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2023 boost throttle run on


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Great Falls Mt
Got my boost Tuesday. Went for a ride and it seems to hang up around 5500 and hangs there when you let off. Rpm’s don’t drop off for a second or two…which gets real spicy when you are poking along through tight trees and give the throttle a blip and you keep on going well after you have let off. No, the cable is not sticking although later in the day my cable froze wfo at least 4 times. Talked to my dealer and they showed me an email from Polaris saying “this is a normal operating condition and they were aware of the issue”…..seems to be a pretty big safety issue to me…probably don’t want to have another recall again ??? Anyone else have this issue?

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Got my boost Tuesday. Went for a ride and it seems to hang up around 5500 and hangs there when you let off. Rpm’s don’t drop off for a second or two…which gets real spicy when you are poking along through tight trees and give the throttle a blip and you keep on going well after you have let off. No, the cable is not sticking although later in the day my cable froze wfo at least 4 times. Talked to my dealer and they showed me an email from Polaris saying “this is a normal operating condition and they were aware of the issue”…..seems to be a pretty big safety issue to me…probably don’t want to have another recall again ??? Anyone else have this issue?
That's part of the fix for people riding the brake too much. I call that a wash.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Nature of the beast....P22 clutch thing, not a throttle thing. Need to be a little more stab-y with the brakes then you're used to. Bugged me for a couple hours...by the end of the day I had completely forgotten about / didn't notice it. Run it
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Seems less pronounced on 9R, and some sleds are more noticeable than others. Also improves quickly as belt wears in initially. "Your mileage may vary"


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Jay is correct. The 9R I rode today was doing it also but intermittently.

The only thing I would suggest is an aftermarket throttle block to verify as snow and ice packed in will cause the same issue.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 14, 2008
My buddy had experienced the throttle run on with his 9R.
Got my boost Tuesday. Went for a ride and it seems to hang up around 5500 and hangs there when you let off. Rpm’s don’t drop off for a second or two…which gets real spicy when you are poking along through tight trees and give the throttle a blip and you keep on going well after you have let off. No, the cable is not sticking although later in the day my cable froze wfo at least 4 times. Talked to my dealer and they showed me an email from Polaris saying “this is a normal operating condition and they were aware of the issue”…..seems to be a pretty big safety issue to me…probably don’t want to have another recall again ??? Anyone else have this issue?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 14, 2008
My buddy's 9R had the run on problem.

I spoke to TRS about it, and he said to try installing a secondary deflection bolt to see if it made a difference. We put one in and slightly opened the secondary and the problem stopped.

I reported back to TRS and he said that either the belt to sheave tolerance isn't correct, or the belt is too wide..Polaris specs are all over the place.

So, you could try a secondary deflection bolt as a diagnosis on your sled.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 9, 2007
Fernie BC
It is the primary deflection too tight my 9r does it my boost is fine. Tried my 600 mile belt off the boost and no change . Here comes recall 6 …..
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