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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
This is a political stunt put on to divide the country to try to achieve a result.
I agree with this part at least. I think its a political stunt on both sides personally.

And I have yet to hear a democrat claim they want anyone who is not a citizen to vote. Their children, perhaps. Offering them a path to citizenship, perhaps. But the "widespread" voter fraud some are still claiming is yet another political stunt.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Is it worth it if only 100 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
Is it worth it if only 10 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
Is it worth it if only 1 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
What is ok?

This could be said about any group of people.

To be clear, I'm not saying we should, but think about the following groups in the same line:

  • Convicted Felons
  • Vets with PTSD (how many mass shootings have been done by immigrants vs. vets?)
  • Politicians
  • Policemen
  • Catholic Clergy
  • Victims of Sexual Abuse
  • Uncles
  • Folks with a history of Domestic abuse
  • Drunk drivers
  • Drug addicts
  • Black Men
  • Alt Right
  • Antifa
  • Current & former POTUS's
The American Dream has produced all of the above. I still think we have the best country on the planet. I don't hate any of the above, but there are similar questions raised about them that are sometimes thrown around about Immigrants.
A person should not have to be Jesus to enter the USA. Though I'm willing to bet several of the folks in this caravan just MIGHT be Jesus. :D
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 17, 2008
This could be said about any group of people.

To be clear, I'm not saying we should, but think about the following groups in the same line:

  • Convicted Felons
  • Vets with PTSD (how many mass shootings have been done by immigrants vs. vets?)
  • Politicians
  • Policemen
  • Catholic Clergy
  • Victims of Sexual Abuse
  • Uncles
  • Folks with a history of Domestic abuse
  • Drunk drivers
  • Drug addicts
  • Black Men
  • Alt Right
  • Antifa
  • Current & former POTUS's
The American Dream has produced all of the above. I still think we have the best country on the planet. I don't hate any of the above, but there are similar questions raised about them that are sometimes thrown around about Immigrants.
A person should not have to be Jesus to enter the USA. Though I'm willing to bet several of the folks in this caravan just MIGHT be Jesus. :D

Your a piece of **** Picard don't ever put our vets in with this immigrants discussion. Why don't you get the hell out of the USA and move somewhere else

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
I agree the( vet to immigrant )comparison is uncalled for ,but picard has a better grip on all things political than anyone on this forum,and you revrider could learn alot if you shelved your badass attitude and thought about things before you replied.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
We can disagree, that's fine.
We can debate and even argue, that's fine.
What we cannot do is allow our difference of opinion divide us. That's what the politicians would like, they seem to want a divided America. They want party victory more than American victory.

We're better than that. Let me be the first to admit that I sometimes forget that we're better than that, but we are. We must be. There are a few on here that honestly I've wanted to physically beat. What does that serve? I either kick the azz of a fellow snowmobiler or more likely get my azz kicked. Either way, nothing has been helped.
I think the few on here that I don't like know who they are, and there's a standing invitation that if you're ever going through Webster, I would welcome you in my home for a few beers.
We're all snowmobilers. That's a brotherhood. Let's remember that when we want to strangle one another!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Your a piece of **** Picard don't ever put our vets in with this immigrants discussion. Why don't you get the hell out of the USA and move somewhere else

TO BE CLEAR. I have an enormous respect for our vets. Every year since 2000, I have played Taps on the 4th of July (as well as at other times including funerals) to honor our veterans & those who have fallen. My step father who raised me served in the Navy & my wife's Grandfather drove a tank on Iwo Gima. I can sing all 4 verses of the Star Spangled banner from memory, as well as America the Beautiful & My country 'tis of Thee. It's part of who I am. One of my favorite lines of the Star Spangled banner is "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just." Our vets have been sent into just & unjust causes alike. They don't make that call. That comes down to those in power. I would hold those in power responsible more than vets who come back broken.

I was illustrating how you can take any group of people and apply the exact same ill thought out logic. I think its dreadful what our veterans have had to go through abroad and at home. Our vets, our law enforcement, and any number of additional groups of people do things many of us have never been asked to & may not be willing to do. By highlighting some groups commonly revered in my list my goal is to get you to think about things from someones' perspective aside from your own. By the chord I have obviously struck, I think my point is proven.

Soldiers & law enforcement serve to keep us safe. Immigrants serve to keep us fed. Both are necessary & both are doing jobs a lot of us don't want to do. Sorry to offend. I think I may have discovered right wing Blasphemy by accident. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes before you call those who you don't agree with a piece of (*&^.
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
We can disagree, that's fine.
We can debate and even argue, that's fine.
What we cannot do is allow our difference of opinion divide us. That's what the politicians would like, they seem to want a divided America. They want party victory more than American victory.

Left Wing, Right wing. We're on the same bird & she can't fly with just 1 wing. She also can't fly without some mass in the center.

Very good Libertarian article on the Supreme court I read this morning:
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Vets & Immigrants

This is not researched - But I'm willing to bet that 2nd generation Americans - The children of immigrants in other words - Probably serve at a higher rate than us spoiled 4th or 7th or 10th generation Americans. Immigrants come to America because of our freedoms. Our Veterans serve our Great Country because they appreciate those freedoms. Those coming to our borders did not grow up with those freedoms. Our veterans did. If you ask me, that is where the conversation between Military & immigration lies. It doesn't mean immigrants are somehow more or less deserving than the 10th generation Americans. But when you experience something for the first time after a lifetime without it, you're probably more grateful than if you just grew up with it. The amount of Japanese Americans who served in WWII while their families were in prison camps illustrates it to me.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
We can disagree, that's fine.
We can debate and even argue, that's fine.
What we cannot do is allow our difference of opinion divide us. That's what the politicians would like, they seem to want a divided America. They want party victory more than American victory.

We're better than that. Let me be the first to admit that I sometimes forget that we're better than that, but we are. We must be. There are a few on here that honestly I've wanted to physically beat. What does that serve? I either kick the azz of a fellow snowmobiler or more likely get my azz kicked. Either way, nothing has been helped.
I think the few on here that I don't like know who they are, and there's a standing invitation that if you're ever going through Webster, I would welcome you in my home for a few beers.
We're all snowmobilers. That's a brotherhood. Let's remember that when we want to strangle one another!

Well Said


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 17, 2008
TO BE CLEAR. I have an enormous respect for our vets. Every year since 2000, I have played Taps on the 4th of July (as well as at other times including funerals) to honor our veterans & those who have fallen. My step father who raised me served in the Navy & my wife's Grandfather drove a tank on Iwo Gima. I can sing all 4 verses of the Star Spangled banner from memory, as well as America the Beautiful & My country 'tis of Thee. It's part of who I am. One of my favorite lines of the Star Spangled banner is "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just." Our vets have been sent into just & unjust causes alike. They don't make that call. That comes down to those in power. I would hold those in power responsible more than vets who come back broken.

I was illustrating how you can take any group of people and apply the exact same ill thought out logic. I think its dreadful what our veterans have had to go through abroad and at home. Our vets, our law enforcement, and any number of additional groups of people do things many of us have never been asked to & may not be willing to do. By highlighting some groups commonly revered in my list my goal is to get you to think about things from someones' perspective aside from your own. By the chord I have obviously struck, I think my point is proven.

Soldiers & law enforcement serve to keep us safe. Immigrants serve to keep us fed. Both are necessary & both are doing jobs a lot of us don't want to do. Sorry to offend. I think I may have discovered right wing Blasphemy by accident. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes before you call those who you don't agree with a piece of (*&^.[/QUOT

It took my response to get you to backtrack and say this which is funny because looking at your posts in the past you've been against the Republican Party from the start. Well your the one who wants to lump vets in with list of yours. You can say all you want now but in your original post is your true thoughts. You obviously don't think much of our vets. I am not a vet but I have
immediate family that are. The problem with this country is we are not standing together and supporting our vets. I'm not going to back down on this issue period. When the **** hits the fan I would rather a republican next to me verses a democrat. Happy trails living in la la land.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
It took my response to get you to backtrack and say this which is funny because looking at your posts in the past you've been against the Republican Party from the start.

Not backtracking at all. I'm against the 2 party system entirely. Its broken, not what the founders of our country wanted, and has produced the fiasco we are currently in. Look at all my posts. And the original post, I said "TO BE CLEAR... I don't hate any of the above groups."

I will never call someone a piece of ^%$# & tell them they need to pack up and move to another country. Republican & democrat politicians are 2 sides of the same coin.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho

Thanks to the Republican Nominated Chief Justice John Roberts for putting Trump in his place. Trump's job is the Executive branch of government & his saying that things are going to change with the judicial branch because he thinks it should is absurd. This is not the government "Of Trump, By Trump, and For Trump." Just because you don't like a decision made by the judiciary does not mean you get to rearrange the judiciary. I do think judges have too much power, but consolidating power to the executive branch is not the answer. The consolidation of government to the federal level is, in my opinion, the biggest thing wrong with the country.

I posted this article a few days ago, but its worth the read:


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I am not sure he put him in his place at all. He fired right back at the supreme court justice. Trump and his family seem to think they are above the law. His latest fights with the military, appointing and A.G. without senate approval, and ivanka email problems are all just the latest examples. I am sure the rest of the world is still laughing at his comment about raking the forest. I wish the media would stop reporting on the BS and report on all the things that are being done while everyone is distracted with the Reality show know as the POTUS
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