering to Russia oligarchy
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