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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The USA has a population of nearly 330 million, when do we stop, 500 million, a billion? What's your thought?

Remember a countries rise in per capita income is precisely associated with its population.

BTW, India's population is 1.34 Billion, in 1950 it was 361 million, I'm thinking it gets out of control really fast.

We've got a lot of room. What was the US population in 1950? Since when do folks on the "right" care about population control anyway? I don't. That's a China kind of thing. If you can support your kids, have kids. I remember hearing that you could fit the entire population of the world into texas with something like 10 square feet of space for each. (I don't think that would be a good idea, but it illustrates there's a lot of space). If the Ice age we're in the tail end of continues to abate, Canada, Greenland & North Dakota should be much more habitable. :face-icon-small-coo


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So who decides where all these people go?

I can guarandamntee you that in Minnesotans could turn back time, it wouldn't be the ****hole that it is.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Mafesto ACTUALLY if and when they reach our border currently i think they are +1000 miles away from any border crossing. I believe the process is once they ask for asylum at our border they are detained and then go through a process to determine if they in fact meet the requirements that the US has set up for asylum seekers in this country. Until they do they are most often held in privately run and publicly funded detention centers. So it a benefit to the corp. running the facility to keep people in there as long as possible. People that are deemed credible and meet the requirements through the interview and investigation process are given asylum. Those who do not meet the requirements are turned away. Once in the allowed into the US they are free to go wherever they chose to like every other American. then they can apply for US citizenship and start that year process.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Ok, so Trump saying that he can with an executive order change the constitution so those born here are not citizens says 1: He doesn't understand the constitution, or hasn't read it, 2: He doesn't understand or respect the seperation of powers, and 3: He thinks he has a lot more power than he really does.

If our great President Trump said this, I believe that he had counsel advising him as such.
I don't pretend to understand the legal speak of most of our laws so I am at the mercy of what either FOX News or the fake news tells us. You can guess which one gives us more reliable intel.
So I am waiting to hear more on this as things progress.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
If our great President Trump said this, I believe that he had counsel advising him as such.
I don't pretend to understand the legal speak of most of our laws so I am at the mercy of what either FOX News or the fake news tells us. You can guess which one gives us more reliable intel.
So I am waiting to hear more on this as things progress.
Read the constitution. It's pretty clear. Whether you read the 14th amendment, or just read the original constitution on the separation of powers. Whoever provided him this counsel, however "excellent legal scholar" they may be, isn't looking very far down the road (probably not any further than next Tuesday). Even if he were to sign such an executive order, it would be challenged, suspended & overturned within days, if not hours. I could go steal a car if I wanted. My being able to keep the stolen car & avoid prosecution is another matter.

Relying on the news, whatever source, to tell you what's what is always problematic.
And Paul Ryan's Job is not to maintain a majority. It's to lead the majority, and provide a check on the power of the Presidency & the Judicial branches.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 1, 2007
Ellensburg Wa
We've got a lot of room. What was the US population in 1950? Since when do folks on the "right" care about population control anyway? I don't. That's a China kind of thing. If you can support your kids, have kids. I remember hearing that you could fit the entire population of the world into texas with something like 10 square feet of space for each. (I don't think that would be a good idea, but it illustrates there's a lot of space). If the Ice age we're in the tail end of continues to abate, Canada, Greenland & North Dakota should be much more habitable. :face-icon-small-coo

So, your only issue is capacity?


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Read the constitution. It's pretty clear. Whether you read the 14th amendment, or just read the original constitution on the separation of powers. Whoever provided him this counsel, however "excellent legal scholar" they may be, isn't looking very far down the road (probably not any further than next Tuesday). Even if he were to sign such an executive order, it would be challenged, suspended & overturned within days, if not hours. I could go steal a car if I wanted. My being able to keep the stolen car & avoid prosecution is another matter.

Relying on the news, whatever source, to tell you what's what is always problematic.
And Paul Ryan's Job is not to maintain a majority. It's to lead the majority, and provide a check on the power of the Presidency & the Judicial branches.

I gotta say that I'm with our great President Trump on this one.
Where is the sense in rewarding illegals by granting their spawn citizenship?
That's insane, and I'm glad someone is finally challenging it.

Just because I was conceived at a Holiday Inn, doesn't mean that I am granted stock in the place.


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Aug 30, 2011

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Pipeline judge garbage & Executive orders.

So... Why can a judge block an order from a President saying that "the administration needs to do a better job explaining why they think the pipeline is ok with research on climate change etc [essentially]." No judge jumped in when Obama blocked the pipeline construction to say, You need to explain better how you've thought through how this might affect the economy, jobs of folks who have been counting on the pipeline, etc. Judges are supposed to be non-partisan, but it just ain't so.

Also - the executive order on asylum seekers only being able to apply for asylum if they enter at a port of entry - Makes sense. I'm sure it will be challenged in court, but it makes sense. If they were fleeing MEXICO or CANADA, I could see the need to allow asylum seekers being able to sneak in where they could & be excused for it, but that would be an incredibly minuscule amount of people.


Well-known member
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Feb 17, 2008
Mafesto ACTUALLY if and when they reach our border currently i think they are +1000 miles away from any border crossing. I believe the process is once they ask for asylum at our border they are detained and then go through a process to determine if they in fact meet the requirements that the US has set up for asylum seekers in this country. Until they do they are most often held in privately run and publicly funded detention centers. So it a benefit to the corp. running the facility to keep people in there as long as possible. People that are deemed credible and meet the requirements through the interview and investigation process are given asylum. Those who do not meet the requirements are turned away. Once in the allowed into the US they are free to go wherever they chose to like every other American. then they can apply for US citizenship and start that year process.

The problem is once we let them in they illegals don't show up for the hearings and paperwork to follow though and they run wild in OUR country doing whatever the hell they want. Time to use military on border and use some force to discourage this behavior.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The problem is once we let them in they illegals don't show up for the hearings and paperwork to follow though and they run wild in OUR country doing whatever the hell they want. Time to use military on border and use some force to discourage this behavior.

Rock on Sister Hazel!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The problem is once we let them in they illegals don't show up for the hearings and paperwork to follow though and they run wild in OUR country doing whatever the hell they want. Time to use military on border and use some force to discourage this behavior.
Much like everyone else... So give them ankle monitors. Which I think they may already do. Or a cheaper solution, implant subcutaneous RFID trackers.

I tend to think many on the "right" want a wall up & zero immigration period from the fear rhetoric that is tossed around, from "rapists & criminals" to "terrorists" to "small Pox."

I've got an immigrant brother in law, who if his mom hadn't gone home from NY to El Salvador to visit in her last month of pregnancy, he would have been a citizen. Great guy. Much more productive member of society than a lot of other folks I know.

Stats I read recently on the "caravan." ~4800 reached Mexicocity. More than 1700 are under 18. That's 35%. Invasions consist of armed, organized people. What are they armed with? A desire for a better life & the shirts on their backs. Pretty scary. They might out-work you & me. Whether or not they qualify for asylum, they are at least deserving of a little compassion.

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Let them in on merit. Help them in their own country. You can't donate to everything. I'm not afraid of them. Let them come legally. They are playing a game on this asylum gig. They are coached. I don't know if the figure of 70k that the right has put out on each of the illegals is right or not but it wouldn't surprise me if they are on the system. Half that is too much. I know a few really awesome immigrants so I am by no means a hater but apparently we need to remove illegal from the dictionary. People let them go, let them break the law, want to let them vote. What ever happened to the rule of law. The libs already have shown they only care if they get the result they want. This is a political stunt put on to divide the country to try to achieve a result that the left wants. What ever happened to coming legally and learning our language and assimilating. You guys are always whining about the debt but aren't willing to give up all these pet projects that keep costing more and more. Always willing to spend someone else's money.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Much like everyone else... So give them ankle monitors. Which I think they may already do. Or a cheaper solution, implant subcutaneous RFID trackers.

I tend to think many on the "right" want a wall up & zero immigration period from the fear rhetoric that is tossed around, from "rapists & criminals" to "terrorists" to "small Pox."

I've got an immigrant brother in law, who if his mom hadn't gone home from NY to El Salvador to visit in her last month of pregnancy, he would have been a citizen. Great guy. Much more productive member of society than a lot of other folks I know.

Stats I read recently on the "caravan." ~4800 reached Mexicocity. More than 1700 are under 18. That's 35%. Invasions consist of armed, organized people. What are they armed with? A desire for a better life & the shirts on their backs. Pretty scary. They might out-work you & me. Whether or not they qualify for asylum, they are at least deserving of a little compassion.

You're making the case that they are all great humble folks coming here anxious to work & make a better life for themselves.
You & I know that isn't the case.
Others are making the case that they are all either gangsters, rapists, drug dealers etc.
We also know that isn't the case.
It truly is somewhere in between.
Knowing this, we must be cautious vetting who comes in.
Is it worth it if only 100 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
Is it worth it if only 10 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
Is it worth it if only 1 of these illegal immigrants rape or kill someone?
What is ok?

Why are we painted as racists for trying to protect our own?
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