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SnoWest March 2015: "A New Generation of Yamaha Mountain Sleds is here"


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
So, just like you, I JUST got my March edition of SnoWest and read the 2 big articles on the Viper.

I was dissapointed that once again no Yamaha was included in the yearly "Deep Powder Challenge", but encouraged that we got some good coverage in the 2 feature articles.


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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Stock it is underpowered and boosted it would be overpowered to be fair in the deep powder challenge. They could have added it and everyone could have gave their opinions because it is pretty well opinion. It was pretty spot on that they are all good enough that the rider is the weak link. There wasn't a course or times for this year so there was no reason for it not to be in there either way it was tested.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I would sure like to see them include the Viper in the mix next year.
Its high time they added a 4 stroke to the competition.


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Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
I would like to think they could include a N/A viper and a boosted viper in the test to appease the masses. N/A could be 700 class and turbo'd would be comparable to the old M1000 since it put out 170 hp. That is pretty close to the viper and it wasn't considered over powered. Apples to peanuts, but I don't think snowest left out the 1000 when it was in production.

I rode my Nytro stock for two seasons and ran out of talent more often than power. In the end it made me a much better rider. Even with just a suspension/track change it surprised a lot of people and I never had any issues keeping pace on the hill. With that engine in a proven chassis and a good track under it, there is no reason why it shouldn't be on the grid.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


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Dec 17, 2007
British Columbia
Powder Challenge is more of an 800 shoot out then anything, stock Viper would not keep up. Would be cool to see a low boost turbo shoot out, put a pump gas kit on all the sleds and run the same comparisons instead of Turbo Viper vs.Stock 800's which is not a comparison.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
If CAT or SKI-DOO or POLARIS sold a factory authorized Turbo in a mountain sled, then I would say SnoWest should include it.

The fact that ONLY Yamaha is doing this doesn't seem to be a good reason to LOCK THEM OUT of the competition.

AND the fact that you can get the Turbo for ONLY $2,000 is honestly a SMOKING deal for a boosted sled.!


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Put it in the shoot out stock or NA. Its the same price as the others that way and Yamaha claims its the same riding weight or close to at least 2 of the 800s. 135hp with the power band of a 4s in a well set up chassis that gets the power to the snow should compete no problem... The Pros only 139hp. lol


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Dec 23, 2007
I would like to see the Viper in the shootout so that the weight myth can be debunked. No way that sled is as close to the others as AC...errr I mean Yamaha says.

There is no 700 class and by race rules that Yamaha motor is in the 600 if I read it correctly. The stock Viper won't compete with the 800's. Even with a turbo, Yamaha claims 180hp which is roughly 17 less than Doo. The weight difference could have the stock 800's closer to the turbo'd Viper than some might think. It would probably get the edge in a straight hill shot.

I say all of this and still have interest in a Viper. I'd like to spend some tree riding time on a boosted version. It would have to convince me that it has enough power (my turbo'd Pro is much stronger than a factory boosted Nytro) and that it won't wear me down faster than I am now.

You gotta love this machine for what it is, and it's not an 800.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
I would like to see the Viper in the shootout so that the weight myth can be debunked. No way that sled is as close to the others as AC...errr I mean Yamaha says.

There is no 700 class and by race rules that Yamaha motor is in the 600 if I read it correctly. The stock Viper won't compete with the 800's. Even with a turbo, Yamaha claims 180hp which is roughly 17 less than Doo. The weight difference could have the stock 800's closer to the turbo'd Viper than some might think. It would probably get the edge in a straight hill shot.

I say all of this and still have interest in a Viper. I'd like to spend some tree riding time on a boosted version. It would have to convince me that it has enough power (my turbo'd Pro is much stronger than a factory boosted Nytro) and that it won't wear me down faster than I am now.

You gotta love this machine for what it is, and it's not an 800.

Next time you are in Colorado Springs ping me and you can lift the Viper yourself and the 2014 M8 that sits next to it and be your own judge. I suspect you will be stunned as has everyody else that has done this test.

BTW, from stop to 40mph you don't give up anything to the 800 class and where I ride we don't spend much time over 50mph so its great for us.

BigFish BC

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Jan 27, 2005
kitimat b.c
I would like to see the Viper in the shootout so that the weight myth can be debunked. No way that sled is as close to the others as AC...errr I mean Yamaha says.

There is no 700 class and by race rules that Yamaha motor is in the 600 if I read it correctly. The stock Viper won't compete with the 800's. Even with a turbo, Yamaha claims 180hp which is roughly 17 less than Doo. The weight difference could have the stock 800's closer to the turbo'd Viper than some might think. It would probably get the edge in a straight hill shot.

I say all of this and still have interest in a Viper. I'd like to spend some tree riding time on a boosted version. It would have to convince me that it has enough power (my turbo'd Pro is much stronger than a factory boosted Nytro) and that it won't wear me down faster than I am now.

You gotta love this machine for what it is, and it's not an 800.

how many of you think they will sell any of these yammies without a turbo,you mite need to re read your hp yammi 180 & have not seen a stock doo hp above 155,oh & how much power will that be at 5000ft:face-icon-small-sho.its seems funny that everybody thinks its unfair to put a over weight sled you cant ride in the trees,in a competition with the big 3 top sleds.after all its not about the motor its about how the whole packed handles is it not,everybody says its so heavy the hp wont matter.funny how now its not fair cause it has a turbo,should be the best sled each company puts out dont matter hp,weight but same track length.i wouldnt care if the yammi was last but it would be interesting to see how each stacked up.
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Nov 29, 2007
Federal Way
Same track length comparison from stock with what ever the factory backs. Now that is a stunning idea!:face-icon-small-coo
Nov 26, 2007
how many years has it been since yamaha and mountains has been used in the same article, let alone sentence ?...the yammie has generated sincere interest for sure, a turbo has some kick-a$$ attitude regardless of whether it's in a 4 or 2 stroke....i would be highly in favor of the yammie getting exposure in the same comparison as the 800s....tested fairly, let the numbers and rider impressions fall where they may, and let the reader sort out his own preferences/prejudices however he may...i think for several years, the idea of having a "winner" in the shoot-out mostly fueled the prejudice of the reader anyway...i think the writers also spent too much time and effort in justifying their choice which was certainly influenced by their own preferences also...and how do you make fair comparison of local dealer support ?...these are all questions that rightly belong to the buyer....i for one am getting away from the tight tree, branch crunching riding that has dominated for the last 2-3 years, and value a nice ride in a little more open setting, catching the good pow on the shady side of the big trees in interconnecting meadows, couple of nice pulls on a hill that's not imminently on the edge of avalanching down....the yammie kind of fits into this style..:face-icon-small-hap
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Well-known member
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Dec 17, 2007
British Columbia
If CAT or SKI-DOO or POLARIS sold a factory authorized Turbo in a mountain sled, then I would say SnoWest should include it.

The fact that ONLY Yamaha is doing this doesn't seem to be a good reason to LOCK THEM OUT of the competition.

AND the fact that you can get the Turbo for ONLY $2,000 is honestly a SMOKING deal for a boosted sled.!

Then where is the M9000 from Cat which is a factory turbo sled, sorry Yamaha not the only one.
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