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850 gone down already??


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 14, 2013
Don't confuse personal with business.

Don't even go where you want to go ( poor me, Dan hurt my feeling ) I wa staying to turn this into a Polaris has a poopy piston thread so I can sell forged Pistons.

You think your suttle little tidbits are seen.

It's a great motor....... And you mostly haven't seen a cylinder yet.

If you have one in your shop take a photo in les then the next 10 minutes time stamped against my post..... And make sure the photo is next to today date on a calendar with you yourself in the photo.

If you can do this you then earn the right to be here posting your ( cylinder finish ) piston theories.

If the picture doesn't happen then we will go from there.

POST IT ! I really want to see it !

Then we can go to the next photo moment ( where You and I post pics of who has the most 850 cylinders this moment in their shop to make bold statements about )

Go ! 9:59 seconds and counting



Dan, I'm not playing your silly games..

FACT is, you have no proof of anything that is at epidemic status

Also fact is: My shop (actually 2 buildings) is 10 miles from my house and is a full blown shop that supports via taxes and utilities the city I live in. It is not a garage in my backyard, like yours. But that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, does it?

Everybody has a right to post here and a right to their opinion..

I have had the 850 engine since the Summer.. I know a lot about it. That is a FACT.

It seems you prefer to play games vs address the subject at hand.

I prefer, to keep it factual and NOT result to personal attacks. Different approaches it seems. You will never see me calling anybody derogatory names on a public forum.

At the end of the day. YOU, not me, are the ONLY one in this thread trying to sell people a service or product.

Nothing Subtle about that for sure.

Again, IMO, there is no crank epidemic or cylinder hone finish epidemic. There might be by season's end and there might not be. ONLY time will tell.
Until "time" has passed, I am enjoying my 850 and will continue to do so.
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Undefeated mountain clutching champ of the world.
Lifetime Membership
Oct 14, 2008
I live for this thread and 90 day fiance. My life is complete.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
Dan, I'm not playing your silly games..

FACT is, you have no proof of anything that is at epidemic status

Also fact is: My shop (actually 2 buildings) is 10 miles from my house and is a full blown shop that supports via taxes and utilities the city I live in. It is not a garage in my backyard, like yours. But that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, does it?

Everybody has a right to post here and a right to their opinion..

I have had the 850 engine since the Summer.. I know a lot about it. That is a FACT.

It seems you prefer to play games vs address the subject at hand.

I prefer, to keep it factual and NOT result to personal attacks. Different approaches it seems. You will never see me calling anybody derogatory names on a public forum.

At the end of the day. YOU, not me, are the ONLY one in this thread trying to sell people a service or product.

Nothing Subtle about that for sure.

Again, IMO, there is no crank epidemic or cylinder hone finish epidemic. There might be by season's end and there might not be. ONLY time will tell.
Until "time" has passed, I am enjoying my 850 and will continue to do so.

Everyone has a right....... To tell the truth.

You are a sled shop..... When people asked for pics I produced.

So if you are going to swing info to these people you better show us that you are even remotely able to prove you have even seen a motor apart.

Playing games...... Interesting.

You have been playing games for years with people's motors.

Don't even think of steering this into a game.... If anyone thinks for one second that a motor head would pull a brand new motor apart without pulling his phone out a taking pics YIU are dreaming.

I don't care where your shop is..... Show us the pictures right now.

You have 5 minutes fro this post....... REALY you have had a out forty minutes to get a pic or 2



Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007

So if you don't see any problems with the new 850 motor, is it safe to say you won't have any products/pistons to sell for this motor? What will you do then to keep your two shops busy?


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
Come on you guys (Dan & Addie) . . .can you PLEASE find a way to bury the hatchet.

These posts, along with the "trolls" and "brand loyalists" that can't resist making their unhelpful contributions, just clutters the thread.

It may take some digging, but I can assure you, there is a much more professional and adult way to handle your differences.



Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
ADDIE.....( Kelsey ) I have another question for you.

Why isn't your signature line filled out with your cute little company picture of the ( Piston with the top on fire ? ) with the little mean face on the piston ?


Because he felt he had to go to the self induced witness protection program and change his name.

After his debacle with the Wossner Piston, he had to become a new person as he was relegated to sell the Weisco piston.

As you well know, he couldn't admit as "RKT" he was now selling a piston he had bashed so much on this forum, that would be to humbling and he might be forced to admit he was wrong about something. Instead of handling it professionally, his ego caused him to come in as an alter.

And for business reasons, this would also be helpful for him to target newer customers that were not familiar with his business and his forum tactics as RKT.

Why else did he dodge the early questions in this thread about his identity? Even if you didn't agree, his early posts were definitely thoughtful and technical and above those of the average forum poster. It was only after he was outed did he fess up and the caps and bolds came out.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
Come on you guys (Dan & Addie) . . .can you PLEASE find a way to bury the hatchet.

These posts, along with the "trolls" and "brand loyalists" that can't resist making their unhelpful contributions, just clutters the thread.

It may take some digging, but I can assure you, there is a much more professional and adult way to handle your differences.


I completely agree !

There is ZERO to gain by a childish back and forth between us.

As i have said before also..........I have ZERO to gain by being on this thread finanically.

The 850 work that has started to trickled into the shop has not changed the bottom-end one cent.... as a matter of fact it has screwed up this shop on getting a few of our new products completed.

The 850 motors that have come here are completely assembled... that is a train wreck. I do not have time for that type stuff until spring.

But we struggle thru it.... taking apart and reassembling is not our favorite work...... besides a completely disassembled motor takes up alot of room.

850 updates of any kind will not improve anything at this shop.

My customer base and Kelsey's customer base is what it is.

Dicking around on here arguing would be retarded.

at my age and 32 plus years as a polaris shop getting work has not been a worry for 20 years.

There are only so many hours in a day.... and what comes in just changes the model box on the work request form.

So those who think i am no here to get rich you are out of your mind.

As a matter a fact if as a whole this thread decides it better to have me gone.......... The Moderators can simply ask me to leave and i will go back to full focus on new products.

I have lost more money being on this thread in the shop and i am farther behind then i can imagin.

So that fact is i have been here to give 850 people info that i see to be spot on correct..... i don't guess unless i say its a guess.

So I will gladly exit this thread no problem and ADDIE can take the wheel with his cylinder finish and piston extertise.

I have nothing to gain talking about the 850 at this point.........850 work would have and will work its way to my shop with or without this thread.

I am 56 years old...... i could retire tomorrow if i choose to,

I will never retire if i have it my way.

I love what i do..... and every morning i can't hardly wait to get to the shop.

so it is what it is.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
Come on you guys ( Dan ) . . .

just clutters the thread.


I will remain professional as i can.

But i also would like to hear how interesting this thread would be if i had not posted thoughts and pictures of 850 internals.

Like i said.... I have ZERO problems leaving.

I do not get a big kick out of this.... or thinking i owe it to the people to keep track of what goes on here and keep posting.

So that being said..... there will always be posts people like and dislike on a public forum.

I rarely come on here unless i have relavent sled info to chat about.... I pay for advertising on here and other forums.

I don't need to surf for work.



Undefeated mountain clutching champ of the world.
Lifetime Membership
Oct 14, 2008
Come on you guys (Dan & Addie) . . .can you PLEASE find a way to bury the hatchet.

These posts, along with the "trolls" and "brand loyalists" that can't resist making their unhelpful contributions, just clutters the thread.

It may take some digging, but I can assure you, there is a much more professional and adult way to handle your differences.

This is good info, like 40 years of experience we get to see and learn. We will never get an opportunity to get inside Dans brain of knowledge like this thread. Best thread numbers wise and info wise in SW history. Carry on Dan and Addie. It's all good with me.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk


Polaris Moderator/ Polaris Ambassador/ Klim Amb.
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
As a matter a fact if as a whole this thread decides it better to have me gone.......... The Moderators can simply ask me to leave and i will go back to full focus on new products.


This Polaris moderator is not going to ask you to leave.

You have a wealth of knowledge to share about this and other Polaris Motors.

Your cocktail fueled responses are sometimes a little over the top...

Your spelling is atrocious.....

Carry on.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
This Polaris moderator is not going to ask you to leave.

You have a wealth of knowledge to share about this and other Polaris Motors.

Your cocktail fueled responses are sometimes a little over the top... ( TRUE STORY THAT HAS HAPPENED... TWICE ? ) MAYBE MORE !

Your spelling is atrocious..... SO TRUE !!

Carry on.




Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Mods clean up this thread please. If you clowns wanna talk about car dealerships, costs, walmart etc start your own thread.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

This is good info, like 40 years of experience we get to see and learn. We will never get an opportunity to get inside Dans brain of knowledge like this thread. Best thread numbers wise and info wise in SW history. Carry on Dan and Addie. It's all good with me.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

Still for
Cleaning it up or what?
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