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Don't let them take our grooming away!!!!!


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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
Please take a few minutes to send a letter to Olympia and make sure they don't cheat us out of our money.....

From the WSSA website - http://www.wssa.us/

URGENT! CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY! (Jan '12) - It has come to our attention that our Dedicated Snowmobile Fund is in serious jeopardy. Representative Van De Wege has been tasked with finding $6 million for State Parks, but not from the general fund.

One option is the sweeping of various accounts, with the NOVA and Snowmobile accounts being on the list. Rumor has it Representative Van De Wege is not opposed to sweeping funds!

It is imperative you contact your legislators immediately and tell them not to take YOUR funds!

Remind them your Snowmobile Account is a dedicated fund, with monies derived from snowmobile registrations and a portion of the state gas tax for fuel used in snowmobiles. Our snowmobile program is self-funded and doesn't rely on or require any other funding.

Remind them of the economic impact snowmobiling has on Washington's economy. Directly by paying for trail grooming and sno-park upkeep, as well as tax dollars raised by the purchase of machines, parts, fuel and etc. Snowmobilers also spend money on lodging, restaurants, fuel for tow vehicles, and etc. Many small communities DEPEND on snowmobilers during the winter to prop up the local economy.

Make sure they understand that without our Snowmobile Account funds, there is no snowmobile program. Without money, there will be NO snowmobile trail grooming. More importantly, there will be NO plowing of sno-parks. Without a place to park, we can't unload and ride. Period. Incidentally, if snowmobilers lose their trails and sno-parks, they will not re-register their snowmobiles. No registration = no money in the account. (Make sure to explain the snowmobile registration dollars taken in this year are for next years program. While it may look like our account has a surplus, it really doesn't.)

How to find your Legislators...


An idea of what you can send....

(This is what I sent, Please do not just copy/paste, but this gives you an idea.):beer;


I write to you today as a very concerned outdoor enthusiast. Being a citizen of Washington and living in the shadow of the Cascade Mountains, I greatly value the recreational opportunities that are presented to many of us. My chosen past-time happens to be Snowmobiling. The beauty of the Snowmobile program as it currently sits is the fact that it is ENTIRELY SELF-FUNDED and requires no additional funding from any other source. From the funds collected via snowmobile registrations and the small portion of the gas tax that is allocated to snowmobiling, the program is 100% self-sufficient. I feel that I must stop and take some time to write to you today to make sure that in this time of economic recession and trying to make ends meet, I must urge you NOT to take the dedicated funding away from the snowmobiling program.

In addition to the fact that snowmobilers pay our own way, it is important to remember the huge economic benefit that snowmobilers have to the economy of small towns; be it food, lodging, fuel, or the many other basic necessities that go along with snowmobiling, NONE of that additional revenue would be taken in if the dedicated funds from the Snowmobile trail grooming and plowing are taken away. With no funding for the Snowmobile program, trails would not be groomed, parking lots would not be plowed, and it would essentially STOP the sport for many people in the state of Washington, and seriously harm the many businesses that rely on the winter income generated by snowmobilers like myself. I once again urge you to stand up for me and DO NOT allow the snowmobiling funds to be taken away to fill the deficit.

Thank You for your time,

It just took me about 20 minutes to send my comments to;

Doc Hastings
Maria Cantwell
Patty Murray
Curtis King
Norm Johnson
Charles Ross

and to copy all the info here to start this thread. Please take a few minutes and send some comments.... I don't think it can get much easier with all the links and info right here.




Lifetime Membership
Dec 24, 2007
Woodland, WA
This is what I received back from Ed Orcutt:
Greg, Is there a specific bill about which you are concerned? I will oppose any effort to raid dedicated accounts, just as I have past attempts. Ed


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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
I just received this response back from Charles Ross...

Thank you for your email message and I oppose any sweep or transfer of Snowmobile Dedicated Account to be used for other purposes. I appreciate your comments on this issue. I had the opportunity to meet with local snowmobilers in my office yesterday and this was one of the issues that we discussed in the meeting.


Charles Ross
State Representative
14th Legislative District


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
To The Top :director:

Be sure to send your thoughts folks... it is looking more and more likely that we will lose all our dedicated tax money to save the un-deserving programs.

Jan 13, 2009
kelso washington
Our wa. state gov sucks

I've givin up with it sorry, I work nation wide and ride that too our state is the worst for money problems and allocation . For instance i just paid grooming stickers for Idaho and Montana 25 bucks a piece and there stuffs nice ( everytime ) town to town and over the mountain and alot of the grooming is done on a good schedule and for sure before poker runs and what not the clubs and the groomers work hand in hand . Our system and whole funding is screwed and i bought tags this year , my bad. 4 machines.....


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Not sure what area you ride but our state has a pretty good snowmobile program. If you were more educated on how it works you'd have a different perspective. You probably ride the st helen area which we all know needs more money, problem is till we raise our fee's and put more into our dedicated funds, it wont happen, it's just not there. Every dime we take in is accounted for, myself and many others make sure of that. You have to look at our entire state, we have many areas to groom and plow. Way more riders than idaho and most of montana too. and we dont get the colder weather in most cases as they do, thus our trails dont hold up as well. there's a whole lot more to grooming than most people know. Ok, I'll get off my soap box.


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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
My favorite area to ride actually gets groomed twice a week all season and though it may get a bit hard, it does stay pretty smooth... I would hate to see the grooming lost... I know that many others would agree that losing what we currently have (whether it's adequate or not) would be a big loss.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
I know the groom I problem is the quality of grooming and plowing that is done their needs to be standards for the contractors


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Nov 26, 2007
Sequim, WA
Rep Van De Wege and I will have a face to face (we work together). Not sure that it will do any good but its worth a try.
Has it been discussed to cut the number of snow parks. Not suggesting it here but more curious than anything. I'm sure we all have our favorite places to ride and don't want that to happen but I see the $$$'s flowing trying to maintain 101 snow parks.


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Right side of Washington
responses I received:


Senator Schoesler doesn't support any actions that set out to "rob" from dedicated funding levels. Thanks for the heads-up on this - we will watch for it.

Krista Winters
Legislative Aide to
Senator Mark Schoesler
9th Legislative District
State of Washington

Thank you for your comments. I agree. I do not support raiding any account to fund another. I will vote accordingly.

Joe Schmick
Premium Features